I have spent hundreds $ with edit. But after having problem after problem(last three orders in a row no less !) If y.ou have a problem and send them an email,you may not be answered for many days. If you send them an angry email, get ready for the games as they seem to have spiteful,non customer service attitude .Items that are out of stock dont appear as such until they have your $. My last order did not say out of stock until I ordered. The next day(6-2) I find out the item is out.They said it would be restocked on the 9th. The 9th came and went with no notice of any kind. On the 11th I sent an email inquiring why. Eventually I got a notice saying it would be restocked on the 27th now? WTF ? This is a small example of the bullshit this company pulls !! Some people will try to convince you that this is not true. All you have to do is type in keywords everyonedoesit reviews and decide for yourself !!! Good Luck !!!!!!!