CGE Masterbubba Scrog 600w


Well-Known Member
Ha, it's just that we've all been stunned into silence by that wicked looking forest.

Lol, thanks bro, I thought they look rather danky too. But to be honest, the thing that tickles me about these is the insane Bubba Kush smell :))) The Buds themselves are of the smaller variety, as they often are with the danky shit.
Thanks for stopping in :)



Well-Known Member
Hey Unity. In your opinion, how much does the CO2 contribute to your grow? Also, why cut back now? I've read that CO2 produces better gains during veg, but haven't really heard much more than that. What's your air-ppm currently (just curious)?

Cheers Kriznarf :)
In my case it contributes vital co2 since I am growing in a sealed room. Theoretically the plants can use up to about 1800ppm if the lighting and temperature along with all other factors are dialed in. I run my temps at about 76-78 degrees, so anything above 1200-1300ppm of co2 is useless at those low temps, maybe even less. I would have to run my temps way higher (83f-88f) if I wanted my plants to be able to use the additional co2. I don't like to run my room that hot, made bad experiences in the past, buds get loose etc.
I cut the co2 back toward the end of my flowering cycle because I have been getting reports that it may reduce potency, not sure though. I did notice though the last two grows that my nugs started out great, but kind of lost their juiciness toward the end. I'm probably just tripping, a stoner thing ha, but I thought I give reducing the co2 a try.
My current ppm is 1200-1350.



Well-Known Member
So, I'm contmeplating switching from my 600w hps (95000 lumen) to a 600w mh (75000 lumen) for the last 3 weeks of my flower cycle. What do you guys think, is it worth sacrificing the lumen for the better light spectrum of the mh?
I need some of you guys to chime in now ;)



Well-Known Member
i stay stick what works. why switch? hps is for flower... if it aint broke dont fix it:hump:
Yep, that would be the prevailing wisdom matatan. But there has been a lot of discussion regarding increased trichome production under uvb light and I'd like to get more info on this. Personally I do not think that the mh would induce a lot of vegging/stretching this late into flower, which would be one of the concerns here. I read of people only using mh all the way through, but that is at a significant lumen loss compared to the hps, and I am not that much into that. Ideally I would like to use both, but that still comes at a significant lumen loss.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
well id say look more into it lol. i have less that a year growing so since i havent heard of full runs of mh doesnt mean anything. i have heard of using hps during veg. a user on youtube, sublbc , uses hps throughout the entire cycle with excellent results. he says the growth rate is much faster when taking cuts of a mother and allows him to take cuts every 7 days using hps.
thats all i know about that:mrgreen:
update?? pics?? i need me some:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to get exited about harvest :) It is coming up in another 2 weeks ha. I took a 4 month break before this cycle, smoking the same stuff for about 10 months now. Thank god for friends!
They are starting week 7 today. Hairs are starting to die back, but there is still a lot of growth happening. Plus I'm starting with shooting powder this week.
I think I will have to have 2 harvests, light penetration of my 600 was not sufficient with this strain, only about 6 inches down is acceptable to me. I'm thinking about 3g dry for each of my tops, I got about 120 of them. I'm thinking of hitting the bottoms with an additional week to two ones the top buds have been harvested. But then again, I'm picky and may just use all the lower buds for hash and butter :)

Here is what is going on:
Co2: 1200-1350ppm
45-60% RH
1200ppm (including additives)
Dehumidifying at about 2gallons a day
No pests throughout grow (a view fungus gnats during veg, mosquito dunks took care of that)
Feeding at 60sec. every 35min. lights on / 60 sec. every 90min. lights off
So since this is my test run in my new grow space and the space has been designed for two lights, I think it my be time to add the second light for the next run. I think we can rule out any environmental problems at this point.



Active Member
I can't stop looking at that first pic. If you look really closely...

No, closer...

I'm pretty sure you can see tiny elves making sugar-frosted treats deep in there.


Well-Known Member
iv always grown bushes, topping multiple times. they can range from 2-4' and with a 600w in a 4x4 tent, i normally get between 2-3 oz's dry per plant. of course depending on strain.

lately iv gotten sick of the whispy crap buds that make up about 1/3 of my harvest due to light penetration. my power bill is pretty freakin high for just one 600 and a 10kbtu air conditioner.

you have inspired me to scrog next go around, i came to this thread to see your bubba( i just love watching the calyx form in that special "bubba" way) and now im hooked on the scrog.

so if i understand correctly, you run 4 plants. you top the 4 plants just like i do already. once they start to bush upwards through the screen, you continue to pull the tops back under and through a hole thats further away or in a better place(i guess some tops get moved to a diagnal hole? right, w/e works?)basically spreading out the bush. after 2 weeks more of veg time 50% of the holes have a top(from all the spreading) and you flip your light cycle over. what do you do when the plants hit there stretch? do you stop pulling the tops back under and instead start bending the new growth over the hole and into another?

i really want to try this, but i dont want to screw up a harvest, when i get out of routine i go without meds. and thats never cool lol. ive already have two undesirable harvests due to strains being less then par.

another question, your screen is stationary right?

if it helps, i used supplemental uvb and didnt notice any difference in trich production with the extra lights. i did however have to use a another timer/extension chord and it also cluttered up my tent. i do not use anything besides a quality hps bulb now.


Well-Known Member
iv always grown bushes, topping multiple times. they can range from 2-4' and with a 600w in a 4x4 tent, i normally get between 2-3 oz's dry per plant. of course depending on strain.

lately iv gotten sick of the whispy crap buds that make up about 1/3 of my harvest due to light penetration. my power bill is pretty freakin high for just one 600 and a 10kbtu air conditioner.

you have inspired me to scrog next go around, i came to this thread to see your bubba( i just love watching the calyx form in that special "bubba" way) and now im hooked on the scrog.

so if i understand correctly, you run 4 plants. you top the 4 plants just like i do already. once they start to bush upwards through the screen, you continue to pull the tops back under and through a hole thats further away or in a better place(i guess some tops get moved to a diagnal hole? right, w/e works?)basically spreading out the bush. after 2 weeks more of veg time 50% of the holes have a top(from all the spreading) and you flip your light cycle over. what do you do when the plants hit there stretch? do you stop pulling the tops back under and instead start bending the new growth over the hole and into another?

i really want to try this, but i dont want to screw up a harvest, when i get out of routine i go without meds. and thats never cool lol. ive already have two undesirable harvests due to strains being less then par.

another question, your screen is stationary right?

if it helps, i used supplemental uvb and didnt notice any difference in trich production with the extra lights. i did however have to use a another timer/extension chord and it also cluttered up my tent. i do not use anything besides a quality hps bulb now.
Cheers ganja brother, thanks for the nice words regarding the masterbubba’s. They are not the largest buds, but if you know your bubbas you know that it is not size I’m after J
Nevertheless, I should pull about 300-400g of top notch, and another 200g of so so (I’m picky lol).
Scroging is hard to time right on your first go around with a strain. On my first run I tend to be more conservative with my screen since I do not know yet how they will behave during onset. My second run with a strain will yield me about 25-35% more, cause I fill my screen better.
I do not weave any shoots, that can really complicate things ha (been there too). I always pull the shoot back down and re-position it in a new direction. I don’t do this until the shoot is long enough to make it out the next hole and gets full light. If you pull it down too early it will not get full light in its new position (usually under the screen or barely on top) for a while, thereby retarding its growth. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind, and putting the shoot back where it came from until it gets tall enough to make it above the screen in the next hole.
Now, hitting the moment right when you do not pull them down anymore is an art, I do not always get this right on the first run with a strain. What you are trying to avoid is that they get too leggy on one side nor that your bud sites get caught in the screen. Depending on the strain this can be anywhere from 10 days to 17 days after 12/12. There is a little ‘getting the hang of it’ involved here, but if you stay conservative and don’t overload the screen you will be fine.
My screen is suspended from the ceiling, but once the plants get full they support the screen on their own lol, my suspension chains could be removed to make the point. I’m sure there are better ways, but for me it works, so I’m not fixing it. BTW, I have several time already removed my screen after the stretch was over. Sometimes it gets too busy in there, and by removing the screen I can let the plants create a little space for themselves. One of the benefits with a nylon screen.
Thanks for the info on the UVB, a lot of people are bragging about it, and I have noticed J But I think I will hold off until I get more first hand info.
Hope this helps, and best of luck on your first scrog! Keep in mind that genetics is foremost!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for documenting your scrog grow. I just found it the other day and I'm gonna stick around to the finish. It's nice to see something that looks like a scrog.

I'm in the middle of my 1st attempt at a scrog grow. I've seen so many differing opinions on how to scrog. I followed the radical line, of the fan leaf is the enemy. (I've got pics to prove it)

I read that you let the foliage below the screen yellow and die on its own. I was wondering if you cut the branches that would have flowers but wouldn't reach the screen in time & just let the fan leaves go to the yellow side.

With my ultra pruning I think I lost a weeks time in flower, the plants went into some sort of 2nd stretch and grew a bunch of new fan leaves and the buds didn't grow at all. Yes this scrog thing is an unnatural growing method. But I do have a shit load of bud sites all in a 6" height zone.

Thanks for the info, I know I still have much to learn


Well-Known Member
I'm sub'd. You better not have given up on this thread yet, I just found it and read the whole damn thing. I'll talk your ear off too. I just moved out of the socal desert, I too know the trouble/expense (what a fucking expense!) of having to insulate and seal a room. Pain in my ass. I loved the winters when I could let the fresh air in all the damn time.

I picked up masterbubba recently too. Haven't flowered it out yet, just got the clones, but I got to smell the flowers at the dispensary, really strong bubba smell. I'm excited! I have a experimental 4x4 on the side right now that I'm trying my first scrog in with some Blue Dream my friend gave me. Lol, remember when Blue Dream was hot shit? Anyways, that is actually going pretty well for my first attempt, if you consider I let the plants get 4ft tall before I lolipopped and scrogged them... You'd fall out of your chair laughing if I posted pictures. You can see 2-3 months worth of growth picked clean, nothing to show for my efforts. Lol. But hopefully in the end they will at least pay for the electricity bill. I've been meaning to SCROG since I started to grow 3 years ago, but I just now got around to it.

Anyways, post up some pictures, and I'll gladly post up some of my own. Your thread is starting to get quite, we need some action!

Too bad I didn't get here sooner though, I could have told you that the master bubba won't stretch much at all, she has to much master in her. I've grown Bubba, and have a few friends that have grown Master, so I'm pretty familiar with both. I also just picked up a Master clone from a bitching sweet dispensary out in Santa Ana (SASC), 47 days to harvest with co2 enrichment. I'm stoked.

But seriously, let's see those pictures. I read through your whole thread, you owe me bud porn!


Well-Known Member
A well spent half an hour read through this thread just want to say awesome job here with this scrog I have my first attempt going now my plants are finishing up their second week of veg I am excited to start working with the screen!

I have a question though earlier in the thread you were emphasizing not "outgasing" the room what is it that you meant by this in a little easier terms?


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, I'm just about to wrap this thread up :)
I chopped some of my top buds (about 2-3 oz dry) last week, cause I had a lot of lower stuff that was not getting any light. The last four days I was gone in the dessert (love Joshua Tree). When I got back most of my lower stuff that was neon green (lack of light) had turned nicely and matured well. So I think I will start harvesting the rest during this week.
I'll take a couple more shoots before I start to chop the rest.


Well-Known Member
A well spent half an hour read through this thread just want to say awesome job here with this scrog I have my first attempt going now my plants are finishing up their second week of veg I am excited to start working with the screen!

I have a question though earlier in the thread you were emphasizing not "outgasing" the room what is it that you meant by this in a little easier terms?
Hi Dapio, 'outgassing' or 'offgassing' refers to building materials that release toxic gases. In grows were people ventilate this is not a big problem, since gasses usually do not build up to a toxic level under those conditions. Sealed grow rooms however are a lot more susceptible to this. What's even more dangerous is sealed grow rooms that run high temps, the higher the temps, the more 'offgassing'( along with all kinds of other problems). I have run into a lot of threads lately were people advocate temps of 85f and up when coupled with co2 use. This will compound 'offgassing' problems. Even if there is no 'offgassing' issues I would try to maintain my temps around 78f, it just makes for a better nug. A lot of the kids around here get hooked on pics of donkey dicks lol, as if they smoke a picture ha. They will learn eventually.
I wish you the best of luck with your grow brother!

I'll post you some 'offgassing' pics later when I'm on the right computer.



Well-Known Member
I'm sub'd. You better not have given up on this thread yet, I just found it and read the whole damn thing. I'll talk your ear off too. I just moved out of the socal desert, I too know the trouble/expense (what a fucking expense!) of having to insulate and seal a room. Pain in my ass. I loved the winters when I could let the fresh air in all the damn time.

I picked up masterbubba recently too. Haven't flowered it out yet, just got the clones, but I got to smell the flowers at the dispensary, really strong bubba smell. I'm excited! I have a experimental 4x4 on the side right now that I'm trying my first scrog in with some Blue Dream my friend gave me. Lol, remember when Blue Dream was hot shit? Anyways, that is actually going pretty well for my first attempt, if you consider I let the plants get 4ft tall before I lolipopped and scrogged them... You'd fall out of your chair laughing if I posted pictures. You can see 2-3 months worth of growth picked clean, nothing to show for my efforts. Lol. But hopefully in the end they will at least pay for the electricity bill. I've been meaning to SCROG since I started to grow 3 years ago, but I just now got around to it.

Anyways, post up some pictures, and I'll gladly post up some of my own. Your thread is starting to get quite, we need some action!

Too bad I didn't get here sooner though, I could have told you that the master bubba won't stretch much at all, she has to much master in her. I've grown Bubba, and have a few friends that have grown Master, so I'm pretty familiar with both. I also just picked up a Master clone from a bitching sweet dispensary out in Santa Ana (SASC), 47 days to harvest with co2 enrichment. I'm stoked.

But seriously, let's see those pictures. I read through your whole thread, you owe me bud porn!

Cheers Brother, ha I was in Joshua this weekend, actually got married at our favorite spot in hidden valley on top of the rocks. My grow was un attended for 4 days, I come back and everything is just perfect. That is the flipside of going through the trouble with sealed rooms, ac, dehumid, chillers, co2 etc. I can usually step away for about 4-6 days without any problems ha. I can post some pics of the buds I chopped last Monday, and later today I will post some more of what remains on the plants. Your advice on the masterbubba would have been well received, I could have filled that screen a bit better lol. So, obviously, I chopped some last week so i would have it ready for my weeding weekend. Feedback was fantastic, the girls all complained that it was too strong lol. The smell is awesome, as anything with bubba in it should have a awesome smell.
This has been a very slow thread, I think the kids want to see donkey dick, and I am not about that lol.



Well-Known Member
Well congratulations my friend! I hope you two have many happy years to come.

Anyways, it always takes 2 or 3 grows with a strain to really get it down, even with advise. And I'm very familiar with patients coming in and complaining that my weed is too strong, lol. I have a few donkey dick nug pictures on my phone for shock value, but I am more about LST, and most recently, SCROG. The only time I throw in single stock plants is when I am short on time. Some of my strains do best as single stock as well, but most things enjoy the LST. I did get a few fucking mega fat tops on my most recent LST harvest. I put a lot of love into them and they really gave me a huge return on it.

That mastabubbs looks dankalicious! Pretty blue color. I wish I could get me a smell of that!


Well-Known Member
So here is the final post on this grow:
I harvested about 3oz. of tops at 8 weeks, and the remaining 8 oz. at 9 weeks. I only count top quality buds, the rest goes to hash/ butter. The overall yield on this phenom of Masterbubba was low, but the quality was superb. My buddy pulled about 3 oz of a 400HPS, but he had a couple of problems along the way.
This is the first strain in a while that makes me groggy the next morning from just smoking it ha, usually that takes edibles. The smoke itself tastes a bit harsh at first (still early on though) with some nice Bubba undertones. It hits merciless, and leaves only lifeless bodies in its wake lol. The smell is a just balance between the parents, very pleasant to the nose.

Here are the final pics of this grow:


My next grow is on its way, Rocklock is the flavor, check it out in the journals.

Peace out,