The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's would be because you are seeing them from above, all you'll see is the head, so just a round ball, or crystal as you're describing it (although it's atoms molecules or ions are not in a repeating patern so don't think they're crystals :p)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ttt yeh i see ya point good man thanks dude. looking side on looks more hair like kinda shroomy. wot is best in all your guys veiws half milky in colour at its best? or most potent?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
also wen they past ripe or most potant wot colour doe th trichones go? or shape? guess better way of asking is how do u no wen they past their best?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Past ripe is amber. This is not however to say that it becomes worse, it just becomes different. This is when the THC is converting to CBN.

I never actually harvest by trichs. I just study the contents of my jar and the look of the plant. I can tell when it's ready to harvest for good effects by looks and from then i just let it go for however long is convenient. I normally try and harvest my cheese later than earlier, as the majority of my smoking time is in the evening and i'd like for a better body coughlock high, instead of the cheeses face mugging nature. If my black rose is a male i'm gonna spluff a cheese with it and get black cheese and that can mug your face your arse and anything else that might be deemed of value :p


Well-Known Member
colour goes from clear to milky to orangey. probably best around milky to orange. if u leave them too long and the pass thru the total orangey faze then the taste can be harsh.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I beg to differ! And from someone who finds all and any smoke a bit harsh, my opinions and viewpoint shall be law! I let my cheese go 15 weeks once, one of the better easier smokes i've ever had. I cannot remember the last time i finished a joint, i'm gagging by halfway down, body has quite a bad aversion to smoke but i still smoke :D


Active Member
you lot got any tips on curing? or is this pretty much the jist of it: hang it for a few days, stick it into jars & open the jars a couple of times a day?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you lot got any tips on curing? or is this pretty much the jist of it: hang it for a few days, stick it into jars & open the jars a couple of times a day?
From what i've seen in my brief experience of curling, a good team of sweepers is generally a pretty good first step to success.


Well-Known Member
lol @ ttt. @grifta, u can cure it by putting it into paper bags as well, just open the bag every day or so and kinda spread the buds to let air into it. one of my mates lost a bag of green in his house and discovered it about 3 months later, in a paper bag, and smoked it, said it was the heaviest smoke he'd ever had,

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
why not chop it at different times and label it, then sit sum nite and roll a few single skinners and try it, c what suits you best?
yeah that ent a bad plan. they seem at different stages now. one seems weeks ahead but smallest i got. will chop one cloudy one amber and one with abit off all in it.


Well-Known Member
there is some kind of scientific method that involves small hygrometers inside the jars and different RH% for different stages of curing..
but basically the bud should be dry and crispy on the outside but still a bit moist inside.. some people say the stem should bend and crack slightly not snap (too dry - if moisture is gone completely it won't cure properly)..
put them in the jars and then monitor carefully at the beginning (check often).. if you see moisture forming in the jar get them out and dry them more.. that moisture will cause mold if left for too long.. best way to describe it is drawing the moisture out as slowly as possible.. after a while in the jar the buds will soften up again.. pull them out and let them dry up again..

its just looking at the signs and adjusting accordingly - but it is fairly easy to cock it up... there's other methods that involve brown bags and all sorts.. i just use jars..

you lot got any tips on curing? or is this pretty much the jist of it: hang it for a few days, stick it into jars & open the jars a couple of times a day?


Active Member
cheers all, except ttt - I mean fucking CURLING??? the footy season ended ages ago but I'm not turning to a bunch of rough birds pissing about on ice for sporting thrills just yet.


Well-Known Member
as soon as its dry just pop it in the freezer, it stops any moisture still present from creating mould and reduces the smell in your house as well.


Well-Known Member
As soon as its dry fucking sell it. Aw this curing pish. Get it sold and buy some proper drugs for fuck sake. Anybody would think this is a weed


Well-Known Member
My Mum came into the living today whilst I was watching TV. She said 'I'm off up town, is it cold out?' I said 'I'm just about to go buy some new shoes, do you think they'll fit me?'