If SHTF, are you ready?


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: LOL.. there's no shower curtain... LOL... was there one before you invited me? LOL..

How can one truly get to know themselves if they are always spending time with others?

I think that's one of the problems. We are always our worst critic. People have always said "well you have to live with yourself". The thing is today, most people don't have to deal with living with themselves. So many people have been consumed by this moral-less society and no longer have to or choose to face themselves. When you are alone- and in your heart you know you did something wrong, that will eat away at you and imprison you more than any wall, shackle, or bar. In today's world, most people are honestly running from consciousness.

Hehe, yeah there was a shower cutain, but I thought you'd notice the 3 holes I cut out:hump: so I tore it down.:mrgreen:

I think this guy sums up my opinion far better than I myself could. Check him out.

:clap:The Book Journal - Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto:clap:


Well-Known Member
i consider myself a longer but still keep in contact with my family and love them. My few friends are very close and I adore them. I love my dog and glad he is around also.

And even I, loner though i am, still reach out to people on this forum to feel like i'm part of some community.

I think if we lived in tighter-knit, limited population communities life would be much more fulfilling rather than the rampant feelings of loneliness and alienation felt by many in these modern times.


Well-Known Member
i consider myself a longer but still keep in contact with my family and love them. My few friends are very close and I adore them. I love my dog and glad he is around also.

And even I, loner though i am, still reach out to people on this forum to feel like i'm part of some community.

I think if we lived in tighter-knit, limited population communities life would be much more fulfilling rather than the rampant feelings of loneliness and alienation felt by many in these modern times.
A place like this is so different.. for example. for me, it gives me some type of social circle. We all come from different walks of life- yet because of this herb, we come together- we can talk, we can relate. It surpasses all boundaries usually applied in "modern society". But at the same time- there's no expectations of you, no one gets mad if you just pop in reply to one thread and leave.

LOL, I'd prefer a small "social life" here than in "reality" However, my closely regarded friends here- I'd more than love to spend some social time with them in "reality" Yet our relationships are different.. our relationships here are not chosen by location, they aren't chosen by sex or even age, these relationships aren't pressed on us- such as those in workplaces and schools. The relationships built in places like this is usually a meeting of the minds more than anything...

I am def. a loner.. but the very select people close to me- I adore. I'll admit though, I normally need time alone even from then...


Well-Known Member
A place like this is so different.. for example. for me, it gives me some type of social circle. We all come from different walks of life- yet because of this herb, we come together- we can talk, we can relate. It surpasses all boundaries usually applied in "modern society". But at the same time- there's no expectations of you, no one gets mad if you just pop in reply to one thread and leave.

LOL, I'd prefer a small "social life" here than in "reality" However, my closely regarded friends here- I'd more than love to spend some social time with them in "reality" Yet our relationships are different.. our relationships here are not chosen by location, they aren't chosen by sex or even age, these relationships aren't pressed on us- such as those in workplaces and schools. The relationships built in places like this is usually a meeting of the minds more than anything...

I am def. a loner.. but the very select people close to me- I adore. I'll admit though, I normally need time alone even from then...
amen sister. that's what i was trying to spit out :joint:


Well-Known Member
i consider myself a longer but still keep in contact with my family and love them. My few friends are very close and I adore them. I love my dog and glad he is around also.

And even I, loner though i am, still reach out to people on this forum to feel like i'm part of some community.

I think if we lived in tighter-knit, limited population communities life would be much more fulfilling rather than the rampant feelings of loneliness and alienation felt by many in these modern times.

I hear you, ironically people feel more alone in these modern times than ever before; urban isolation is more distressing than rural isolation, in my opinion.

I have a few but close friends who thankfully understand like me, what alone time is! I think this quote of Einstein sums up my feeling: <FONT size=1>“Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice keeps me from feeling isolated.” The same Einstein who observed wryly, “To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.”:blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I hear you, ironically people feel more alone in these modern times than ever before; urban isolation is more distressing than rural isolation, in my opinion.

I have a few but close friends who thankfully understand like me, what alone time is! I think this quote of Einstein sums up my feeling: <FONT size=1>“Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice keeps me from feeling isolated.” The same Einstein who observed wryly, “To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.”:blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:
absolutely agree - when you are in a rural setting - nature takes over and sates any lonely feelings.


Well-Known Member
i know for sure that i would want some few around with a good attitude and willingness to survive i would want my best friends around and my dog. i think we would go far,
i think its natural for humans to need to talk to someone who wants to end up talking to a vollyball named wilson, i used to think i was a loner but i found company that you can call great, can effect your life in many positive ways, ideas flow, humor is readily available, care for one another when you need it, just making the best of your situation.
and whats the need for guns? who are you going to kill? other people? those who live by the sword will die by the sword, im not worried about zombies, but im sure there will be plently of crazy ass hole alphas running around, where some kind of protection will be needed


Well-Known Member
i know for sure that i would want some few around with a good attitude and willingness to survive i would want my best friends around and my dog. i think we would go far,
i think its natural for humans to need to talk to someone who wants to end up talking to a vollyball named wilson, i used to think i was a loner but i found company that you can call great, can effect your life in many positive ways, ideas flow, humor is readily available, care for one another when you need it, just making the best of your situation.
and whats the need for guns? who are you going to kill? other people? those who live by the sword will die by the sword, im not worried about zombies, but im sure there will be plently of crazy ass hole alphas running around, where some kind of protection will be needed
yep, yep and yep.

I'm not sure if you were asking me specifically but as for firearms, i like to shoot them. i also like to hunt.
and in self-defense, yes I am willing to shoot a human if needs be though i have no wish to do so. I have never shot anyone but i have found the phrase "I have a gun" resolves potential issues quickly. I feel fortunate i've never had to "prove it" but was and am capable of doing so. But I don't push them on anyone. you and i are free to make our own choices.

It is fair to say, proverbs aside, because you don't live by the sword (or own one) doesn't mean you can't be killed by one.


New Member
yep, yep and yep.

I'm not sure if you were asking me specifically but as for firearms, i like to shoot them. i also like to hunt.
and in self-defense, yes I am willing to shoot a human if needs be though i have no wish to do so. I have never shot anyone but i have found the phrase "I have a gun" resolves potential issues quickly. I feel fortunate i've never had to "prove it" but was and am capable of doing so. But I don't push them on anyone. you and i are free to make our own choices.

It is fair to say, proverbs aside, because you don't live by the sword (or own one) doesn't mean you can't be killed by one.
I go by the old adage: "It's better to have a gun and not need one than to need one and not have one"


Well-Known Member
i think its just another sick human thing, its almost natual, you know the dominant male, and feeling pride when you conquer even if we didnt have guns wed still fight for it, email talked about resolving problems but what if the other guy has a gun too it would be back to standoff days! haha humans are just dandy arent they


Well-Known Member
i think its just another sick human thing, its almost natual, you know the dominant male, and feeling pride when you conquer even if we didnt have guns wed still fight for it, email talked about resolving problems but what if the other guy has a gun too it would be back to standoff days! haha humans are just dandy arent they
i'm having trouble understanding your position - are you misanthropic because you are a hoplaphobe or are you a hoplophobic because of your misanthropy?


Well-Known Member
i'm having trouble understanding your position - are you misanthropic because you are a hoplaphobe or are you a hoplophobic because of your misanthropy?

HEHE witty reply, I like it. email, just wondering, do you think that guns should remain legal? I'm guessing you live in the U.S? My point is, wouldn't the ban on all firearms (with the exception of hunting guns perhaps) save many innocent lives. you only have to look at the murder rate from guns in places where they're legal, such as the U.S and places where they're not. So is the privilege of having a gun worth the death that will inevitably come from them. And more relevant to the post, in a post apocalyptic setting would you do away with guns altogether, if say, you were made the leader.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Titania when you live in a country with a pseudo democratic government that is constantly seeking ways to invade your privacy and god knows what else they have in store for the future....arming yourself is a wise decision. Especially when the criminals arent going to be without guns simply because theyve been banned one day...it doesnt work like that. They (the criminals) will still be armed and so will I in that case


Well-Known Member
HEHE witty reply, I like it. email, just wondering, do you think that guns should remain legal? I'm guessing you live in the U.S? My point is, wouldn't the ban on all firearms (with the exception of hunting guns perhaps) save many innocent lives. you only have to look at the murder rate from guns in places where they're legal, such as the U.S and places where they're not. So is the privilege of having a gun worth the death that will inevitably come from them. And more relevant to the post, in a post apocalyptic setting would you do away with guns altogether, if say, you were made the leader.:blsmoke:
I dunno bout Email, but i suspect he'd agree with me..

The less guns there are the more will get killed. Now if everyone had a gun, and you had no clue who was carrying a gun- you might think again about starting shyt. Most criminals using guns DO NOT want to get shot. Also, with all these mass shootings and such- if just one person had a gun, most likely LESS people would have been injured.


Well-Known Member
HEHE witty reply, I like it. email, just wondering, do you think that guns should remain legal? I'm guessing you live in the U.S? My point is, wouldn't the ban on all firearms (with the exception of hunting guns perhaps) save many innocent lives. you only have to look at the murder rate from guns in places where they're legal, such as the U.S and places where they're not. So is the privilege of having a gun worth the death that will inevitably come from them. And more relevant to the post, in a post apocalyptic setting would you do away with guns altogether, if say, you were made the leader.:blsmoke:
As a thought experiment, i would certainly consider the idea. Though i would make no distinction between "hunting" and "assault" weapons. To be honest, hunting weapons tend to be more accurate, last longer and be more powerful than most "assault weapons". The "assault weapons" tend to hold more ammo if you consider that an advantage but i digress...

Even if i could snap my fingers and remove firearms from the planet, how long before they were "invented" again? This is true, even for a post-apocalyptic setting. The cat is already out of the bag.

The reality in the US is the government would have to do one hell of a serious search and seizure in order to confiscate even a percentage of the available firearms. And as we know with the war on drugs, if somebody wants something, they will get it. And while I may be persuaded to give up my second amendment right, in order to truly eradicate firearms, I would have to give up many, many more rights. It would be a very slippery slope.

Now if you ask me straight out - what rights are you willing to give up to be safer? that is an easy question to answer ... none.

I know it is silly and seems improbable or flat-out impossible, but many of us feel like it is our responsibility to have firearms in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones and to put meat on the table. But the most important reason is to defend our way of life - from foreign or domestic enemies. An armed citizenry, while possible to subdue, does make a government think twice before taking too many of our rights away - at least that is supposed to be how it works. And when it comes to revolution, citizens may not have much of a chance, but without weapons they have none.

Another words, sure i'm willing to turn in my guns. I'll go last!

I would add that i am all for taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous and crazy people - we can start with typewriters :mrgreen:

also note - this is a brain dump of how i feel today - i may answer the question differently tomorrow or years from now.


Well-Known Member
When you live in a country like the united states the stage has already been set...either protect yourself or be a victim. We've had people break into our home in the middle of the night.

When you wake up to some stranger standing over your wifes side of the bed staring at her in the dark at 2:30 in the morning its sobering...I'm staying armed always will they'll have to pry the gun from my dead fingers.