The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
exo n pyschosis are very simalar in smell and livers smells more than both, i got 10 pyschosis n livers on the grow at with 2x 6'' filters n 1 4'' all cans, and they are struggling if im honest.


Active Member
well my first ever go at this is all but over. I chopped down my smallest plant about a week & a half ago and hung it for about 4 and a half days. I then gave it a few days in & out of a jar and I ended up with 25 grams of dry, cured bud! :) Its delicious as well, some of the nicest I've had. The smell is really starting to come out now when I smoke it.
I chopped my 3 others 2 days ago - didnt think it would be such a chore! lol My place stunk to high heaven and I was still trying to use my resin–glued scissors at 3am.
I'm hoping for maybe 30 grams off each of these as they were quite a bit bigger than 'runty' and that would give me just over 4 oz, but I'll post the final weight when its all dry but over all I'm well happy with my LED grow.



Active Member
Started 5th week of 12/12 yesterday so wont be too long i hope but the wait is killing me :)
branches out really well dosent she? almost made for LST lol. happy so far growing well and kicking my other plants asses. hope the end product is as good as the veg grow.


Active Member
I smell fuck all, everyone that comes over sais my flat stinks to high heaven even outside the flat :lol: so i bought an ona block, and am now going to continue living in ignorance once again under the pretence that i've ambushed the problem :D Todays batch is hanging alongside my summer suits and blazers, they're gonna smell rather funky in a weeks time :D
we got this stuff that kills the smell good its called Blast comes in two smells bubblegum and berry fruits, about £8 a tin from basement lighting in newark but it works well. you get used to any smell after a while so will not notice but anyone who doesnt smell it all the time will notice it. This i can tell you from experience after working in a slaughter house for a short while.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have many years under my belt as a fish monger and butcher, i know all about getting used to smells :D people would often refuse to get in my car, to me it just smelt normal :D Ona has a pretty solid reputation and it seems to do it's thing, the bathroom smell, i actually find it almost pleasing, up close it's real wiffy and nasty but from a few meters away all i really smell is an odd sweet wiff, nothing that would annoy me.


Well-Known Member
Fucking pishing down here. Long may it continue. Murder when its hot here, hard to keep temps down. How is everyone. Im thinking about blazing up a doobie, need to remember if I have to do anything


Active Member
branches out really well dosent she? almost made for LST lol. happy so far growing well and kicking my other plants asses. hope the end product is as good as the veg grow.
Tell me about it mate i vegged for 4 weeks and they are about 41/2-5 ft i think and bushed out nicely, prunned them back a lot to increase the light to lower part of plants. looking really nice now and the amount of bud sites are really impressive. Only problem i have really is that about half are at slightly different stage as some are obviously getting better light still. have hung my propagator cfl on the slow end which has helped a little but i think i might have to harvest in two halves but i am sure thats not gonna be a massive problem.


Well-Known Member
chinese chicken noodle soup, salt and peppered spare ribs:fire::fire::fire:, mixed curry with chips and two cans of coke. food tae chase a hangover away.:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Active Member
So I'm visiting london from the US right now. Are there any cool places that I should go to? Any cool smoke shops?


Well-Known Member
You getting a shower the day, way aw this rain. Kill 2 birds wae 1 stone, get yer clothes washed aswel. U been on it again m8?
aye, was on it wednesday and thursday, lay shaking and sweatin on friday then back tae it on saturday. ah feel fuckin lousy noo. thats me tae next thursday when ah go tae the wickerman fstival.