5 Gallon pot


Active Member
Im using 5 gallon pots in a greenhouse and im keeping them in it. I put,them in straight as clones from a red cup, and theyre getting huge! I,could upload some pics in a lil bit to show u. for yeild, it depends on various things tho, wat nutes ur using, if u,top/fim, ty down, super crop. Etc. wats ur goal dryed weight u want, and how many plants you growing?


Well-Known Member
yup they will get root-bound relatively quickly, ive got 4 plants in the ground that are approaching six feet tall and ive got 4 plants in 5 gallon pots that are about 3 feet tall

same strains, same soil, same location, same amount of sun, same nutrients, same age

also the plants in pots require much more attention and care because the soil drys out much faster than if they were planted straight into the earth


Active Member
Damn rootbound?? If theyre sticking out the bottom of the bucket how bout digging holes in the ground and set the pots in the holes so the roots grow into mother earth. Ha or jus transplant into bigger pots.


growing about a 100. there about 3 feet now .. not sure wether i should transplant into 10 gals or not.. hoping to get a qp per plant


Well-Known Member
yup they will get root-bound relatively quickly, ive got 4 plants in the ground that are approaching six feet tall and ive got 4 plants in 5 gallon pots that are about 3 feet tall

same strains, same soil, same location, same amount of sun, same nutrients, same age

also the plants in pots require much more attention and care because the soil drys out much faster than if they were planted straight into the earth
But when the po po comes knocking on your door you won't be able to hide the evidence, unlike me :)


Well-Known Member
Go big or go home, big pot big plant. Outside they grow like craze, I started in 5 gal 20+ years ago, would put 25 to 30 out and now use 8 45 gal drums and grow more. Put a couple baby diapers in the bottom of the pot when you replant, make sure they are open and the inside is facing up, they hold a ton of water!!!!


Active Member
Could potentially get a pound depending on nutrients, care, skill. I'd recommend topping it after 2-3 months of veg. It also depends when you popped that baby in the pot...when did you start?