Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
I don't think I have show you guy's my "plan B", for when I just can't stand trimming anymore!

My Costco sized hash makeing set-up.

P.S. Did I mention that I love hash?:-o

Use 80#-100# ice each load. Bubble bags inside the 5gl bucket in the top of ACE:

Kinda look's like a Frappaccino coming out of the washing machine:

Nickle hash pucks, look close, you can see Jefferson's Montecello:
Ya know, for as much surfin' on this stuff as I do I occasionally make the mistake of thinkin' I've seen everything..... Then you click
on J.J.'s grow and he FUCKIN' BLOW"S YOUR MIND!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Like Snoop Dee Oh doublegg, says:

"I'm just an author, spreading game to my partners"

Dee Oh doublejj


Well-Known Member
Slowly but surly we will get there one day!! I am going to try to some cash together to get the costco port and bigger smart pots. But the dang shipping is expensive ordering from there site. At my local hydro store i can get ten bags of soil for 12 backs each. Is that a good deal?


Well-Known Member
I made a bunch of nickle hash pucks just for fun & to give as x-mas presents.
doublejj 'stocking stuffers' lol!

Made a hash press out of a roll of nickles & some plumbing pipe & a vise.:eyesmoke:

That's not a bad price for soil, I pay $10 a bag but I buy a truck load

P.S. I told you I would try to keep it entertaining!



Well-Known Member
No that was last fall, after harvest. Just before x-mas

P.S. By the looks of things out in the greenhouse, I'm thinkin it could be a Happy Holiday season this year too!


Well-Known Member
Nice pic! haha. So when the leaves turn yellow does it mean they are sending the nutrients and their energy towards the buds? I think i remember hearing when they but all the nutrients from the water leaves go to to the buds thats why they change colors.


Well-Known Member
Nice pic! haha. So when the leaves turn yellow does it mean they are sending the nutrients and their energy towards the buds? I think i remember hearing when they but all the nutrients from the water leaves go to to the buds thats why they change colors.
Yep, the plant uses the nutrients stored in the leaves, then the leaves yellow and die. When pulling leaves remember to pull the stem off also, can decay and cause mold if left on plant..