The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
13 stone to chop a salmon in half, lol ya dosey cunt. You just want a heavy knife, cleaver if an option, cut down to the bone, then place blade against it, halfway down the blade, teatowel around one hand, knife held firm in the other, then just thump the end of the blade with your hand fast and hard, it'll cut through with out an issue :) also one HELL of a lot safer than leaning on a blade :lol: tenner for a 11lb salmon though you jammy bastard, I used to retail scottish salmon for around £12/kg on the bone.



Well-Known Member
Im gunna have a go at revegin these 2 little fuckers lol for laugh, way im gunna stick them outside and see if they reveg by the time im back off holiday :)

Blue cheese all chopped and hangin!!



Im from the uk and one of the only reasons im here growing my own shit is because im sick to the teeth of buying ''Ten Bags'' really shitty ones at that, i mean not even a gram for a tenner but these things have to be done if you are to keep yourself going.
Im in the process of growing my own Northern Lights and cannot wait till this shit is done they have only just gone into flower [2days] but they really do pong out my whole garden.


Well-Known Member
i'm using biobizz light mix at the moment with great results... its a bit pricier but is really really good soil..
gonna be looking at coco though when i need to restock...

lot's of people use those diy store soils with mixed results... people that seem to get the best results from them seem to do a lot of doctoring to soil - baking it and all kinds of weird shit... that's why i went with biobizz - my time is worth more than a few extra quid i paid for perfect soil out the bag..



Well-Known Member
13 stone to chop a salmon in half, lol ya dosey cunt. You just want a heavy knife, cleaver if an option, cut down to the bone, then place blade against it, halfway down the blade, teatowel around one hand, knife held firm in the other, then just thump the end of the blade with your hand fast and hard, it'll cut through with out an issue :) also one HELL of a lot safer than leaning on a blade :lol: tenner for a 11lb salmon though you jammy bastard, I used to retail scottish salmon for around £12/kg on the bone.

blades werent sharpened that well, ( i did it myself, i usually get my mate too do it, he's a butcher to trade) but the spine was as thick as my fuckin finger!! i keep on meaning to get a cleaver coz theyre handy as fuck but when you look like me you tend not to go into shops and buy them, internet probably safest option.....i dont mean i look like some sort of thug but i tend towards hooded tops, baseball caps and lotsa old school tattoos, jist kinda looks dodgy!!


Well-Known Member
blades werent sharpened that well, ( i did it myself, i usually get my mate too do it, he's a butcher to trade) but the spine was as thick as my fuckin finger!! i keep on meaning to get a cleaver coz theyre handy as fuck but when you look like me you tend not to go into shops and buy them, internet probably safest option.....i dont mean i look like some sort of thug but i tend towards hooded tops, baseball caps and lotsa old school tattoos, jist kinda looks dodgy!!
U forgot your socks tucked into your trackies. lol


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody can someone tell me i where can i get calmag from in England??
its an elusive 'ol substance, i tried ordering a few times on ebay and it always ended up not showing up so just had to get my money back. I know pukka managed to get his mits on some though, but he got his off ebay as well. If you get a good Nitrogen supplement then that will increase your cal mag levels as well

U forgot your socks tucked into your trackies. lol
lol disgrace dura

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
its an elusive 'ol substance, i tried ordering a few times on ebay and it always ended up not showing up so just had to get my money back. I know pukka managed to get his mits on some though, but he got his off ebay as well. If you get a good Nitrogen supplement then that will increase your cal mag levels as well

Ok cool what can i use to sort out this plant?View attachment 1669148View attachment 1669149View attachment 1669150View attachment 1669151View attachment 1669152View attachment 1669153View attachment 1669154


Well-Known Member
its an elusive 'ol substance, i tried ordering a few times on ebay and it always ended up not showing up so just had to get my money back. I know pukka managed to get his mits on some though, but he got his off ebay as well. If you get a good Nitrogen supplement then that will increase your cal mag levels as well

Ok cool what can i use to sort out this plant?View attachment 1669148View attachment 1669149View attachment 1669150View attachment 1669151View attachment 1669152View attachment 1669153View attachment 1669154
A big pair of scissors. lol Just Kidding. Is the new growtrh ok and is it just the bottom leafs that look like this