Comments on G13 Labs?


Well-Known Member
hey dude,

it may not be what your looking for, but i have just finished a G13 NORTHENLIGHTS AUTO. got it as a freebie.
what can i say, realy easy to grow, had no problems. this was a really sturdy plant, got stunted at the begininng but still come through looking wikid.

only harvested it like 4 days ago. i had a tester spliff, and i was pretty good. really mellow, relaxed feeling, quite heavy, with a subtle taste. taste will come a bit more with curing.~

but i would deffinately use their seeds again

btw i grew this outside in organics in the UK,



New Member
works for me thanks! i just potted a Purple Haze from them yesterday i was curious. Man norther light is a smoke im dying to try <.> good to hear she went good


Well-Known Member
wikid man, hope the grow goes well for you :D
was the first time i had tryed northern, and i liked it quite alot. with a bit of curing it will be some proper chronic hopefully
i dont think it will ever be like the original northen though seeing as this is a auto, but its probably damn close :D


New Member
How tall did it grow? my first grow was a Auto Blue Mystic supposed to stay around a foot or so but grew to 3 feet lol. damn good smoke im not going to lie


Well-Known Member
well the thing is, it fucked up in the begining, the taproot didnt kno where to go.
i ended up having a bent stem at the base and it was taking agies to flower and ended up stunted.
it didnt start flowering till about the 6th - 7th week and finished in about 17 weeks. it ended up being about 1 1/2 foot - 2 foot tall

but this made me realise that it must have good genetics, because instead of flowering when it was stunted on like the 2 week. it seemd like it waited till it was a bit better/stronger and bigger then hit flowerin when it sorted itself out on like the 6th - 7th wk

this is one of the reasons id use them again, the genetics seem really good and stable.


New Member
well the thing is, it fucked up in the begining, the taproot didnt kno where to go.
i ended up having a bent stem at the base and it was taking agies to flower and ended up stunted.
it didnt start flowering till about the 6th - 7th week and finished in about 17 weeks. it ended up being about 1 1/2 foot - 2 foot tall

but this made me realise that it must have good genetics, because instead of flowering when it was stunted on like the 2 week. it seemd like it waited till it was a bit better/stronger and bigger then hit flowerin when it sorted itself out on like the 6th - 7th wk

this is one of the reasons id use them again, the genetics seem really good and stable.
it didnt flower till the 6th week?? there supposed to flower basically as soon as they pop thought. ? seems like you had a delayed auto. man autos are really funky.


Well-Known Member
nah but i was guessing this was becuse it got stunted at the beginning, and just thought to itself that it will wait till its sorted itself out till it hits flowering,

but you could also be right lol :D
i will deffinately use autos again though, they are pretty cool to work with


Well-Known Member
I'm growing g13 Pineapple Express and g13 Midnight Kush. They're in veg now. But for the money I paid I expect a lot


Well-Known Member
be wary of some :eyesmoke:some have hermie traits that like to show :evil:

how did it get stunted?
i said above, it was because the taproot got lost by the looks of it and got bent, when the stem came up it had a squigilly bend in the stem at the base at it stayed there the whole life.
it was also because i left it in a to small of a pot for to long so it didnt grow enough in the beginning to.
now when i do autos i start them straight in a big bucket as the roots on a lowrydwer shoot out to see how big they can grow by feeling the space they have. i seem to be getting bigger plants and yields when i start autos in a bucket.

dont take my word witht the root thing, although i did read it on a reputable seed site a while ago.
il try and find the link if i can, it was some time ago.