If SHTF, are you ready?


Well-Known Member
no i dont hate humans, and i dont think guns should be taken away, i think the word "protection" should be what it is. but even trained police officers have abused this too many times, innocent unarmed people have clips unloaded on them, were they protecting themselfs? thats just one example, oh and email who are you saying they should take typewriters from? thought crime? or just wrong information?


Well-Known Member
no i dont hate humans, and i dont think guns should be taken away, i think the word "protection" should be what it is. but even trained police officers have abused this too many times, innocent unarmed people have clips unloaded on them, were they protecting themselfs? thats just one example, oh and email who are you saying they should take typewriters from? thought crime? or just wrong information?
what an elegant response to my smart-ass comment! :joint:

the typewriter comment was for wrong or misleading information.


Well-Known Member
As a thought experiment, i would certainly consider the idea. Though i would make no distinction between "hunting" and "assault" weapons. To be honest, hunting weapons tend to be more accurate, last longer and be more powerful than most "assault weapons". The "assault weapons" tend to hold more ammo if you consider that an advantage but i digress...

Even if i could snap my fingers and remove firearms from the planet, how long before they were "invented" again? This is true, even for a post-apocalyptic setting. The cat is already out of the bag.

The reality in the US is the government would have to do one hell of a serious search and seizure in order to confiscate even a percentage of the available firearms. And as we know with the war on drugs, if somebody wants something, they will get it. And while I may be persuaded to give up my second amendment right, in order to truly eradicate firearms, I would have to give up many, many more rights. It would be a very slippery slope.

Now if you ask me straight out - what rights are you willing to give up to be safer? that is an easy question to answer ... none.

I know it is silly and seems improbable or flat-out impossible, but many of us feel like it is our responsibility to have firearms in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones and to put meat on the table. But the most important reason is to defend our way of life - from foreign or domestic enemies. An armed citizenry, while possible to subdue, does make a government think twice before taking too many of our rights away - at least that is supposed to be how it works. And when it comes to revolution, citizens may not have much of a chance, but without weapons they have none.

Another words, sure i'm willing to turn in my guns. I'll go last!

I would add that i am all for taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous and crazy people - we can start with typewriters :mrgreen:

also note - this is a brain dump of how i feel today - i may answer the question differently tomorrow or years from now.

Some good points there, I wouldn't expect any less from you email.:mrgreen: It just saddens me that ppl in America are so paranoid and defensive, and seem to live in a climate of fear. he in the U.K and the rest of Europe guns are illegal, as a result we have only a fraction of the murders caused by guns, (also a lot less murders period). But I can see how they are now ingrained in American society and culture (or lack of culture), and to remove all of them would be almost impossible, if not ridiculous. You said you wouldn't bother outlawing them in a post apocalyptic setting because the cats already out of the bag, but he in Europe guns are illegal but people are aware that they have been invented, so outlawing would not be completely hopeless. It makes me laugh though how these hunters in America go out to shoot rabbits with a M16's and 50 cals, it's not hunting to put food on your table it's blood sports. Your theory about an armed citizenship makes sense, but in reality it is quite different. If you look at countries in Africa where guns are rampant, there is complete political and social chaos that stems from guns. Here in England we don't have guns and the cops don't have guns, but in the U.S both cops and citizens have guns, so it's all relative. In fact more ppl are killed by the law enforcement in the U.S than in most developed countries. that was a sound response from you BTW thanks.:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:

P.S I'm all with you on taking away typewriters from journalists; we'll give them back when they start investigative journalism again, rather than take it straight from the cops!:peace: HEHE.


Well-Known Member
Some good points there, I wouldn't expect any less from you email.:mrgreen: It just saddens me that ppl in America are so paranoid and defensive, and seem to live in a climate of fear. he in the U.K and the rest of Europe guns are illegal, as a result we have only a fraction of the murders caused by guns, (also a lot less murders period). But I can see how they are now ingrained in American society and culture (or lack of culture), and to remove all of them would be almost impossible, if not ridiculous. You said you wouldn't bother outlawing them in a post apocalyptic setting because the cats already out of the bag, but he in Europe guns are illegal but people are aware that they have been invented, so outlawing would not be completely hopeless. It makes me laugh though how these hunters in America go out to shoot rabbits with a M16's and 50 cals, it's not hunting to put food on your table it's blood sports. Your theory about an armed citizenship makes sense, but in reality it is quite different. If you look at countries in Africa where guns are rampant, there is complete political and social chaos that stems from guns. Here in England we don't have guns and the cops don't have guns, but in the U.S both cops and citizens have guns, so it's all relative. In fact more ppl are killed by the law enforcement in the U.S than in most developed countries. that was a sound response from you BTW thanks.:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:

P.S I'm all with you on taking away typewriters from journalists; we'll give them back when they start investigative journalism again, rather than take it straight from the cops!:peace: HEHE.
i don't think the violence in Africa stems from guns. I think it comes from political instability and an empty belly.

Where I live it is not legal to hunt rabbits (or anything else) with either an M-16 or .50 Cal. I know that because I love to hunt and fish and camp and hike and garden. :leaf:

Glad you enjoyed the response. :joint:


Well-Known Member
whats the deal with blair trying to be the leader of the eu?
A bit off topic, but yeah it's a disgrace. If he had any dignity he would put his head in a gilatene. This guy thinks he's a messiah, just like Bush, they're dangerous, wicked men.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about this and what not but where does that put the queen?
She just sits on the thrown flicking herself off!:hump: No seriously, there is a sort of etiquette which the government follow in regards to the Queen, Although she has no actual power, when there is a transition of power between governments, the old one must meet with the Queen to liquidise parliament.
They [the royal family] still receive tax payers money though, fuck knows what they do with it the little bastards.

Down with the Monarchy! Heads will roll.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
we have no choice as to where we're born and raised once we become comfortable with our surroundings as adults we choose to stay or leave.

Firearms have been a part of american culture from the beginning. You may not be capable of fathoming this due to the fact you reside in a country where guns are illegal. I can tell you it is not easy to uproot your entire life leave your friends and family behind to avoid living in a country where firearms are legal and being used far too often.

In that case I will remain here and protect my loved ones using the means offered. theres an old saying "You dont bring a knife to a gunfight"...the criminals in this country will ALWAYS have guns regardless of a firearm ban.

Again the stage is set we are at their mercy if we do not arm ourselves. maybe we all could leave our families and friends behind with the little money some of us have and start a new life somewhere else? not likely