When does ontario grow flower?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I live in Ontario Canada and was wondering when my outdoor grow will start flowering? Just want to know so I know when to switch to bloom ferts from veg.

Also how can you tell the sex of plants? I ordered all female seeds but they had a hard life lots of mistakes on my part just wondering if they can be traumatized to become male plants or hermies? I am going to visit them today so i can post some pics later on of the plants branches or nodes or internodes or whatever they are called.


Well-Known Member
They should start flowering within the next 2 weeks, mine havent showed sex either... its this damn weather. We need a few good days of cloud to kick the flowering in, the last 3 weeks have been nothing but sunshine... at least thats my theory. Start to give them bloom nutrients too to help the process.
Keep us posted


14.4 hrs of sunlight = July 31'st, then 2 week wait. flowers by aug 12th my guess. 43 degrees north, happens every year


Well-Known Member
lol i started them inside early may then took them out. I have 4 big ones then i think some are in the shadows and they are smaller or might just be the strain :)


Well-Known Member
I was planning on checking on mine next week to pull out males. How many of your plants are showing the pistles?
What strain you growing?


nl#5Xskunk - large plants, looking real spikey, more than normal females indicators for the last week. There gonna stink!


Well-Known Member
I was planning on checking on mine next week to pull out males. How many of your plants are showing the pistles?
What strain you growing?
Im growing 8 plants 2 of each and they are as follows. Channel +, Blackjack, Afghani, and AK-48 they all look good it will be a week since i have gone to see them, we have had great weather been raining every 3 or so days. plus im going to a cottage this weekend so the best i can say is ill see them again on Aug. 2nd

I bought all females so i hope non turned into hermies or males, and all but one plant you can tell its a female.


Active Member
Depending on the plant, you should be able to tell a male plant right now, but not female. I have some Querkle in the ground (regular seed) and found a distinct male yesterday. Apparently the male shows first. The females will not show until August 10-12 or so, so stop staring at them. Those close up shots show zero sign of sex. Cloudy days do not mean squat or influence flowering process. Some will start giving the flowering nutes before flowering to encourage it, but I doubt it works. Lots of Michigan growers grow that AK and have good success with it finishing on time.

But your plants look great.


Well-Known Member
thanks, those pics are about 2-3weeks old. I guess ill have to wait another bit before they start to show themselves :) Also i thought if the sack had hairs popping out of it it was female? All the plants have that but one, but then again im learning every day, still new at this.

And I see what you mean about the close ups i see the sac but no hairs coming out yet or ball like things. they have gotten bigger and easier to distinguish now. ill post some pics after them long weekend


Well-Known Member
You cant really tell but they are almost 6' tall and no signs of flowering yet. Post your pics of your ontario grow if you have any :) Guess ill have to wait a few more weeks for them to start showing me the goods.

