My First Grow!

I remember my first plant :D

Sorry, that was a really really long grow for the results. I dont really think the problem lies in your DIY ponics. the right nutes and PH make all the difference in the world in hydro. GL mate, and switch back to the BLOOM formula for this part of growth.

Agreed,I was using un-PH'd regular tap water and no nitrogen in my nutes for a month until my buddy set me straight with bottled purified and the right nute mix and she exploded on me in a few weeks,I went straight bloom formula this morning and she's drinking a gallon every 2 days,I think I'm over the WTF phase of this and now I'm in the impatient phase cuz I keep opening up the cab and looking at her,(sometimes during her sleep cycle,I know,but it's just so sexy!!)

It's a learning process for me,it is my first plant ever anyways and I think I'm doing a lot better now then I pro?,but give me time,I've got nowhere to go but up

+1 rep for ya
Day 27 12/12

I've switched my nutes up and I'm just giving her the bloom and the flowers I have are starting to explode and take that "bud" shape,my buddy says it should be done by the end of july-beginning of august


I noticed how my fan leaves are starting to grow straight up like the face of the leaf is trying to get as much light as possible....does that mean I need a more powerful light?


Well-Known Member
Better pics

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They always look better w/o the HPS....thinking about a CMH for my next one
I think CMH are awesome. Plants just look great under them. I run 600 W HPS PlantaStars, and they do well with the blue band spectrum, and my camera can somehow filter the "HPS Glow" so its not so bad for taking pics, but I have seen some CMH grows, that are just amazing looking.

They even look more potent. I don't know enough about spectrum, PARS yadda yadda.........and effects on potency or growth rate, but they look amazing, and do awesome under them. I would get some myself, but I just invested in digital ballasts, which don't work with least not any models I've found.

Looking good though. :bigjoint:

Keeping an eye on this thread.


Well-Known Member
haha look at you bro, u had thi slittle weak ass plant and u changed the nutes and toughed it out on ur first grow. +rep and subbed...keep the pics and updtes comin

i have a grow going too, ill harvest in about a few weeks, click on my signature if u like
Awesome guys,ty for the recognition,+1 rep for y'all

The light just shut off for her sleep cycle and I got some more stems scrogged,She's kind of taken this "bowl shape" around the light but it's cool,I love this chicken wire for scrogging

more pics...

I'm debating on what to do,Do I just harvest her now and enjoy what I can since I think I have seed pods,but there's also little red hairs comin out if those pods too,does that mean they're just buds that haven't bloomed yet?..idk,help!
Day 36 12/12

I took the scrog off to flush the tank with fresh water and nutes before harvest,she's already getting orange tips on her hairs so the time is comin' up....took some quick pics out of the box

After I took the scrog off she wanted to stand straight up,so I took some loose chicken wire and bent some of the stalks down to where they used to be and latched them onto the lip of my tub,she just wanted to stretch so bad I guess that a couple of my tops were actually touching my light (the down side of having a 3 1/2 foot height restriction)

But it's all good,I'm somewhat on schedule for a July 30ish harvest,just in time to plant my next seed for christmas!!!
Day 38 12/12....Week 16,lol....(remember....nitrogen,nitrogen,nitrogen)

I pulled off most of the bottom flowers since I ended up splitting the main stalk (again,lol),to tape it up and hope for the best for the next couple of weeks


It's still alive but the base stalk is slowly turning brown so it looks like it's in the process of dying on me,but idk...we'll see


She's still goin strong though!!!....any day now,it's gonna be harvest time!! excited!!! bongsmilie

My last nutrient/water feeding was tonight,I'm gonna flush her and put her on str8 fresh water monday or tuesday and keep her on it until harvest time......
Day 45 12/12

My whole wishful thinking of july 30th harvest doesn't look like it's gonna happen,oh well......Hopefully it's done by the 5th since I have to leave town on the 10th for a week....problems,problems,gotta love em'



some closeups too....
Ty sativus,I think I'm doing pretty good my first grow even though it been really long (pushing 5 months now,lol) much more time do you think I have before I can harvest?


Well-Known Member
not sure how long but everyones first grow is a leaning expience and lucky for u u learned much of what u need in the first year and ur stem isnt dying its healing itself


Active Member
IMHO, you should be flowering for at least another 4-5 weeks. There's no color in the pistils and none of your leaves are turning color yet. It's tough leaving hydro for more than a day though, so IDK. It's your first grow though and the fact that you've kept it alive is better than I did on my first Hydro grow, so cheers for that mate! I think you did a good thing by not starting your paid-for seed.

+rep for throwing caution to the wind and not giving up. You learned a lot more than you would have had you quit and started over. You just need an EC trucheon and a PH kit for your 2nd grow and you'll be in there like swimwear!


Well-Known Member
i never pull my plants before 60 days, but the tricomes normaly are 10% amber by 70 days or 10 weeks of flowering.

so if your only around 50 days i would think you need more time. Have you used a scope to look at your tricomes?

You can smoke it early and it will be a fine product but i find early smoke not very potent and harsh in taste also the buds are not very dense when i harvest a plant less than 60 days.

now i have never messed with auto strains so forgive me if my methods do not work.
Thanks guys...I appreciate the input,I was really hoping for a faster harvest,but oh well....I guess I'll have to think of something for the week I'll be out of town,maybe I can get someone to come over and water it for me,but I don't think I could handle the stress,lol
