Damm brother,it saddens me to see somebody with a list of heavy narcotics as long as yours,it saddens me because every last med you posted im on, or have been on , i know you need to be all fucked up physicaly to be prescribed that cocktail,you cant fake it to get those doses.
Ive been on the Dilaudid 4's but i cant take them,my system has problems with that med & i get all funky feeling with very little pain relief.
When i was in the burn unit @ Detroit Mercey i was on the patches,i hated those as they gave me the worst nightmares i ever had,more like night terrors,they worked ok on the pain though.
Right now break through pain is hard to get a handel on,my doc allways gives me choices since we have been together so long he knows my pain levels,he gave me a choice of going to a 4th 80 mg oxy or to try Methadone 10 mg's twice daily to level things off,im on the 2nd day with the Methadone right now so its real early to tell but so far it helps keep a more constant flow instead of the euphoric up & downs,im sleeping a full 8 or 9 hours too since the addition of the methadone & for me getting a full nights sleep without waking up in agony is something special.
I got another surgery to remove scar tissue comming up soon,hopefully its a success & i can get back to a reasonable pain free life without all the meds.