First ever grow, am i right in what i am doing? lol


Well-Known Member
I am doing a pc grow box, for a maximum of 3 plants a time, probably just one to start with. Ive spliced all the wires from power supply to intake and exhaust fan successfully, and taken all the metal i need to take out from pc case. The first problem is the power supply taking up more space that can be used for growing, how can I minimise space used. I am going to get mylar for reflective properties. Should I apply cardboard to pc case first, then mylar to the cardboard, so it goes on flush? I have 4 14 watt energy saving cfl lightbulbs, each one equivalent to 75 watt, will this be enough for my grow box, to get a decent yield? I am planning on growing autoflowering types of weed, so changing lights etc shouldnt be a problem.
When I plug everything in, and get it working, for the dark period, do I keep fans running still, or power everything down for the dark hours? The pc box measures about 1 metre in total, do you think I could get away with growing more than 3 at a time? I know about the better lights that are available, but Im on a very tight budget, however, if needed, can always get more energy saving lightbulbs.
Sorry about all the questions, I think that covers all of them, just want to make sure my first grow is sucessful :)


Active Member
Everything sounds good. Yes you do leave the fans on after the lights shut off, cardboard isn't really necessary, and CFLs will give a decent harvest but might result in "airy" buds. Pics also help :wink: best of luck!


Active Member
are you trying to hide it from someone? what are you planning to do about the smell? if you are not hiding it i would try to get somethng a little bigger than a pc box myself because your not going to get much out of there no matter what you do. a couple ounces at best probly if you do everything just right. a speaker box or small refridg. box or a closet will help. you might run into problems keeping the environment in check due to such a small space and things can change so fast in that little space. i agree with priest about the fans and airy buds as well. good luck and post pics when you get going. happy farming


Active Member
You don't need ALL your fans on if you want to keep it quieter. Just one exhaust to keep a supply of fresh air since heat isn't an issue when the lights are out. But yes, sounds like a neat set up. I'd test some higher watt bulbs and see just how much you can get away with temp wise. 14w is going to be a light yield. Maybe 1/2 oz from 2-3 plants...

Wal Mart has 26w ones that are really nice. 6500k too.


Well-Known Member
may sound a stupid queston, but im new to growing anything, so what do airy buds mean, compared to tight buds, in that, I mean, what will the smoke be like, the taste, quality, etc. Thanks for the replies so far, much appreciated. Queenster, yeah im making a stealth grow to keep it hidden, otherwise I would go for something bigger, thanks.


Active Member
Airy buds are light and fluffy. Dense buds are hard and compact. Dense buds usually mean more bud material in a smaller place = more thc per hit. Airy buds can be potent and beautiful though and I love them for rolling jays. Dense buds in a bowl can burn all day.

Some strains are naturally airy, but most tend to be dense. It's usually poor lighting and care that makes a dense plant produce airy buds.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend any decent high yielding autoflowering feminised low growth seeds, ones that have a good high too, preferably with a low odour too? Il use a carbon filter I think for the smell, but if I could grow a already low smelling plant, save a lot of hassle lol. Im going to need a lot of plugs for my lamp fixtures for the energy saving lightbulbs too arent I?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend any decent high yielding autoflowering feminised low growth seeds, ones that have a good high too, preferably with a low odour too? Il use a carbon filter I think for the smell, but if I could grow a already low smelling plant, save a lot of hassle lol. Im going to need a lot of plugs for my lamp fixtures for the energy saving lightbulbs too arent I?
THIS, is what you want.


Well-Known Member
Johnholmesyo, seems a nice weed, however, its not autoflowering, and have VERY limited space, so doesnt seem a good choice lol. Just been and bought 4 more 14 watt energy saving lights, each one equivalent to 75 watt, so now i have a total of 8, total 600 watts put out, and total lumens put out will be 6400, should that be enough? Im buying seeds, reflective material and light fittings next week, want as much knowledge as possible before everything is set up :) As this will be my first ever grow, obviously im hoping for as much yield as possible, however, im more looking forward to growing my own, and not having to buy dodgy weed from dealers!


Active Member
Equivalent watts do NOT count. Raw watts and lumens do. You want 50 true watts or 5,000 lumens per square foot as a rule of thumb.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for all the questions, but you dont know til u ask hey? In my pc grow case, thats a regular atx sized pc, how many plants do you think I could grow at once in that area, is it best just one, or 3 perhaps?


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, much appreciated :) one last question (i hope) is, how many plants could i grow at a time, does anyone know, in my pc grow box? also, how many weeks into growing would i need an odour control, whatever that may be, would it be ok to buy odour control after 2 weeks of growing?


Well-Known Member
what about the odour control, how many weeks into it could i delay getting something to take away the odour, just im on a budget thats all lol, thanks :)


the blue azel is a good feminized plant.. flowers in 10 days and yeilds about 45 to about 60 gs. very tasty and strong. love it. but yea i would try a little bit bigger of a box.. think about accidental water spills.. or misting.. area needs to be clean and humid free.. for if your pc box is card board i take it?? the card board could get wet and soggy quickly if an accident happens.. and they are easy for mold to develop if humidity isnt right on point. im a new grower also.. but ive done acceptionally well for some yields ive had. just started this year.. but my room is 3 by 6.5. 12 foot ceiling for growing alothough i keep them no taller than 6 feet. light is 2 feet hanging from ceiling, 10 in. fan hanging 4 feet from the ground on middle wall.. cool mist humidifier in middle of plants with a 3 in. 1 speed blowing fan. and painted walls a matt white color for better reflection of the light. that is my grow area and its simple as that. i also use homemade co2 in a coke bottle and leave in the room at all times. just repeat cycle each week. any questions just ask. i just experienced my first male plants from some new seeds i wanted to try.. and had no clue what a male plant looked like until 4 days ago.. theyre chopped down n


as for the odor man.. you have to get better materials to build a box or have it in a place of outside nature.. its kind of limited to what you can do since you have limits


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply mediman, the pc box is actually the pc itself, just converted, so its metal, not cardboard. i only have that to grow with, so unfortunately cant grow in a room, due to stealth :) so its all fine for me to use a pc metal case, however, im still unsure about the odour control, i was thinking about ona gel, but would it be ok to buy that 2 weeks after growing? surely a small plant growing wont give off smells that much? as for ventilation, im using 120 mm fan for intake, and 120 mm fan for exhaust too, and possibly will install an oscillating fan too.


O well yea .. you wont have to worry about smell until they actually start smelling... i wouldnt be so sure about the "odor gel" especially for new growth. you do not know how your plants could react. so i would do a test on a plant you can do tests on all the time..thats how i learned everything i know about growing. it takes time to actually figure out how your system will operate while being hidden.. and honestly.. the aroma of a plant is 62% of why ppl love the different smells and sweetness:hump:.. and the duct fans do come in handy for the ventilation to take place which will make the air flow cut the dankness down.. not dramatically tho.. it might could even spread the smell.. u just have to work with the pc box to contain the smell from when you cant smell it from a certain amount of feet away. but dude.. its hard to hide it.. im telling u.. lol but its possible