healthy debate is a sign of an educated society.
when differences lead to violence it is a sign of ignorance.
i for one think religion has been used as a tool to divide for way too long. especially the christian and muslim religions. i mean, lutheran, methodist, presbyterian, baptist, catholic, pentecostals, sunni, whatever else the other muslim faction name it, the chritian and muslim religions splits hairs and forms divisions and rifts.... i mean to each their own but i think it's just ridiculous, the different factions and how they assume one gets an express pass in line to heaven... lol...
i personally enjoy non-denominational teachings which promote unity, mutual respect, empathy and peace....
most teachings of this nature come from buhdists... i learned about a guy who had a very unique approach to religion and spirituality, and it was about each one finding their own personal spiritually stable place... no matter what religion...
his name is Tara Singh. check him out.... it'll blow your mind.... "How to raise a child of god" is a real eye opener.....