Let Me See If I Get This One Right.


This Kenyan muslim sewer rat Barry Soetoro and his criminal horde chief eric holler authorize the "fast and furious" illegal sales of thousands of high power guns to the mexican criminals so they can kill innocent people on both sides and than, thru HIGHLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL legislative order restrict sales to law abiding american citizens.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Active Member
I dont see the problem???????? You should live in a country other than the good ol us of a for a while then maybe you would understand people have different opinions! These arms are not being sold INTO the USA, you complain. There are more guns per capita in the USA than any other country on earth, you complain! Oh, I get it, ONLY mercans (as pronounced by G Bush junior) are allowed to have guns?????? Get real and smoke less weed, it is making you paranoid!!!! Go drink a vat of shine, isnt that what rednecks do? I thought this was a mj growing forum? There is a section for politics and jingoism or is scrolling down a little beyond your comprehension? W


Let's all pitch in and by a TomTom for woodydude so the idiot can find his way around this place? This is the Political FORUM, you fucking retard!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont see the problem???????? You should live in a country other than the good ol us of a for a while then maybe you would understand people have different opinions! These arms are not being sold INTO the USA, you complain. There are more guns per capita in the USA than any other country on earth, you complain! Oh, I get it, ONLY mercans (as pronounced by G Bush junior) are allowed to have guns?????? Get real and smoke less weed, it is making you paranoid!!!! Go drink a vat of shine, isnt that what rednecks do? I thought this was a mj growing forum? There is a section for politics and jingoism or is scrolling down a little beyond your comprehension? W
LOL your in the Politcal forum bro, no worries easy enuf mistake to make, after all your kinda new round here.

The Fast and Furious program absolutely sold weapons Illegally WITHIN the USA for the USA market.
The USA does not have the highest per capita firearms ownership, that distinction belongs to the Swiss.What it does have is the highest gun ownership rate, a very deceiving statistical sleight of hand that does not take into account multiple weapons owned by the same person.

the Fast and Furious program was designed as a false Flag operation to get a assault weapons ban in place in the USA. By citing false statistics ( that 90% of weapons in Mexico came from USA when actually less than 20% do as the majority come from Brazil and Colombia) to make the problem of assault weapons seem much much larger than it really is, the ATFE and Dept of Justice had a little pow wow, this went right to the top. Eric Holder denies any knowledge, but wait til we find out he is one of the masterminds, just another Corrupt lawyer politico in a suit who pretends to care about justice. This is a SCANDAL!!

Now as far as Qvomos' assertions that the President is a Kenyan Muslim sewer rat. Well he will lose pretty much all credibility with this crowd when you make such statements. Its pretty low to say those kinds of things about someone whom you don't even know. I mean i disagree with about 75% of Obama's policies, but overall I think he is a fantastic orator, presents a very good image, articulate and charming too. Too bad he is too young, too groomed, too naive to see he is being completely manipulated by the Banksters, Wall Street and the Military Industrial complex. A great president he is not.


Now as far as Qvomos' assertions that the President is a Kenyan Muslim sewer rat. Well he will lose pretty much all credibility with this crowd when you make such statements. Its pretty low to say those kinds of things about someone whom you don't even know. I mean i disagree with about 75% of Obama's policies, but overall I think he is a fantastic orator, presents a very good image, articulate and charming too. Too bad he is too young, too groomed, too naive to see he is being completely manipulated by the Banksters, Wall Street and the Military Industrial complex. A great president he is not.
Mr. NoDrama, with all due respect I would like to concede that part you since one of the primary principles of our republic and good american way of life is that we shall give our fellow man the benefit of the doubt and that burden of proof lays in the accuser's hands. Having said that, I have you know that I do know Barry much more than anyone in this forums and that is a fact. But again in saying that the burden of proof once again belongs to me, correct? I therefore withdraw the that part of my comment although my beliefs remain as such.
None of you know me from apple but I considered myself to be a patriot, a constitutional follower and a federalist. However there is a vast difference between a hero and a fool. When the time is right and such time will come, have no doubts about it, I hope you concede as I just did.

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing" ABRAHAM LINCOLN


Well-Known Member
Mr. NoDrama, with all due respect I would like to concede that part you since one of the primary principles of our republic and good american way of life is that we shall give our fallow man the benefit of the doubt and that burden of proof lays in the accuser's hands. Having said that, I have you know that I do know Barry much more than anyone in this forums and that is a fact. But again in saying that the burden of proof once again belongs to me, correct? I therefore withdraw the that part of my comment although my beliefs remain as such.
None of you know me from apple but I considered myself to be a patriot, a constitutional follower and a federalist. However there is a vast difference between a hero and a fool. When the time is right and such time will come, have no doubts about it, I hope you concede as I just did.

"Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing" ABRAHAM LINCOLN
+ Rep, it takes a big man to accept his failings, and even bigger one to apologize for such.