many people use both with great results, personally i use and 150 hps and cfls for my veg and have never had any problem with stretching. i am sure many people use mh with great results. lets put aside our anecdotal evidence and examine the science behind this. i wish to broaden this discussion and just because my perspective and opinion differs than yours does not mean i am attacking you. if you cant discuss ideas passionately than i suggest you go elsewhere. to those who wish to debate this please respond logically and relevantly.
heres the thing. lets read abit about photosynthesis and the molecule which absorbs light. here is some info i have copied and pasted:
Chlorophyll as a Photoreceptor
Chlorophyll is the molecule that traps this 'most elusive of all powers' - and is called a photoreceptor. It is found in the chloroplasts of green plants, and is what makes green plants, green. The basic structure of a chlorophyll molecule is a
porphyrin ring, co-ordinated to a central atom. This is very similar in structure to the
heme group found in
hemoglobin, except that in heme the central atom is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium.
There are actually 2 main types of chlorophyll, named
a and
b. They differ only slightly, in the composition of a sidechain (in
a it is -CH3, in
b it is CHO). Both of these two chlorophylls are very effective photoreceptors because they contain a network of alternating single and double bonds, and the orbitals can delocalise stabilising the structure. Such delocalised polyenes have very strong absorption bands in the visible regions of the spectrum, allowing the plant to absorb the energy from sunlight.
The different sidegroups in the 2 chlorophylls 'tune' the absorption spectrum to slightly different wavelengths, so that light that is not significantly absorbed by chlorophyll
a, at, say, 460nm, will instead be captured by chlorophyll
b, which absorbs strongly at that wavelength. Thus these two kinds of chlorophyll complement each other in absorbing sunlight. Plants can obtain all their energy requirements from the blue and red parts of the spectrum, however, there is still a large spectral region, between 500-600nm, where very little light is absorbed. This light is in the
green region of the spectrum, and since it is reflected, this is the reason plants appear green. Chlorophyll absorbs so strongly that it can mask other less intense colours. Some of these more delicate colours (from molecules such as carotene and quercetin) are revealed when the chlorophyll molecule decays in the Autumn, and the woodlands turn red, orange, and golden brown. Chlorophyll can also be damaged when vegetation is cooked, since the central Mg atom is replaced by hydrogen ions. This affects the energy levels within the molecule, causing its absorbance spectrum to alter. Thus cooked leaves change colour - often becoming a paler, insipid yellowy green.
As the chlorophyll in leaves decays in the autumn, the green colour fades and is replaced by the oranges and reds of carotenoids. Chlorophyll in Plants
The chlorophyll molecule is the active part that absorbs the sunlight, but just as with hemoglobin, in order to do its job (synthesising carbohydrates) it needs to be attached to the backbone of a very complicated protein. This protein may look haphazard in design, but it has exactly the correct structure to orient the chlorophyll molecules in the optimal position to enable them to react with nearby CO2 and H2O molecules in a very efficient manner. Several chlorophyll molecules are lurking inside this bacterial photoreceptor protein (right).
as you will notice in the graph above we can clearly see the two zones where light is absorbeed and we can see that there is a higher light absorbtion in the 400nm-500nm range than in the 600nm-700nm range. now lets look at light spectrum and light sources here we will compare hps and metal halide:
Metal Halide (MH) can reach internal pressures upwards of 600 psi, and internal temps up to 3000* so good airflow all the way around the bulb is a must, also one MUST be sure to wipe the bulb down well before lighting it because oils from your fingerprints will burn the bulbs out pretty quickly. these are slightly more expensive, require a ballast (and therefore a limited amount of wiring knowledge, and are not widely available. Common places that sell them only have a limited number and not very many different spectrum or outputs.
MH bulbs produce a natural, white light and are well suited for veg and/or flower stage (though they are most commonly used for vegetation).
MH is a High Intensity Discharge (HID) bulb that is also quite efficient. However, of the 3, this will require replacement most often due to several of the metal halides used (such as sodium and mercury halide) being very reactive and converting and deteriorating over multiple cycles.
Next is the ever so popular High Pressure Sodium
High Pressure Sodium (HPS) is another HID bulb that reaches pretty high internal pressures and temperatures, so again good airflow and wiping the bulb down are a must. HPS bulbs are great because they produce a good spectrum for veg and/or flowering (though better suited for flowering) and also are efficient producing like 100 lumen per watt.
these bulbs also require a ballast, and are about the same as MH as far as availability. your best bet is the internet. sodium is also HIGHLY reactive and will therefore slowly deteriorate after multiple cycles and require bulb replacement, though not QUITE as often as MH
now if we examine the three graphs in relation to the chlorophyll graph above we can see that both lights spike in the 500-620nm range. but as you can see the mh gives out light throughout the entire spectrum while the hps gives off most of its energy in the 500-620nm range.
now we might look at this and say well its obvious, the mh gives a wider spectrum and therefore must be better. but the hps is more efficient than the mh and if we count the volume of use able light which an hps would give off compared to a mh then the hps is more efficient .