Early harvest


Well-Known Member
well i was still feeding it nutrients when it broke so the smoke is gonna be harsh. it wont mess the potency of the bud up, it just means the bud wont get the thc pumped into it for another 2 weeks when i was supposed to harvest.


Well-Known Member
read the first post. i came home after work all day and the cola was kinked in two spots pointing at the ground. i was by myself so tying up and trying to splint was impossible (i did try for about 30 minutes). the whole plant was drooping mass and looking like shit so i cut it off. all the other buds perked up in about an hour. i wish it could have waited another 2 weeks but i did what needed to be done.


Well-Known Member
Pack a bowl and cry about it another time ,,, shit happens
fuck off you dumb shit. i know shit happens idiot. why you thought anyone was crying about it i dont know. fucking assholes trying to drop in with their 2 cents leaving posts that makes them look like jackasses.

choke on a dick


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
fuck off you dumb shit. i know shit happens idiot. why you thought anyone was crying about it i dont know. fucking assholes trying to drop in with their 2 cents leaving posts that makes them look like jackasses.

choke on a dick
lol dont worrie about it its all good, i had to harvest a few early myself


Well-Known Member
it wont be as potent or taste and smoke as good but itll still get you high so it aint that bad,you must be pretty pissed tho,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
you should go ahead and start flushing your plant(s) in case more break off, they wont be so harsh! plus they're going to be pumping thc into the buds significantly the next two weeks anyways without blooom nutes.


Well-Known Member
yea i know, they all get their final flush/taste of water tomorrow, start of week 7 and i think im gonna have to flower to week 9 on one, maybe 10 on the other 2, so ive got some time to get rid of the nutes.


Well-Known Member
fuck off you dumb shit. i know shit happens idiot. why you thought anyone was crying about it i dont know. fucking assholes trying to drop in with their 2 cents leaving posts that makes them look like jackasses.

choke on a dick

HA HA HA HA HA Your Momma


Active Member
here's my dilemma (related to thread). i have 7 weeks exactly to go from setting up the grow room to vacating the growing place, so i guess that leaves me 6 weeks from germination to harvest. is there an indoor plant that will mature completely and be ready for harvest in that time period, or am i going to have to harvest early, and how much will that screw me over for my time and effort? if i got some sort of drying bin and harvested the day i have to leave and brought the bin with me, would the potency still be okay? would that be a better idea than to harvest a week earlier?


Active Member
what if i revised my statement and said i had to leave my babies alone for 5 days, 6.5 weeks after planting. my lights will be on a timer and humidity and heat will be roughly controllable.