Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
hows the voddy intake man!? aint gonna ask bout your plants cos they look spot on man.

i'm on a new diet so its voddy for me too now!

swear at ya laters sambro
lol that is partly why i only drink the vods still dont stop me being a fat fucker tho cause i wake up hungover n no fucking cerial is cutting it! only a bacon,sausage,mushroom n cheese french stick will do! lol

but yeah m8 still on it although have been trying to cut down since i was yakking up blood the other week but nevermind lol

Easy sambo, hows it goin bro??.................That lemons gunna be huge mate, im gunna say 7oz so i beat wowzer if its more then 6!!! lol................the others dont look that bad mate, like you said least its grade A shit!!!!
the lemon is the only decent 1 yieldwise out the lot, i just compare this batch of pyscho n livers to me last and hold me head in shame and no amount of back slaps or your being too ''ard'' lol on yaself will tell me different far too much back slaps n niceness in the journals.

i say 6.5 - so screw you guys. .. i'm going home...
6.5 it is then m8 il be more than happy lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye my diets not going overly well lol i ate a bacon and egg sandwich ( wholemeal of course :( ) a chicken breast for tea then a half bottle of voddy and 2 grams of sniff. no rest too. i've a stag do tonight and a fishing/wreck trip on friday. still 3 days on it ill lose a good bit by not eating owt.


Well-Known Member
k hole is bad mmmkhay..
lol aint seen that shit in years fank fuck, i member 10+ yr ago me n couple of m8s got a gram but didnt really no what K was so just racked up healthy coke size lines, not good instant k-hole outa body experience n all that lol pretty scarey when ya 17-18 n not expecting it.

but K can be a real nice drug too few yrs back use to love to put a small tip on the end of a nice line of sniff, or when ya pilling ya tits off lil bits of k i use to like but on its own fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
i had it once - we got a gram each.. my mate was in tatters all over the floor had to take him home.. when we got back he was deep in the hole... no hope..

still had about a gram left.. so i racked up two lines and hit it all... mistake...

people at the house said i was charging around headbutting walls shouting i'm an ox i'm an ox... this is my house!

after a few hours of nonsense i decided to brush my teeth.. i was standing in front of a mirror and felt like i was on the truman show...

i can put away a large amount of blow... but that stuff i will never touch again..


Well-Known Member
i aint been into anything but abit of sniff and maybe the odd pill for yrs now, but its pretty poplar drug ive been to partys n there groups of people just on the K in rooms and thats where they stay lol in the fucking room all night only talking to other people on K??? poor mans drug imo same with the phet.

still i carnt say too much cause ive taken plenty of phet n K over the years but when i was young n poor lol


Well-Known Member
ive calmd down loads nowdays but taken a fair few drugs over the yrs fuck all to be proud off i no that, but in over 17yrs of drug use ive never even seen or nown any1 who seen or tried that crystal meth now i carnt handle the sleep deprivation of phet and would never in a million yrs take the stuff just wonder why the uk and all the drugs that are consumed in the uk why it has never taken off?

half the world has had major probs with meth and the uk being the biggest consumers of drugs in europe i think? wondered why its so rare in the uk?

any1 ever seen/taken the stuff?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ket can be ok in small doses. just for the bandy leggedness, any more just aint my bag. first time i had it I'd been invited out by a lass who i fancied n she was obv wanting it so being bobby big bollocks when she said o you want in on the ket order i said Aye ne bosh get us a g. she said you had it before n me not wanting to look the fool said aye yeah few times...

went to the netty, big hollywood line. i made it out the bogs to the dance floor where it kicked me like a mule. i was walking like a dinosaur across the dancefloor. i got half way and the bird came n rescued me. sat me in a corner. after 5-10 i was like fuck this n left felt a reet knob. had a bloody enjoyable walk home though. then divvied the rest out to the lads in the house who also hadnt had it afore.

never did get to bang her.


Well-Known Member
i'm slowing down too man ... last few years been taking it easy.. still have a blowout now and then.. maybe like 3-5 times a year..

but worried.. i'm pretty sure if i sniffed as hard as i used to now my heart would probably explode out of my eye sockets...

man always remember having copious amounts of sniff left sitting at home after the party.. smoking a spliff.. then sniffing a line... smoking a spliff.. sniffing a line.. up and down like a fucking rollercoaster... yeh i'm pretty sure if i did that now i'd need a ride in a shiny red ambulance...

tried a lot of things back in the day... but never crystal meth... or H (fukken hate needles :P)

i loved my hallucinogens back in the day.. can't seem to find it an ymore though.. either not looking hard enough or not in the right places.. can't even find mushies these days.. let alone some acid..


Well-Known Member
that did actually make me lol

the part about the dinosaur on the dance floor sounds exactly like my mate.. he just kept falling onto everyone all over the place hahaha

ket can be ok in small doses. just for the bandy leggedness, any more just aint my bag. first time i had it I'd been invited out by a lass who i fancied n she was obv wanting it so being bobby big bollocks when she said o you want in on the ket order i said Aye ne bosh get us a g. she said you had it before n me not wanting to look the fool said aye yeah few times...

went to the netty, big hollywood line. i made it out the bogs to the dance floor where it kicked me like a mule. i was walking like a dinosaur across the dancefloor. i got half way and the bird came n rescued me. sat me in a corner. after 5-10 i was like fuck this n left felt a reet knob. had a bloody enjoyable walk home though. then divvied the rest out to the lads in the house who also hadnt had it afore.

never did get to bang her.