[CFL] Lemon Skunk! [Clone]


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, mine are super stretchy but it could have been caused by my over watering stress or heat stress. I still don't know what caused them to look they way they do. When I post the pics later I'll give everyone the chance to diagnose them and give me their thoughts/opinions.


Well-Known Member
Looks good bro. Lemon skunk is the ma fuckn bomb!! It'll be some unforgettable smoke. I had DNA genetics version, cloned it for 3 different grows, wish I wouldve cloned the last. Care if i post some bud porn?


Well-Known Member
Shit I forgot to post them. They're not the greatest pics but they are from yesterday. This is one of 4 lemon skunks i have. All have been supercropped and LST'd. All under 1000w hps. My other two strains have shown no signs remotely close to these.




Well-Known Member
Looks good bro. Lemon skunk is the ma fuckn bomb!! It'll be some unforgettable smoke. I had DNA genetics version, cloned it for 3 different grows, wish I wouldve cloned the last. Care if i post some bud porn?
I think I have a heavy yielding sativa dominant, is that what yours is like? Sucks that you lost it.
Go ahead and post a shot, try to give us some background too.

Shit I forgot to post them. They're not the greatest pics but they are from yesterday. This is one of 4 lemon skunks i have. All have been supercropped and LST'd. All under 1000w hps. My other two strains have shown no signs remotely close to these.

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Haha it's all chill, you could have edited it into your earlier message, but too late now.
What's your yield like?
It looks mostly Sativa.


Well-Known Member
It's tough to say what my yield will be like. They just entered week 4 of flower and they are trailing behind my cheese and kush plants by a few weeks. The heat stress or whatever that clawing is from could have stunted them or stretched them. Not real sure what these girls are going to do. It's definitely sativa dominate though.


Well-Known Member
here ya go bro. It wasn't the best lookn plant as yall can tell but the bud is so fuckn sweet. I tried some different shit on this one. Mine was sat dominant as well but DNA says its 60/40 and I'd have to say it was more like 80/20. It seemed she was real sensitive as far as ph and nutes. The buds were kinda airy but at the same time a gram would make like 8 bowls. I flowered at 12 and all 3 came out around 28". The buds were so fuckn sticky it was hard to break up. I didn't yield much, 3 plants yield were 16,22, & 13 grams. I would take a bong rip, then my mind would be in speed mode thinking about all kinda shit and would be so fucked I'd forget to take another lol. I have a ghs lemon skunk seed, ill probably pop it soon as I'm missing it bad. It was my first run with good genetics and ill definitely remember it for a life time.


Well-Known Member
here ya go bro. It wasn't the best lookn plant as yall can tell but the bud is so fuckn sweet. I tried some different shit on this one. Mine was sat dominant as well but DNA says its 60/40 and I'd have to say it was more like 80/20. It seemed she was real sensitive as far as ph and nutes. The buds were kinda airy but at the same time a gram would make like 8 bowls. I flowered at 12 and all 3 came out around 28". The buds were so fuckn sticky it was hard to break up. I didn't yield much, 3 plants yield were 16,22, & 13 grams. I would take a bong rip, then my mind would be in speed mode thinking about all kinda shit and would be so fucked I'd forget to take another lol. I have a ghs lemon skunk seed, ill probably pop it soon as I'm missing it bad. It was my first run with good genetics and ill definitely remember it for a life time.
Looks skinny, I'm guessing you trimmed it up before harvest.
I put up a background for them all on the last page, go check it out.
I'm stoked for the sativa high though.
This is my first run with good genetics too.
I have a small chance at a WW clone of mine rooting.
So I might have two dependant strains to work with soon.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi C.I. Your gilrs are looking lovely. I am enjoying all the participation from all the other lemon skunk growers posting on here as well.
It looks like dubbz0r has close to the same lemon skunk strain i have that is bear clawing, looks like a sativa dominant for sure. His leaves look just like mine but arent bear clawing like mine.WOnderful girls DubbzOr!
Thanks for posting the information on the genetics of the lemon skunk. Take CAre C.I!


Well-Known Member
Hi C.I. Your gilrs are looking lovely. I am enjoying all the participation from all the other lemon skunk growers posting on here as well.
It looks like dubbz0r has close to the same lemon skunk strain i have that is bear clawing, looks like a sativa dominant for sure. His leaves look just like mine but arent bear clawing like mine.WOnderful girls DubbzOr!
Thanks for posting the information on the genetics of the lemon skunk. Take CAre C.I!
After looking at your pics your LS plant is doing the same thing mine is lol All four of mine are definitely bear clawing. I'm not exactly sure why they're clawing but if I had to guess it would be heat stress. The reason for my guess is that my lemon skunk ladies were not getting heavy nutes at the time the clawing happened. They were getting 1/2 strength nutes, maybe less, however, the day my duct work ripped open and my room shot up to 95F is the day they started. After that day they didn't seem to do much but stretch for the next two weeks under the hps 12/12 cycle. At first I thought it was an over watering issue so I gave them a good 6 days to dry out. I flushed them really good and gave them a 1/2 strength nute solution. Since then they have started to come back around and show some new growth. None of the already clawed leaves show any signs of straightening themselves out but they do look 'better'. I wish you the best of luck! If your ladies smell anything like mine then I know we'll have some good smoke soon!


Well-Known Member
Hi C.I. Your gilrs are looking lovely. I am enjoying all the participation from all the other lemon skunk growers posting on here as well.
It looks like dubbz0r has close to the same lemon skunk strain i have that is bear clawing, looks like a sativa dominant for sure. His leaves look just like mine but arent bear clawing like mine.WOnderful girls DubbzOr!
Thanks for posting the information on the genetics of the lemon skunk. Take CAre C.I!
Thank you, I've got good news to throw in, but I'll put that down further.
I love having other L.Skunk feedback, makes it a great comparison.
Yea you guys have a Sativa dominant, the only question left is what is yield like? We'll see soon now huh?
No problem, it was fun to dig out.

After looking at your pics your LS plant is doing the same thing mine is lol All four of mine are definitely bear clawing. I'm not exactly sure why they're clawing but if I had to guess it would be heat stress. The reason for my guess is that my lemon skunk ladies were not getting heavy nutes at the time the clawing happened. They were getting 1/2 strength nutes, maybe less, however, the day my duct work ripped open and my room shot up to 95F is the day they started. After that day they didn't seem to do much but stretch for the next two weeks under the hps 12/12 cycle. At first I thought it was an over watering issue so I gave them a good 6 days to dry out. I flushed them really good and gave them a 1/2 strength nute solution. Since then they have started to come back around and show some new growth. None of the already clawed leaves show any signs of straightening themselves out but they do look 'better'. I wish you the best of luck! If your ladies smell anything like mine then I know we'll have some good smoke soon!
Nice to have people solving eachothers Lemon Skunk issues, this could turn out to be a nice Lemon Skunk compilation/growth study.

Guess what folks?

Day 24 Vegetative; Xena!
Yesterday I decided to transplant Xena, turns out it was a little early for my standards, but the fact that she was just reaching her limits does mean I got her in the nick of time. So she should be focusing on root growth for the next week or so while my bagseed finishes up, and then she gets all the attention to herself!

I put her in a large Clay Pot, so she outgrew the little setup I had her in.
I decided to put her in Last Resort Sunlight Camp because I simply had no other room/lights, but I hesitated @ leaving her under 10 minutes of direct sun a day, when she goes into bloom in a week and a half.

I figured this is the worst time to slow her down. So I dug out my 80w Fluoro Tube lamp, I never use it unless I have enough plants to fit under the entire length. I don't like wasting light.

I think it's a T12, either way the bulbs are friggin' massive. I don't know much about the bulb, I think the bulbs are around 4100k ish area.
I could care less, it's better to have 24 hours of Fluoro light, than 10 minutes of direct sunlight a day.
So Last Resort Sunlight Camp has become Last Resort Tube Camp!

I've got a fan nearby, so I put the plants so close to the bulb that some leaves touch it.
But it doesn't even get hot enough to burn them. It's awesome.
I'll shoot a picture later tonight when I update my other journal as well.

Day 3 Vegetative; Kayla!
The clone that I took in the beginning of the journal has rooted, and graduated from Clone Camp, to Last Resort Tube Camp!
She has been dubbed, Kayla.
She will be the first of a Bonsai series I will be running.
Since I can't get a 150w until I move out most likely, I will be doing a 2 plant setup, for little Bonsai Buds.
I will run them in basically the same shape as Xena, but much, much smaller.

I have a very small clone that looks like it's recovering. It came from someone who didn't know what they were doing. It's leaves were yellow because all it had is HPS light, and flower nutrients.
Nirvana White Widow, Tall Skinny Pheno.
If it recovers, I will do a perpetual Bonsai with Lemon Skunk/White Widow.
Aiming for around 6"-8" tall max.

If I like the smoke from my bagseed plant, I could do a triple rotation, but who knows.
For now, Kayla will be LST'd into a super dense bonsai bush, and I won't have to clone her until a couple weeks before I chop Xena.

Sorry about the speech, I'm pretty happy with how things are working out.
Pictures later, sorry.
Thanks for the read though if you made it this far:leaf:

I might put the pictures up tonight, if not, then tomorrow morning.
Just exhausted and stressed.

Camera was giving me trouble, so I'll have to do more shooting either tomorrow morning or tomorrow night.
I got pictures for this journal though, all but a close up on Kayla.

Just moved a bunch of stuff around, spent an hour and a half moving CFL's to fit around my big bagseed.
No more 3' plants, ever.
At least she's only got a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Sorry my girlfriend is over, and I lost my SD card for the time being, so I couldn't get more than 4 shots..
But I think I made them worth it.
I'll upload right now.. But I'm not going to update because there's no new growth really.
Day 25 Xena!
D25 Skeleton.jpgD25 Canopy.jpg
Day 4 Kayla!
D4 LST.jpgD4 Top.jpg

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
very nice LST training Indy! Reminds me of Stoner Barbies style.. very very sexy.. she was amazing, miss her so damn much!! whahhahahahahahhaha
cool icons in the pot.. nice spiritual touch.. those plants will award you with postive energy!
Happy Friday, your turn!!!!!!!!!! suck on some blueberrys indy!:peace:
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Well-Known Member
very nice LST training Indy! Reminds me of Stoner Barbies style.. very very sexy.. she was amazing, miss her so damn much!! whahhahahahahahhaha
cool icons in the pot.. nice spiritual touch.. those plants will award you with postive energy!
Happy Friday, your turn!!!!!!!!!! suck on some blueberrys indy!:peace:
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Thanks, LST is so much fun, I get way into it.
It's about the the balance between Mechanical & Chemical manipulation. Hormone distribution.
Makes LST very involved.
Yea the buddhas usually chill with my favorite little bonsai project at the time.
They were kickin' it with my Fruit Hair clone until I got Kayla potted.
I bet that smoke got stale takin' a photo of it, so suck on some stale Blueberry, Doc:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So I've been pulling branch tips back down to a few inches from the soil.
I'm really trying to keep them short up until flower. Then I'll let them just go straight up.

In about a month when the branches start to become solid, and leaves start shedding, you are all going to shit your pants as you see the rediculous skeleton of Xena! She's going to look like Dr.Suess rear ended a Bonsai Master when I'm done with her.


Well-Known Member
So I've been pulling branch tips back down to a few inches from the soil.
I'm really trying to keep them short up until flower. Then I'll let them just go straight up.

In about a month when the branches start to become solid, and leaves start shedding, you are all going to shit your pants as you see the rediculous skeleton of Xena! She's going to look like Dr.Suess rear ended a Bonsai Master when I'm done with her.
This I am looking forward to seeing.:clap:



Well-Known Member
Hahaha I almost want to stop getting skeleton shots until she's bigger.
Hmm. I'll keep taking skeleton shots, but I won't put them up for you guys until later.
That way it's a surprise.
I'll keep updating the tops and such though.

I'll update tomorrow.