Day 6 Just After Transplant


Day 11

Just finished making new lights for the girls. Gonna build another light. Leaves are going brown at the tips first. Now the leaves are it self is going brown. Just water them It was 3 days since last major water. so hopefully it will turn around. If any suggestions



tap water, but I let the water sit for a few days. very very little nuts. I feed one of them 2 days ago and it seems to be better. Probably 1/8 of normal regular. the other is getting worse. So I feed it just now


Well-Known Member
tap water, but I let the water sit for a few days.
very very little nuts
. I feed one of them 2 days ago and it seems to be better. Probably 1/8 of normal regular. the other is getting worse. So I feed it just now
no need for feeding this early, that is the cause of the brown tips. no feeding for at least 2 weeks. Try to get better lighting, thats ok for now but after seedling stage , a bigger light is needed.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty nice looking light fixture man, it could work really well. To improve it i would get like 4 of those Y adapters, one for each fixture, and then get 8 new bigger bulbs and you will be set.