why is it so hard to find a dealer?


Well-Known Member
i never really had to find a dealer before, i know people who know dealers but you know how that is? so how do you find a dealer? what do you say? i have tried strait up asking but people they always say no. and i know %85 just don't want to. so what do you say to people to make them trust you? i feel like everyone thinks im a cop or something, i don't know. i just want some bud man! i am really bad at talking to people for the first time, like really bad i never know what to say and they always use some slang term i have never heard, so i don't know how to respond. one time some kid wanted to buy weed off me and said he needed a "plat", wtf is a plat? like splat with out the S. to this day i don't know what he ment.
how do you apprch people and ask if they know where to get weed? i never can do it, always get way to nervus and can't do it
take off the police uniform ;-)

only joking.....lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Were Are You From Ounces Here In Tx Go For 380
thats what the clubs sell it for out here. i whole sale to them for 2800 to 3000 grand a pound depending on how far i feel like driving. or if i send my girl in to huslte it she can get 3200 sumtimes. but then sumtimes they huslte her and she comes out with a 1,000 dollars because the half pound was short 12 grams lol


Well-Known Member
thats what the clubs sell it for out here. i whole sale to them for 2800 to 3000 grand a pound depending on how far i feel like driving. or if i send my girl in to huslte it she can get 3200 sumtimes. but then sumtimes they huslte her and she comes out with a 1,000 dollars because the half pound was short 12 grams lol
where in the central valley? cause if you play your cards right, there should be no problems getting it off your hands... try stockton, every one buys weed there


Active Member
No it isn't hard to find a connect at all. just meet friends and those friends will take you to there friends but if your lucky you will find a direct link and you will have your source just call him by the phone tell him your coming over and he'll hand you the sack and you get the Bud and you leave with a smile in your face :D

And if he weighs it and lets you smoke it with him he hooks you up fat , keep him as a connect for decades.


Well-Known Member
where in the central valley? cause if you play your cards right, there should be no problems getting it off your hands... try stockton, every one buys weed there
modesto. i dont have a problem getting rid of it i dump 6 pounds in less than a week when i harvest its just the price. i can only get around 180. about a little over a year ago at the same clubs i was getting 3400. damn i wish the price would go up a little. we will se how gud the out door season was this year. sum bad weather


Well-Known Member
ah lol well if you were any closer to stockton I might have to take you up on some of your weed... ;) doubt that i could afford to buy an ounce at a time though


Well-Known Member
Haha makes me wish I had 225 bucks... but no, I went and spent my money on college textbooks, going out to dinner, and of course, weed, 20, 30, 40 bucks at a time :( fuck im stupid


Well-Known Member
Haha makes me wish I had 225 bucks... but no, I went and spent my money on college textbooks, going out to dinner, and of course, weed, 20, 30, 40 bucks at a time :( fuck im stupid
yah saving up your cash and buying bulk is probably the best thing you can do next to growing your own;-)


Well-Known Member
yea you west coast people need to bring those meds to the east coast, you would make a killing and be the most popular person doing it


Well-Known Member
lol i just have to get a job... then let the weed flow! lol except for on week days, cause honestly, I need to focus on work and school