Napa23's 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
I guess this is just for my records. The bottom leaves have been dying from lack of nitrogen. No big deal, gives me better air flow down there where it's needed. Fed today with 2 tsp Tiger Bloom, full dose. She probably should have been getting full dose a bit ago but we'll see how she handles it. She is 45 days old, 31 days flowering. She's getting really smelly now, I missed that smell lol. I expect she should be done in around 4 weeks. Some of her top hairs are starting to go red, so we'll see. I think she'll yield a nice amount for personal use.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah this is my biggest plant, it's my 3rd I'll be harvesting. I'll check your grow, thanks for stopping by. Been really lonely out here lately lol


Well-Known Member
I wish you could partake too, Mellow :). I dunno when I'll chop. Today is day 50, so hopefully I can chop by day 70. I don't know though. The pistils are still awfully white. Hopefully she can go red and bulk up in the next 2-3 weeks. She's been loosing leaves a lot lately and the pistils are starting to go red so obviously we're in the home stretch. I know I always say this but...definitely growing this strain again. I have a list of crosses I'd like to try. Here she is, how long do you think?
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Well-Known Member
DAMN thats a plant!!!
Yessir, my biggest plant yet. Do things right and your plant will reward you. This is why I suggest LST. Although if you go back in the thread, you can see that I did trim one leaf off. It was right after I LST'd and the one leaf was covering multiple lower branches. I guess you can trim, just be wise about it.
She's looking awesome I'd say a couple more weeks (imo)
Thanks man, hopefully she gets there. She's been growing so fast lately. From the breeder's words, she's supposed to be done at like 5.5 weeks I think. Assuming that's flowering weeks, she SHOULD be done tomorrow. Obviously not gonna happen.


Active Member
Yessir, my biggest plant yet. Do things right and your plant will reward you. This is why I suggest LST. Although if you go back in the thread, you can see that I did trim one leaf off. It was right after I LST'd and the one leaf was covering multiple lower branches. I guess you can trim, just be wise about it.

Alright, So I should tie the branch down to about a 45 degree right angle to I leave it there or do I change it? Ive only jsut heard about this LST, when I was a kid and my dad used to do it outside we just trimmed so even this indoor growings pretty new, sorry to ask but I tried searching but not really a direct answer


Well-Known Member
Your dad grew with you? That's pretty sweet, I wish my parents were ok with it. So if you're going to do LST, I would tie them at a 90 degree angle, really as far as you can without braking it. They're pretty flexible though. My thermo/hygrometer fell on one of my flowering branches and bent it pretty far. Within the next day she was up straight again. Once you tie it you can leave it, won't have to change it. In a couple days she will turn up again. It just gives the lower buds more light. You can see I'm going to have a few chunky colas lol.


Active Member
Kinda they were in a big green house, norther lights they were, they were like 7 feet well they seemed 7 feet but I must of only been about 4 foot lol He never let me smoke it though but it was easy to swipe a carrier bag or two lol then he stopped because its bad for you, yeah? so are cars lol. I just got back from my jungle, they are too big I can bend them down but then I cant get the plants in too crowded. Just gonna jump into another grow after but I am gonna try in then cause I could see what you mean it just exposes like the 10 flowering sites Its a really good idea


Well-Known Member
Haha well i was gonna post on your buuuut lol. They've got some pretty huge autos out now. If i had a greenhouse, that's what I'd do. Haha your jungle, you do have a lot of plants. But with that many plants you won't need LST to increase yield, you're good.


Active Member
ye got beardies and couple of gheckos, beardy ate my bubblegum plant in 2009, its never been the same lol

I hope so, If not ill just go back to single plants!


Well-Known Member
ohhh bearded lizard? those are sweet, are those the ones that squeeze blood out the eyes when threatened?


Well-Known Member
that's crazy looking, like it'll chase you around and jump on your if you fuck with it lol. It's never been the same huh, is it uber lazy now lol?


Active Member
lol well I appreciate the help, I usually google problems first and almost always get something but it can be burried in 500 posts lol well enjoy your smoke (this was to spare mellows thread lol)


Active Member
aw man you have no idea I mean she was pretty lazt before but now its something else she never moves and she always looks right through you not like at you, her minds gone Lmfao