First Time Grow!


Active Member
Thanks for advice. Do you mean, when saying they need to be "straightened out" that they should be standing upright? They are doing this now. Out of the three, it looks like I have two strains. The odd plant out is the tallest - it is growing with a bit of a bend in it, and its leaves, which are skinnier and longer than the other plants, gets droopy less than 24 hours after a watering.
The stalks have all become a darker green, but are still very skinny.


New Member
i didnt mean nothing by it really......your plants leaning the way they are is prolly just them growing toward the light your plants look good but i think you should try waiting another day maybe two between waterings......really let em dry up so those roots look for water its a fine line but when there too dry u will know.....they wont look happy real sad ......give em some water couple hours there happy again.....then u know time water just before they get mad at u


Active Member
So here they are on their week 3 anniversary.

Two of them looked "sad" today so I watered. They seemed to dry out quicker this time around - I watered on Sunday, so this was a quick turnound. The soil was quit dry deep down, and they were droopy.
I added in some nutes for the first time as well. I'm using General Hydroponics and used 1/3 of a ml of each per gallon of a tiny's roughly a quarter of the strength recommended for seedlings.



Active Member
My computer crashed last week, had a nasty virus which wiped my entire hard drive. But I'm back up and running, granted I lost all my photos and log on excel keeping track of this grow...good thing I had this going!

So, since my last post (on Day 21) I've fed them three times. The first one (I might have posted this actually on day 21...) was with 3 drops per gallon of the nute sollution.

Three days later I doubled the nutes. Plant 1 loved the second dose. Plants 2 and 3 did not so much...I'm pretty sure I burnt the lower leaves, they're a bit yellow. But I've watered since, without nutes, and they seem to be rebounding.

I've been holding off on transplanting, but think I'm going to do it this weekend now. I have the seedings in 90% peat moss and 10% Happy Frog soil. So I think it's time to get them some more growing space in a better soil.

Once I transplant, I am going to add three cfls (havent decided on wattage yet) in addition to the t4 florescents I have going.

So here are the pictures of them today. The yellow leaves are pretty noticable in the second two plants.

The first plant seems to be a satfiva since it is much taller and skinnier than the first two. Once I transplant, I am going to start pinning it down so it doesn't get too tall. But I can't seem to get its leaves to be completley perky...they always kind of droop, even after a feeding. Is that normal?
Sorry for the way I posted the images...for some reason I'm having problems attaching this computer's settings still aren't how they used to be.


New Member
the droopy leaves might be normal.....plant growing soo fast the stems cant support the leaves..........might be still overwatered .........full of water plant juice stuff and heavy.............your pics didnt come thru............what are u planning to transplant into?


New Member
cfl s i like the 23 watters if u have the patients to move em around every day most lumens per watt i like to surround a lil plant with clamp lights three sides and above blow a fan in the hole


Active Member
Here are the pictures of them from a few days ago in case that last post didn't work. I'm still getting the kinks out of my computer since the virus.

I'm planning on replanting them today or tomorrow. Though I'm concerned about the yellowing leaves on the bottom-- it's been several days since I used nutes, so I was hoping they would have recovered by now.

Is it time to move these guys into their permanent 3.5 gallon homes?
1 29.jpg2 29.jpg3 29.jpg


Active Member
Well I replanted them today, to get them out of that old soil. Hopefully they'll be about to bounce back here.
I'll put pic up tomorrow probably


yeah they are looking haggard man, honestly. I havent used nutes much at all. Those are kinda small to have a nutes schedule already. at least in my opinion. That looks like some ill nute burn.


Active Member
Yeah, I kind of blew it.
I've been doing a lot of reading and saw a lot of people begin nutes 3-4 weeks in. So I did too and am paying the price.

I just hope that they can recover.


just stop feeding them anything but either seltzer water or regular water. and they should if they aren't dead already, they will genrally live.


Active Member
I replanted these guys two days ago and have added a 24w cfl light to each pot.

Even though they're not doing well, I'm going to stick it out with them for the near future at least just for practice...

They are doing better. I have started lst'ing the third one, which is why its close to the edge of the pot...its leaves that had been curling seem to be straightening out. The first one, which has been the strongest, is now struglling, its bottom leaves are still burnt...assuming its still the nutes. I cut off the dying leaves this morning, and then this new set of leaves yellowed by this afternoon.

They're all roughly 4 inches. The third one is probably a half inch or so taller.



Active Member
So they seem to be bouncing back. They've been growing a lot this week, I think they like their new pots.

The third one though, is just looking a little more weird. It's extremely skinny, especially the leaves. It's the tallest of the three plants, close to 7 inches. The other two are around 5 inches. And the leaves at the top of the third plant are all twisted. Not really sure what to do about this plant. In another post, someone told me that it was going to hermie because it looks so mutated. Regardless, I'm going to keep growing it for practice. Hopefully one of them can turn into a lady.

The other two are looking better. I removed all leaves that were burnt from the nutes and that seemed to help. The second plant now seems to be the healthiest.

I've ordered some better seeds. So this round, is now really just an experiment/practice. And because of that, and the stress these plants have gone through, I'm probably not going to veg for that much longer. If I can get them all to 10 inches, I'll probably start changing the lighting cycle.

Oh yeah, I have not added any nutes since that last disaster...just water.



Active Member
So it's been a while since the last post. They've grown a bunch.

I started using nutes two weeks ago. I added in a little bit for the first two watering, then watered without nutes. The last watering (2 days ago) I upper the dosage. I can't tell if I overdid it. All three plants have some yellowing on lower fan leaves.
On the first plant, there are some brownish-yellow spots. The second one, as you can see, had a rough afternoon a couple weeks ago and got decently burned. It's hard to keep CFLs a few inches away since the plants reach to them so hard.

I have been LST'ing the third plant, which has worked out nicely. I am going to pin it down again this weekend.

I'm also not sure when I should starting flowering, I guess it all depends on the size of plants I can handle. My big challenge is figuring out how to get that closet ready. If the door is closed, the temp hits 90, so I can't leave the closet as it is. I've been thinking about closing it with a mylar sheet and adding in some vents for fans...though it is a big close and I'm not sure how much that would effect the temp. I'd rather not go with a tent at this point, since I have spent enough money for the first grow, and I have nowhere to discretely put the tent.

The first plant is 10.5", the second is 8 and the third is 14 or so



Active Member
That tall skinny one is most likely a male. The males always grow taller and less bushy. When you throw them into flower watch that one very closely.:weed::weed::weed: