maybe this aint the proper forum... but...


Well-Known Member
just once i would like to read a thread that interests me without all the little girl slap fight bullshit. it always boils down to this: " you suck and your plants suck". grow up little girls... this site is for EVERYONE who wants to be here. im tired of unfriendly jerks who strut around here and act like they know everything about everything, and everyone else who has a legitimate question is just a pain in their ass. pardon us O great and noble master growers... please excuse our desire to learn more. we realize that we simple noobs will never reach your apex, but cant you just let us alone in peace if you cant help us out?

if this pisses you off...its probably you im talking about... :finger:

we are not in high school anymore... are we???


Well-Known Member
Relax. This site does have some good helpful members who've been here a long time and helped lots of people and most would agree learning to ignore them people is one of the most important things for staying on rollitup. I've seen a ton of cool people get drove off by them sadly though too. Youve got a good attitude about wanting to learn and help others overall. I think youve got alot of potential. Welcome to the site and I hope you stay.


Well-Known Member
they aint going to drive me off... ive got kevlar skin. but i want others to know that its not just them seeing this silliness... i see it too. bullies suck and its kindof hard to swallow when you cant look a bully IN THE EYE. thanks dark... nice pussy (avatar)


Active Member
I don't know, I mean, arguments happen. And from what I can tell, experienced growers can't stand when a noob asks a question that's been asked a hundred times before. I don't blame them, because that's why there is a search option for the forums. Personally, I haven't seen a question on here that hasn't been asked at least twice. I did all my learning from the search engine. As far as squabbles between members, I think most people here are really great individuals. I don't let a few assholes ruin my time here, because for every jerk I've run in to, there's 10 more that were really nice.


Well-Known Member
just wheres all the love... man thats all im saying...i see it this way there are several generations here... and grandpa shouldnt pick on the kids


Well-Known Member
i didnt say not to respect your elders... i KNOW they know more than me... absolutely. my problem is all in the attitude


Well-Known Member
"And from what I can tell, experienced growers can't stand when a noob asks a question that's been asked a hundred times before"

Some of them. its actually kind of pet peeve of mine. if someone doesnt want to answer the questions no one is making them. just like no one made them read the thread the questions were in. people should point the newbs in the right direction by answering or giving links for them to read or hit the back button. As ive said ive seen alot of people leave and/or form negative views of the site as a whole from people who are rude to them so i have no problem confronting rude people about being rude. we lose way too many members because of them.


Well-Known Member
thank you dark... were on the same page
if you get sick of the same old questions stay the hell out of the noob forum
MEANWHILE... these same rude cats would be tripping all over themselves to answer basic questions if we were hanging out in person. thats why i kindof hate the computer... i get into shit on here that NEVER would happen if i were face to face with someone. there is alot of peoples natural personalities lost in the translation of typing anonomously out in cyberspace... anonymity isnt always a great thing

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
thank you dark... were on the same page
if you get sick of the same old questions stay the hell out of the noob forum
MEANWHILE... these same rude cats would be tripping all over themselves to answer basic questions if we were hanging out in person. thats why i kindof hate the computer... i get into shit on here that NEVER would happen if i were face to face with someone. there is alot of peoples natural personalities lost in the translation of typing anonomously out in cyberspace... anonymity isnt always a great thing
It's the nature of the beast with internet forums. Forums are a mixed blessing. You have no idea how bad I wish I had this resource when I was learning. But, like any other community, you got your saints and you got your assholes. I was on here a couple of years ago (different username) and it was the same thing. So is every other "public" site I've ever been on. But this is a great site. Lots of wisdom and knowledge rattling around here. And for the most part, good folks here who are here to learn and share experience. Try some of the "other" places. There are no better sites out there, and many are way worse.
Sparky, I feel yer pain. It gets to me too sometimes. Gotta keep your perspective tho.....


Well-Known Member
a thread about respecting each other... i love it...but for me respect is for those who earn it. and elders are around to weed out the chaff


Well-Known Member
joe i dont disagree with you totally... but for me i give respect freely... until someone makes me revoke it. its a fact to me that all new people i meet deserve my respect... the way i see it... just by being human they deserve to be treated like i would want to be treated... sometimes i can be a total dumbass, thank GOD that my friends are pretty cool. who has the energy to waste on looking for the negative in the world
the world is an evil enough place without me making it worse
and all in all... most people prove to be fairly respectable


Well-Known Member
It's the nature of the beast with internet forums. Forums are a mixed blessing. You have no idea how bad I wish I had this resource when I was learning. But, like any other community, you got your saints and you got your assholes. I was on here a couple of years ago (different username) and it was the same thing. So is every other "public" site I've ever been on. But this is a great site. Lots of wisdom and knowledge rattling around here. And for the most part, good folks here who are here to learn and share experience. Try some of the "other" places. There are no better sites out there, and many are way worse.
Sparky, I feel yer pain. It gets to me too sometimes. Gotta keep your perspective tho.....
Exactly, it is the internet. Anyone can hide behind a screen with no penalty.

I just thought of a cool new show called "Troll Hunters", where hackers locate trolls and face them off against Chuck Norris.


Well-Known Member
maybe its just me... im new to the internet and dont really understand all of the social norms, yet please be patient with me. i think i have something to offer though, and i enjoy learning from everyone... even if its learning what NOT to do


Active Member
Well, the only thing I can add to this, is I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. If some guy is being a dick just ignore the motherfucker. The people that leave this site due to a couple assholes ARE better off leaving. GOOD RIDDANCE, they were to weak and bailed because of a few insults. It's the fucking internet for crying out loud. The assholes are everywhere. You don't like an old timer being rude? Fucking ignore him and quit whining about it. I move on to the next thread now if I feel I might mix it up with someone. Yea, in the end this thread is annoying me.