FF Ocean Forest Growers. Add anything or not?


Active Member
This is my first grow, so simply I am not sure if I will ever need to add anything to FFoF. I have mixed feelings about my soil coming out of the bag at around 7.2 ph. I wanted to add some sulfur but after reading around, I'm not sure if I should add anything other then nutes and water. Many people grow straight through with FFoF without ever adding anything other then their ph'ed water and nute water.

Any suggestions or comments?


Well-Known Member
I add perlite and lime, but you really don't need to add any food for about 2 weeks cause if you do you will burn your ladies... FFOF is some pretty good soil, I like it alot but it's a bit on the expensive side. My local hydro shop charges 30 bucks a bag


Well-Known Member
Ya i know rite, i have to drive 60 miles to get it for 20 bucks a bag but when your buying 25-30 bags it's worth the trip lol


Active Member
Perlite,,, maybe the local soil in at about 10-20% mixture to that most likely would not hurt- I add a little organic cow compost as welll-- make some compost tea to add after a couple weeks too!


Well-Known Member
Wow your grabbin that many bags and they are still that damn greedy to still charge $30........fags.Set'em straight bro....you gotta get some kinda deal for a purchase of that size.We know how that goes though......"here is a free bottle of nutes fella for ya purchase".....kiss me arse.


Active Member
Then again I live in Grass Valley and everyone grows and smokes pot. So of course shits cheaper. Its like 10 bucks a gram here and thats standard. Wait till you hear of a deal.


Well-Known Member
FFOF is a great starting point for recycling and custom making your own mix.

I got so tired of tossin shit after grows.


Well-Known Member
holy shit I hear ya on that one, I have to take shitloads of garbage bags and dump my shit... Where I dump it is now greener then fuck lol


Active Member
25 + tax where i live. shit is expensive, but works pretty good.

u shouldnt really have to add any nutes till after 3-4 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
yup I'm thinkin I'm just gonna start buying pallets of it directly from fox farm... It's some good shit but your right 30 bucks a bag is higher then giraffe pussy and seeing people paying 10 bucks a bag... im sooooo jealous of that


Well-Known Member
I think the people paying 12 or so are getting a smaller bag... the big bag is 20 at my local shop...


Well-Known Member
probably, but I would still love to even pay 20 bucks a bag rather then 28.99 plus tax....shheeesh. But it is some good shit and whatever makes my ladies happy then I'm willing to do. Happy plants = happy gardener


Well-Known Member
But back to the original question... FFOF is great by itself, I only add the lime to be on the safe side and make sure my ph isn't gonna budge. The perlite is added to only one strain I grow because I like it to dry out quick because these ladies are hungry bitch's and like to be fed every other day. But when you open the bag you can just use it like that, highly doubtful you will have any problems. Sorry for getting off subject and good luck with your garden