Angryblackman's Ugly Outdoor Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reassurance guys but this in fact was a plane. A small 2 seater with blue stripes and I couldn't make out the number on the side. I know for a fact they were circling my home because I went back to my garden to make sure that my scrips were still up and to quickly pull the overage and they kept banking to get the passenger window angled down (I'm assuming to get better visibility) towards the ground every time they flew over my plants. My grow can only be seen from the air from that angle or directly above because of trees and houses.

I am used to Sac county S.O., C.D.F., and life flights flying over and pretty much know them on sound but this was different. In my 5 years of being at that home not once have I seen a plane circle except for the 4th of July.

I think that I will be looking into at least getting some shade cloth and covering the top of the grow. I have 3 scrips posted and have 14 plants so I am now covered but my clones and "experiments" put me way over the limit. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get ahold of anyone to take them off my hands so they went to waste. :(

I really appreciate the reassurance. I have been blazing hard trying to keep the anxiety at bay which isn't helping my hypertension at all! Damn you cops.. Go fly somewhere else! :)


Well-Known Member
We get lots of circling helicopters and yeah, it's when they are chasing someone and/or locating things for the ground units. I have seen an orange helicopter with a pole-looking thing hanging out the bottom doing pass after pass over the area few months back. I'm wondering if the pole was a camera and it was google doing their maps?

I see mention of hanging the med papers by your garden. Is that necessary? I always figured as long as you produced the scrip you were good


Well-Known Member
We get lots of circling helicopters and yeah, it's when they are chasing someone and/or locating things for the ground units. I have seen an orange helicopter with a pole-looking thing hanging out the bottom doing pass after pass over the area few months back. I'm wondering if the pole was a camera and it was google doing their maps?

I see mention of hanging the med papers by your garden. Is that necessary? I always figured as long as you produced the scrip you were good
The doctor I go to gives me a large copy of my prescription laminated to hang above the garden, and I think it's written in the law if I'm not mistaken.
I guess the authorities can pull your garden, and ask questions later if there's no copy of the prescription with your garden.... food 4 thought!

I try to live "better safe then sorry"!


Well-Known Member
here in WA they require the script to be hung inside the garden too.

Sorry to hear about the tight spot your in, Hope some $$ comes your way to get something constructed.

Take care ABM, I'll check back soon,


Well-Known Member
if im not mistaken there still isnt a limit in sac since we use to fall under the state limits. they were deemed unconstitutional because they violated the comp use act so all the cities and counties that didnt already have their own limit set actually dont have a limit at all. its up the the individual cop to decide whether he feels u have too many plants for ur medical needs. and u shouldve called me i wouldve taken them babies off ur hands and returned most of em to u once things cooled off... i didnt have a chance to make it out ur way recently or else i wouldve. oh well tho... but ya man i wouldnt stress too much sacramento in general is a pretty tolerant city when it comes to mj.


Well-Known Member
The doctor I go to gives me a large copy of my prescription laminated to hang above the garden, and I think it's written in the law if I'm not mistaken.
I guess the authorities can pull your garden, and ask questions later if there's no copy of the prescription with your garden.... food 4 thought!

I try to live "better safe then sorry"!

I have a friend that posts them facing up so the flying pigs can see it from the air.


Well-Known Member
There is an ad on CL for a free canopy frame. I just tried to call but no answer. Here is the # if you want to try: 916-201-2054. Also an ad in the farm and garden for garden shade/frost covers. here is the link:

I don't know if this will help. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
if im not mistaken there still isnt a limit in sac since we use to fall under the state limits. they were deemed unconstitutional because they violated the comp use act so all the cities and counties that didnt already have their own limit set actually dont have a limit at all. its up the the individual cop to decide whether he feels u have too many plants for ur medical needs. and u shouldve called me i wouldve taken them babies off ur hands and returned most of em to u once things cooled off... i didnt have a chance to make it out ur way recently or else i wouldve. oh well tho... but ya man i wouldnt stress too much sacramento in general is a pretty tolerant city when it comes to mj.
I was in panic mode and called my usual connections and also didn't want to bring any unwanted attention to others in the case I was going to be popped. So far so good though. :)

I have a friend that posts them facing up so the flying pigs can see it from the air.

There is an ad on CL for a free canopy frame. I just tried to call but no answer. Here is the # if you want to try: 916-201-2054. Also an ad in the farm and garden for garden shade/frost covers. here is the link:

I don't know if this will help. Good luck.
Thanks I just shot a message to the frame one. :D
Gotta love Craigslist!

Yes but it scares me at the same time. LOL :D


Well-Known Member
dude dont trip off pigs if your medical haha i trip off the small private flown planes that fly over me all the time but i havnt seen any pigs circling but really wouldnt sweat it i would be like this gonna be funny they cant say shit about my single plant lol , but for me who knows who is in those private planes being flown all the time ? i think maybe just small planes going to local air ports or maybe people spraying for pests im not sure but i dont like knowing they can see pretty obvious what i got lol if i had multiples id trip off them hard and go into guard mode lol!


Well-Known Member
im fairly close to the airport and i have planes and helicoptors flying over my house all the time
but i have that "fuck it" attitude so i really dont trip off it ,
cause i know for a fact 4 houses around mine also has some plants going much bigger than my little 2 foot girls


Well-Known Member
imma say ur gon be harvesting about 10lbs this year, as long as all continues to go well.
I think that numbers a bit high, but I see a 6-7 lb harvest ABM, your girls look great! Glad to see you didn't freak out and yank all your shit. You must of been stoned on some good shit that day!....LOL
Keep up the good work...