Obama Tells Leap He Does NOT Back Legal Pot!


Well-Known Member
He's not a leader, he has no vision, he''s a plant and he needs to go for this and many many reasons. RON PAUL 2012


Well-Known Member
Well lets not get down on the puppet, it's not the only lie he has told. Keep waiting on your hopey changey, whats it going to be??


Well-Known Member
Obama knows the effects of weed and its effect's probably more than most presidents in recent years- I know its easy to say "If I were president I would......" however there’s always more to the puzzle than that- However we as a society in general are becoming more tolerant and understanding of weed and it powers of healing powers (from health issues to $$$ ) Its not a question of is it ever going to be legal it's more like when-imo
An example of this is that -I live in the compassionate state of Cali and the medical scene is becoming more and more integrated in our society-(I can now walk around with a zip on me(not that I would) and for example have no medical card and If I had a cop search and find my weed-I would not be locked up or have @ record all just a misdemeanor-Think parking ticket) From the local news papers(ads and doctors rec’s) to small educational groups coming together- I don’t really have a dead ahead point of this post - just reading others post and typing what’s on my mind.... and no I’m not high (maybe I should be..lol) - Change is slowly happening toward Weed legality issues- I just wonder about all those who are locked up and are political prisoners how they will be treated when weed becomes legal (Still serve there prison terms or what)?


Well-Known Member
So you guys and sista's think that weed wont be legal until Obama leaves office ( I’m not advocating the opposite - I’m just uninformed and unfortunately lazy when higher powers tell me how to live)- As it doesn’t matter what they say cause I do shit my way in an educated sense in a gray line of state/fed lines-Its always been my way or the highway (and lucky enough I’ve not been jailed yet-LoL-street smarts/ no greed-which really goes against my inner demons(the greed part @least)-lol) -unless my social group of medicator’s are benefitted- I just keep it low know my rights and hopefully no pigs are involved @ my attending medical offices – much love n aloha


Well-Known Member
If a bill crossed his desk which legalized, decriminalized or rescheduled marijuana, I bet he would sign it. There's an election coming, remember. You can't believe what any of 'em say now (well, always but more now).
I also don't think Obama is a one-termer. While I did vote for him, I am very disappointed in several areas. But the Republicans are just too radical in the changes they want to make.
I do like Ron Paul and would vote for him if he got the nomination. Unfortunately I don't think that is likely but who knows.


Well-Known Member
he's not a leader, he has no vision, he''s a plant and he needs to go for this and many many reasons. Ron paul 2012
dont worry obama only has a few more months of flowering before those dumbo ears turn color and hes ready for harvest,


Well-Known Member
if a bill crossed his desk which legalized, decriminalized or rescheduled marijuana, i bet he would sign it. There's an election coming, remember. You can't believe what any of 'em say now (well, always but more now).
I also don't think obama is a one-termer. While i did vote for him, i am very disappointed in several areas. But the republicans are just too radical in the changes they want to make.
I do like ron paul and would vote for him if he got the nomination. Unfortunately i don't think that is likely but who knows.
there will b a large population of ron paul write ins regardless
I don't believe anything Obama says. Having said that, this country needs to change. Obama promissed it and continued down the same path and to a greater degree. There isn't anyone in politics that will be elected with a pro legalization policy. This will take years to change the mentality of Anslinger's army and the people in office.


Active Member
Yea He did said ALL DRUGS he didnt want look bad and lose alot of votes, I think he only saying that so he can keep a majority of his vote an get reelected. There are alot of ignorent ppl out there that thing weed is a fucking drug, its a plant that happens to make you high when smoked. If he didnt feel like he would lose alot of vote to legalize weed he would..