im glad your not a dumbass, a buddy of mine decided two get two and move into a apartment. Needless to say, he is a dumbass. I do not go by his place anymore. You can get mini goats for about $10-$20US anywhere in the country.. they stay small and not aggressive and easy to manage.Also theylike to be herded.
Ok kids take it easy, this is a friendly thread. No talk of ass kicking
This is the skunk I was raising for a little while. Unfortunately michigan has some messed up laws that prohibit me from raising an orphaned skunk (after which they told me to give it to a wildlife reserve, and i quickly learned that all of the reserves have to put them down after 24 hours, the bastards). I'll be getting a baby skunk come next spring. Just have to get my permit and get the skunk from a licensed dealer.
Ok kids take it easy, this is a friendly thread. No talk of ass kicking
This is the skunk I was raising for a little while. Unfortunately michigan has some messed up laws that prohibit me from raising an orphaned skunk (after which they told me to give it to a wildlife reserve, and i quickly learned that all of the reserves have to put them down after 24 hours, the bastards). I'll be getting a baby skunk come next spring. Just have to get my permit and get the skunk from a licensed dealer.
did it ever spray you?? and it does look precious!! bonus points if you named it flower
you can do that? cause i would get a skunk if it wouldnt smell
Nice kittyhere's mine
ugh, im pretty sure it would be humane as long as you kept it as a pet for its whole life. If you intended on realeaseing it later, its inhumane because then it wouldnt have any defenses