FF Ocean Forest Growers. Add anything or not?


Well-Known Member
P.S. fox farm grow big liquid ferts are GREAT, I have been using their vegg food for almost 10 years and never had a problem with it EVER. Ive just recently within the last year started adding big bloom to it and let me tell you the difference I see in root mass.. When you do need to start feeding I would recommend 1 teaspoon every watering ( that's if it's like once every 4-5 days) along with 1 tablespoon of the big bloom and you will see your ladies explode in the vegg cycle


Active Member
Never forget to check ACE Hardware. My local Ace lowered the prices of FFOF to ten dollars below the local hydro shops. $16.99 for the large bag.

Also, I usually mix at least a brick of coconut coir the bag for extra aeration. OF is peat based, and i'm a big fan of peat mixed with coconut.


Well-Known Member
Oops.....we did kinda derail this huh?Sorry

To the OP.....if your gonna be usin bottled nutes to feed with it doesn't really "need" any thing.

A bit of lime will not hurt if you want to help with some extra ph balance.


Active Member
i use 50% ffof , 30% ffHf, 20% promix bx, and a slash of lime. ( this is untested, haven't started to use it yet)


Well-Known Member
Oops.....we did kinda derail this huh?Sorry

To the OP.....if your gonna be usin bottled nutes to feed with it doesn't really "need" any thing.

A bit of lime will not hurt if you want to help with some extra ph balance.

No I meant when the plants start needing to be fed, if you feed them now you will burn them up. Lots of good stuff in the soil to get ya started.


Well-Known Member
Then again I live in Grass Valley and everyone grows and smokes pot. So of course shits cheaper. Its like 10 bucks a gram here and thats standard. Wait till you hear of a deal.
haha yup santa cruz is the same way and btw have an uncle and acouple friends who grow in grass valley


Well-Known Member
I made some brownies last night and double cooked the butter with like a ounce of weed and i'm thinking it was a little much... whole body is buzzing as we speak


Active Member
I pay 12 bucks for a big bag of it where I live, its all I use. I feed my plants 3 weeks after planting in it, just veg nutes and bloom nutes. I DO add mollasses in during flowering too.


Well-Known Member
Now its $15 bag when their was only one grow shop around the guy charged $25. Then these other shops open up and $15 a bag is the new going rate for headaches:lol::lol::clap:
11.95 for me. Doesn't seem expensive, I guess it depends on where you live too? Are you in a medical state? Fox Farm being known for growing they might jack the prices.


Active Member
haha yup santa cruz is the same way and btw have an uncle and acouple friends who grow in grass valley
My bloodline is from stanta cruz capitola 41st ave near the capitola mall. Half my family lives down there in salinas, watsonville, santa cruz areas.

Back to the original subject, I got my bags from ace hardware to!