hi! My first post here

I have adhd. But I can't have a appropiate medical treatment.
Im from Rio - Brazil, and we dont have medical or good quality marijuana.
If you smoke weed, the society judges you a criminal people, a psycho and manniac addict. The Christians say that you are in the

hands and such.
It doesn't matter if you smoke crack, snort coke or smoke weed - they are all the same shit in the primitive perspective of this hypocritical society.
Here in this backward country, you go to the jail if you grow the plant for 6 - 8 years in a horrible and bizarre prisions, in a crowded cell. The true hell!!
The marijuana come from Paraguay, it is a pressed block, with insects, other plants, seeds, small pieces of objects and others craps mixed up with the weed wich peoples grow without accuracy or concerns by rustic methods...
The final product look likes a brown rotten wood, and has a horrible taste and bad smell. When you put it in the grinder, it turns something like a dry soil.
We have only a strain, and we dont have a choice to smoke another one or some quality weed. Maybe ib the high society ( famous people, artists, etc).
Sorry for the anger, but I just needed to get that off my chest.
And sorry for my poor English too.