purple purple purple hmmm?


Active Member
my 3 clones went into flowering on friday all looking very nice an green except im getting purple stem,

they just had half strenth foliar feed every other day and an root hormone + what was in the soil while they were rooting
then repotted into " bio bix all mix" an watered well an cultivated regularly,
they vegged for 3weeks didnt water till the last week as the pots held the water (temps in my veg room are very low)

didnt notice the purple stem till the very last days of veg so when i put them into the flower room i have the 1/4 strenth veg nuets ph' to 7 + 1 teaspoon of epsoms to a gal

i had held off on nuets cuz i though there would be plenty in the soil, and because i over fed in my last grow i wanted to hold back as much as possible,

is this purple stem an indication i should start adding nuets? would you recommend full strength nxt? followed by maybe clean water + repeat?

ive been looking at purple stem questions on here an some people say its normal while others tend to say its a phosphorus / cal/mag deficency, wondering what you think?


Active Member
It's quite normal for the stems and leaves of some strains to take on a purplish hue, especially if they're exposed to cold temperatures. I wouldn't suggest using a full-strength dose of nutrients as you'll do more harm than good. Also, I'm not sure what your temps are in your veg room, but I find clones and young plants grow more vigorously in warm humid climes. I keep my plants vegetating at 31 degrees with 68% humidity and they thrive. I topped my plants yesterday and the new shoots have already grown 1/2 an inch.


Active Member
cheers thanks for the reply, the purpling is on the leaf stems mainly an there is the odd streak on the main stems worse on some more than others
the strain is Isis from Dutch Passion cloned from a plant i grew from seed just harvested recently
my veg room wud be no more than 21deg i dont thave a thermomiter so i cant be sure, i just topped mine also the other day cant say the shoots grew that quick though!
an they have been put to flower under a 400w hps
i guess if it were temp then the new shoots should start to have green stems??


Active Member
well 3 days later an after the 1/4 strenght nuets, the new shoots seem to be green, maybe they were just hungry could have been that an combination of temps too maybe, all the leaves still look healthy shade of green so thats good, mite try to bump them up 1/2 strenght next watering see how they like it, an give um a break on the nxt then, so far looking good anyway

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Purpleing of stem and main branches could have been early signs of N toxicity?(wrong)
opps *Deficiecny* i get things mixed up from time to time but i think your right the N toxicity i had was the claw im sorry yall but glad to be corrected, i would hate to develope bad habits but wrong information


Active Member
Purpleing of stem and main branches could have been early signs of N toxicity?
Really? i havent herd this before, an i did not feed untill just before i started this post, all they got was some rooting hormone when they were taken an a light strength foliar spray in the early dys before roots had developed, i reppotted few weeks before flower into "biobiz all mix" i havent used this before its my first time so dont know how much nuets are in the soil, but they say it has enuff for the first 2 weeks, i let it go for 3 in fear of a N tox prob which i experienced on a previous grow, with all that in mind i find it hard to belive that N tox is the cause of my problems unless the bio bix is really high in ferts, but saying that shouldnt i have noticed it earlier like soon after i re-potted? i only started to notice in the last 2 weeks so again im doubtful that N tox is the problem, im gonna read around about N-tox symptoms now though, cheers for your help


Active Member
my 3 clones went into flowering on friday all looking very nice an green except im getting purple stem,

they just had half strenth foliar feed every other day and an root hormone + what was in the soil while they were rooting
then repotted into " bio bix all mix" an watered well an cultivated regularly,
they vegged for 3weeks didnt water till the last week as the pots held the water (temps in my veg room are very low)

didnt notice the purple stem till the very last days of veg so when i put them into the flower room i have the 1/4 strenth veg nuets ph' to 7 + 1 teaspoon of epsoms to a gal

i had held off on nuets cuz i though there would be plenty in the soil, and because i over fed in my last grow i wanted to hold back as much as possible,

is this purple stem an indication i should start adding nuets? would you recommend full strength nxt? followed by maybe clean water + repeat?

ive been looking at purple stem questions on here an some people say its normal while others tend to say its a phosphorus / cal/mag deficency, wondering what you think?
man i had the same thing purple stems, looked it up intensively,and like ya sed when u look it up ya get diferent answers,, i found a leaf deff chart n it sed purple or red stems was nitrogen deff, that sort of made sense wiv my grow coz i propper under fed coz was parra that i wud over do it,,,, in the end the whole fookin thing went yellow even wiv addin more nutes it didnt repair it just got nute burn n probly lockout !! first ever grow so new i wud make mistakes,, live n learn, ope u suss ur problem out,, but i am learning from this site that ppl just throw anythink out there so u dont no what the hell to believe. good look man !!!!


Active Member
no offense but this is incorrect

that would actually be early phosphorus deficiency. and i agree with thc&me never ever use full strength nutes!!!!!

here check out my nitrogen defficiency/toxicity post with pictures
yea thats what i read the most regarding purple stems, an agree bout the nutes after the over feeding in my last grow, i have been trying my best not too over feed this time so maybe i just went too far, like i said new shoots seem to be all green after the 1/4 strenth guess illl just have to wait to see if they stay so over the next few days, i really wanna try get my nutes right this grow had alot of problems last time, im using "Ionics for soil" if anyones herd of um or used um, cheers for the help


Active Member
Quick update for anyone interested, i doubled up the nuets to 1/2 strenght nutes an they seem to be loving it, still no signs of purpling on the new growth and the purpling that was there dosnt seem as intense, and all the leaves are a nice shade of green, they are just over a week into flower now and all have nice hairs forming and are also begining to stretch so happy days :)

i quick question, i have been adding just under 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon to my water, should i do this every feed or just every so often? and should i ad it too my clean water when they get no nutes? cheers again for any help

The Weedster

Active Member
I am a first time grower and dont know much except for what i read on here. My grow is only one plant, LOL... Just wanted to try it. My little baby had a purple stem when it first started growing from a seed. I was like wow man this must be some potent shit. Lmao. Anyway I used regular old potting soil from dollar general and bought some Water Soluble Miracle Grow 20,20,20 and only used at half strength its whole grow. I did find out that temperature did make a difference when i moved it out of the heat into the air conditioned room. It grew like wild fire. Today is my first day now into flowering. I guess I will be able to tell the diff. whether male or female in a few days right?. I thought the purple was just a pretty color, but it all went away as soon as i fed my plant the MG solution. :cry: I was sad. But now it is putting off a most powerful smell for the past few weeks. I was thinking about getting a pet skunk just in case someone smells the thing.


Active Member
I am a first time grower and dont know much except for what i read on here. My grow is only one plant, LOL... Just wanted to try it. My little baby had a purple stem when it first started growing from a seed. I was like wow man this must be some potent shit. Lmao. Anyway I used regular old potting soil from dollar general and bought some Water Soluble Miracle Grow 20,20,20 and only used at half strength its whole grow. I did find out that temperature did make a difference when i moved it out of the heat into the air conditioned room. It grew like wild fire. Today is my first day now into flowering. I guess I will be able to tell the diff. whether male or female in a few days right?. I thought the purple was just a pretty color, but it all went away as soon as i fed my plant the MG solution. :cry: I was sad. But now it is putting off a most powerful smell for the past few weeks. I was thinking about getting a pet skunk just in case someone smells the thing.
Yea no as far as i know unless you are growing a know purple strain then its not suppose to be, i still dont know for sure what caused it but from what i can tell they were just hungry, and what you said just backs it up :), im a newbee grower too this is my 3rd grow, clones from my 2nd and it all seem well now :) dont get me wrong i got a decent harvest from the last still enjoying it, but i had my fair share of problems,

my only advice i can give is, invest in good soil, do your homework on whats good for your plants,
and keep that soil in the best condition you can learn to water corectly an cultivate regularly
always monitor your ph, invest in a good digital meter if you can an away you go,

if i had of done all of this prior to my 2nd grow i would have been golden, but its all learning,
luckily these plants take loads of abuse before you kill it hehe :)

as for your smell if your grow room/box is sealed an you have an exhaust fan get a carbon filter on it, it will help reduce it
an air conditioning is good keep the air moving in there with as many fans as you can, the plant will be better off for a number of reasons

an yes once you have 12/12 light going you should be able to see signs of sex pretty soon, if female you should see white hair like pistols starting to form around the nodes and they will become more an more until buds start to form(very exciting!! lol)
if its male then you will see a bannana type thing with pollen sacks maybe one or two they will start to multiply (very dispointing ) theres plenty of pics on the forum showing the two different plant parts

as this is your first grow you will learn alot, and also learn you need to learn alot!! lol im 3 grow in an still aint got it! just read as much as you can


Active Member
Quick update for anyone interested, i doubled up the nuets to 1/2 strenght nutes an they seem to be loving it, still no signs of purpling on the new growth and the purpling that was there dosnt seem as intense, and all the leaves are a nice shade of green, they are just over a week into flower now and all have nice hairs forming and are also begining to stretch so happy days :)

i quick question, i have been adding just under 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon to my water, should i do this every feed or just every so often? and should i ad it too my clean water when they get no nutes? cheers again for any help
if any one could answer this question i would really appreciate it! :)

The Weedster

Active Member
I dont know what to do with the plant now, it seems to grow more now that the 12/12 lighting is in effect, about 2 inches a day. I dont know why.. I thought it was supposed to slow the leaf process down but my plant said screw you im not done growing yet. It is fixing to hit the lights and I have no room for adjustment. I cant tell whether it is female yet. It wont pull its underwear down for me to see yet. Man I think this plant has a will to live and dont want to show its hairs or bananas until its ready... lol

But anyway I got another plant started just incase and Ill be damned a grasshopper found his way into my plant cubby and ate my freakin leaves right off of it. Knowing my luck my big plant is a male at the rate things are going for me right now... I dont care though , Im smoking its ass anyway, Smoking the shake just because i can , no reason else, I raised the bastard for 3 months so far and im getting something out of it. lol. Oh and thanks for the info. I need as much as i can get. What is that about salt water? Salt good for the Plant ?


Active Member
I dont know what to do with the plant now, it seems to grow more now that the 12/12 lighting is in effect, about 2 inches a day. I dont know why.. I thought it was supposed to slow the leaf process down but my plant said screw you im not done growing yet. It is fixing to hit the lights and I have no room for adjustment. I cant tell whether it is female yet. It wont pull its underwear down for me to see yet. Man I think this plant has a will to live and dont want to show its hairs or bananas until its ready... lol

But anyway I got another plant started just incase and Ill be damned a grasshopper found his way into my plant cubby and ate my freakin leaves right off of it. Knowing my luck my big plant is a male at the rate things are going for me right now... I dont care though , Im smoking its ass anyway, Smoking the shake just because i can , no reason else, I raised the bastard for 3 months so far and im getting something out of it. lol. Oh and thanks for the info. I need as much as i can get. What is that about salt water? Salt good for the Plant ?
yea man they stretch a good bit in flower it will start to slow soon, make sure there is no unwanted light getting into your room also this could cause them to not flower or re-veg, they need 12hrs complete darkness, some people slowly bring it down to 11 1/2 to 11 in late flowering, what kinda lights you using btw?

for your height issues i would try train your plants(chop the top shoot off) while they are stil in VEG, (dont do it if its flowering and has buds), what will happen is you will get two tops as appose to one, i ususally do it twice during veg this gives me four main buds and the rest of the plant gets bushier as a result also, meaning less height more tops, kinda as if you had extra plants, handy if you dont have too much room i dunno how tall your flower box is but mine is just over 6foot and my plants get to just over 4 when i train them in this method,
but remember every strain is different, depending on weather its indica/sativa will play a big part in how much room you have to play with, indicas are more short an bushy whereas satvias tall an lanky,
if your plants have no bud whatsoever i think it could be ok to top them once to save you some space, maybe get a 2nd opinion on that, there are other methods called LST (i think) dont really know much about this id recommend reading bout it on the fourm if you have space issues

an thats the spirit man dont let it get you down even if this plant turns out to be male on ya, fuk it think about how much info you will have for your nxt grow, and how much any mistakes you make this time will benifit future grows, i know thats what gets me by every time i do something stupid lol

an yea "epsom salts" you get um ina pharmacy or some garden centres maybe, but it has magnesium in it which plants use quite a bit of in flowering, you have to be careful though too much is bad, can block out calcium from what i heard an plus its a salt so id imagine too much could also burn roots maybe an prob do other types of damage too