Any advice for a corn field grow?


Well-Known Member
Last outdoor grow (which was my 1st) didn't turn out too good. Planted 23 seeds, all of them sprouted, and looked great. That was till I went out to water them and animals had gotten to just about all of them:evil: 3 survived, and started to grow. Then I was going on vacation with the gf and her parents, the forcast called for rain, so I felt comfortable leaving for 4-5 days. Got back and it never rained, it actually got quite hot. Only 1 plant lived, but never grew anymore. Smoked the way imature bud that was on it, and got toasted.:blsmoke:

I have some 60 seeds left over from this strain and 20-30 or so will be devoted to an indoor grow. The rest I wan't to go out door with. Plenty of corn feilds out here, no planes/heli's, and the farmers don't check there crops till harvest. Some fields are irrigated, but the main ones I'm looking which are away from traffic, are not.

Any advice for someone relitivley "green" to outdoor growing? Especially corn field grows.



Active Member
first off, usually i would say tell no one about ur growing, but in times when ur goin away, hav a really good friend help u out, a friend that u grew up with or sumthing and can then they can handle it, just tell them what to for the animals, ur always gonna hav them around a corn field, u cant do anything about find some chicken wire or sum sort of fencing, put it around ur plants and pour animal/insect control formula around it


Well-Known Member
Not only that corn is a different color green .. The pot plants stand out when looking down at them from the sky
There are no planes flying over around here. Lived across from the field i'm looking at for ~16yrs.

Another thing I forgot to add is that the strain, although I'm not sure what it is, it's either indica, or a indica/sativa mix. Definatley not straight sativa. I asked my cousin, who grew it 1st, and he said the plants were only 5-6 ft tall, and "kinda bushy".

I thought about going out to the middle, and planting 1 plant every 60-70 ft down a row. Then go another 30 rows or so, and planting the same way, about 30 seeds total. I thought that it may decrease the risk of male polination incase I didn't catch a male or 2 in time. I woundn't mind 1 female getting bred though, to get more seeds.

Also only the first 20 rows or so can be seen from the road, because of the way the land is shaped.


Well-Known Member
the past 2 years ive grown in fields nothing to brag about just bag seed from good smoke. i prefer a drainage creek running north and south. corn in my area is well past brown before the plants are done. an easy was i found to hide my pot from the sky is with twist-flowers like what the war vets sell around veterans day. easy to find hobby lobby , jo ann's etc. i use white... looks like a 7 foot morning glory


Well-Known Member
As people mentioned before, the plants will stretch like crazy to get to light and go above the corn. It looks ridiculously obvious and I don't see how it could possibly end well (wouldn't they just fall over if they're that stretched??). The only thing I thought of was going somewhere in the middle and chopping down a circle of corn to make your own little growing space. But that comes with about 100 of its own problems. I say find a better growing space (guerilla growing- in the woods- not in a corn field).


Well-Known Member
you like getting caught? grow pot in a cornfield that isnt yours.

You dont know what youre talking about young blood I used to live in the middle of cornfields we had cornfields 360 degrees in every direction where we lived and they check them. Just because you dont see them do it doesnt mean they dont.

And another thing wild man they harvest too early your herb is going to be found before you have the chance to let it ripen properly.

youre crazy its too risky...DONT DO IT!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think maybe I won't grow in the field. Since I don't know the strain, it may be too tall.

I know the people that own the field, they do not check it. They let it grow till harvest. Their feilds are mainly field corn, for livestock, and burning.

The field is bordered by woods on 2 sides. Maybe just plant there instead, and use some soil from the edge of the corn field. A little further into the woods are some beautiful clearings, and even a small irrigation pond. Only problem is that the clearings and gullys, are full of deer trails.

I used to live on this property till the land (80 acres) was sold and the house was removed, so I know the land well. I could space plants over a good distance and still be able to find them. Nobody lives there now.

Only problem I have is how to water all of them. The ones near the pond that don't get eaten won't be a problem, but I'm not sure about the rest. I'm getting some seeds from a friend (hopefully) and plan to plant around 40-50 seedlings to be prepared for the males/plants that don't make it.That seems like alot of water to carry out into the woods in the dark. Maybe take some 2L bottles and leave them out there and fill them at the pond each time I go.

About how much water should I plan on using each watering? I know it'll be more towards the end, but I'd like to be prepared from the start. Hopefully we get good rainfall this year as I can only make it out once a week.

Strike the idea of 50-60 feet between each plant as well. I'll actually plant in groups of two. That way I can hopefully have a male and female together and get some seeds from one of the plants.

Lot of green growth out there so the soil should be ok. I don't want to carry bags of soil deep into the woods, and make multiple trips doing so.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Anymore about the amount of bottles to keep out for watering?
I live in canada by toronto a little more south and i know weed grows like crazy in in corn fields here a couple of my friends went arounf looking for weed in cornfirelds around here and they found pounds of weed like retarted amounts and the weed was good too trust me growing in corn works wonders but that being said cops do check corn fields and confenskate alot of weed every year but not all of it


Active Member
Holy shit everybody is an expert! Well I have grown in corn for almost 15yrs and never had any problems! I use a strain no taller than say 6ft (lower than 8ft corn), grow right in the rows,use scoot for animals and always have mine in(harvest) by the begginning of October(corn starting to turn really brown). You always are getting full sun (all-day),the farmer usually helps you by fertilizing in the spring(for now,nutes later) and most animals do stay out of the corn (except the odd deer).....go for the corn my friend,just make sure you get them in early enough that they don't get shaded by the corn and stretch
you like getting caught? grow pot in a cornfield that isnt yours.

You dont know what youre talking about young blood I used to live in the middle of cornfields we had cornfields 360 degrees in every direction where we lived and they check them. Just because you dont see them do it doesnt mean they dont.

And another thing wild man they harvest too early your herb is going to be found before you have the chance to let it ripen properly.

youre crazy its too risky...DONT DO IT!
anothe important thing not mentioned is look at the pesticides / herbacides they crop dust them fields or tractor spray them and believe u me they pour it on thick. as every1 else said BAD IDEA ol hippy here peace out


Well-Known Member
anothe important thing not mentioned is look at the pesticides / herbacides they crop dust them fields or tractor spray them and believe u me they pour it on thick. as every1 else said BAD IDEA ol hippy here peace out
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