The white s1 And white fire seeds

I just bought some white s1 and white fire seeds from divine wellness center in north hollywood , anyone grow these out? i just germinated my packs


Well-Known Member
which is better? say you had a choice between the two which would you get? assuming more variation with the s1's? but possibly a better pheno? dont really know anything about the fire kush


Active Member
Anything with og fire and strawberry cough is straight fire. I got some beans of the white in my seed collection with a few other rare gems.


Active Member
Yea, Raskal said he just shipped his beans to CannaCollective on the 20th. The White s1's & White Fire, just like the OP has. Heard he was shipping to the Attitude, but I don't know how true that is.


Active Member
i've heard that people pay thousands for them.
I know some fuckers over at THC were selling them for over 600 a while back. But Raskal sold them there for like 80 something, so those guys made bank. I personally wouldn't fuck with that site.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure theyr all fems - Raskal Sts (reverses) one and puts the pollen on the other cut