Big enuff to flower.with nice yield?


Active Member
Gotta give us more info man. What kind of light you're using, what size pots are they and how big are the plants currently, how much do you want to end up with?


Well-Known Member
mine were about that size when i started flowering about two weeks ago now there close to double that size with preflowers showing. so its going smoothly so far. but im growing in soil using cfls so i dont know if that makes a difference


Active Member
im useing a 600w hps and there in 10lt using a wilma 4 system.and one ov them are 11" and the other two are 7".
do you think id be able to pull an 2oz dry off each.btw im not in no rush to flower just need advice plz.


Well-Known Member
I would veg a lil longer if you have the space let them fill out more maybe about 2 weeks or do i was early flowering with my 400 then 600 most all my grows and i always ended up with plants with one main cola and not much else from it let it mature and you will be happy you did..


Active Member
Since you're using a 600w I'd say you could keep the in veg for a while before you flip. They'll double or so in height when you flip, but if you lst them you could keep them a bit shorter. Probably want to change to 12/12 when the taller one gets to around 16-18" at most. Try to do a bit of lst on at least that one to keep them more even in height.


Active Member
they look to skinny man they need at least 1-2 weeks with the fan blowing on them 24/7 to strengthen stems peace

cary schellie

Active Member
what kind of light are u running because if u got a 400 hps or better id let em go atleast 5 weeks veg since ur only doing 3 plants. id only do a short veg time if u were doing alot of plants S.o.g. style.
if u want a good yield patience is key i would wait till they are 5 weeks b4 12/12 and trim lower bottom leaves to put all energy into the top(where the big buds are)lst or supercropping would help your yield also