Let's Debate

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Ok heres the question ............the bible totaly contradicts the proven theory of evolution how can you still believe in the bible whilst discarding the science behind evolution ?


Well-Known Member
My friend, I've read the. Bible 4 times, y so closed minded? And spirit and God are not the same, u are god, and spirit is everything, but I don't expect u to get that, being all close minded!


Well-Known Member
i never once said i believe in the bible. The bible (to me) is a big bed time story book passed down for many generations. All i am saying is that it wants you to be a bettr person. all of us. thats what its abut in the end. all religion.


Well-Known Member
Look up Dr. John Lilly, he did some amazing studies, really one of the main reasons acid. Is banned and black walled


Well-Known Member
i never once said i believe in the bible. The bible (to me) is a big bed time story book passed down for many generations. All i am saying is that it wants you to be a bettr person. all of us. thats what its abut in the end. all religion.
Ur most def right! Life is about being a good person! To ur brother and sister as well!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Im not closed minded your the close minded one , you are denying evidence that is put before you and proven a million times over , evolution is as factual as we have day n night

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Dude i have taken acid .....it will not make you see a fictional being , it will make you laugh and look at reality in a different way but it wont prove you have a spirit and it wont prove a god exists .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
WE DONT NEED RELIGION TO do GOOD THINGS .......HUMANS IN A CIVILISED WORLD KNOW ITS WRONG TO DESCRIMATE Against someone who is gay , we knowv this is wrong yet religion says homosexuality is a sin and is wrong .


Well-Known Member
humans minds trick them into thinking blasphemous things all the time. That doesnt mean they are right or wrong, it simply means were all different, yet so alike....


Well-Known Member
Its NOT the acid, and I do believe in evolution, and I do think religion is abunch of bs, so where are we disagreeing at?? I think u need to find out what spirit is. For ur self, just look into it, life is more than u think, and I'm not talkin heaven or hell, cuz ur heaven is right here on earth! Preception is everything!


Well-Known Member
WE DONT NEED RELIGION TO do GOOD THINGS .......HUMANS IN A CIVILISED WORLD KNOW ITS WRONG TO DESCRIMATE Against someone who is gay , we knowv this is wrong yet religion says homosexuality is a sin and is wrong .
exactly, youre right. This is why i said Karma is my spirituality. Not spirituality as in i believe in god ec but that i believe in me and all thats around me.


Well-Known Member
But y, or how do we know it is. Wrong?????? There has to be a driving force that makes us think or feel the way we do, right??


Well-Known Member
Then explain ghosts. Why do we have TONS of documented "sightings" and "phenomenon" if we dont live on after death? When buried 6 feet deep we nourish the plants and grass above our decaying bodies bringing new life into the world.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
well its a collective thought ..........if we all thought murder was ok and acceptable then we would say that its ok .....but because the vast majority of people think murder is wrong and bad and sickening we believe it is wrong just the same as we think having a partner is ok and acceptable .