DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I was just saying to Las about all the input he's done on the scrog dept. But i hear you on the work ghb, he must put in alot of Prep. and the size of the crop's from them are impressive!

So anyway, morning D. Pigeon been round for a scran yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey GHB, How you lad? Perhaps it was the post on the previous page where I said, - Vertical Scrog in bold letters, lol. But I was waiting for Las' to comment him being partial to his screens.

I vegged a couple of Exo's outside and they got reasonably big so that was what I decided to do so that it would fit into me little cab, lol.

las has an eye for a scrog alright, i had to look twice there.

you must have a nightmare controlling all those beasts, they seem to be getting bigger, are you vegging them much?.

had a couple of these tonight and couldn't help but think of you, miss home much?

View attachment 1710040View attachment 1710041
Now that looks like a tasty one. Never heard of that micro brewery before. And I do miss home, until I get there and realise I miss my other home. The worst thing about NL is that it is just so bloody flat. It really gets to me that does. Nothing like looking across at the horizon and seeing mountains.

I was just saying to Las about all the input he's done on the scrog dept. But i hear you on the work ghb, he must put in alot of Prep. and the size of the crop's from them are impressive!

So anyway, morning D. Pigeon been round for a scran yet?
Eh up Cinders, Fatty has just been fed. He's sitting on my balcony perusing his domain below, lol.

Have a great day peeps of RIU.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
whats that fiery orb type thing ?!?!?!?! haha hope your good bro! dpq looks mighty fine n glistening man.

now if you could train that pigeon to do his turkish in your compost :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
vert scrog for vert growing, it makes logical sense to me. I have visions of it toppling into the light once the buds put on weight lol like them mums who load the handels of the pram up with heavy shopping and then let go and catapult the child lmao


Well-Known Member
Morning D. Just stoppin in to see how ya doing. Looking good as always Sir. Thanks for helpin me with the video in my J


Well-Known Member
Hey GHB, How you lad? Perhaps it was the post on the previous page where I said, - Vertical Scrog in bold letters, lol. But I was waiting for Las' to comment him being partial to his screens.

I vegged a couple of Exo's outside and they got reasonably big so that was what I decided to do so that it would fit into me little cab, lol.

Now that looks like a tasty one. Never heard of that micro brewery before. And I do miss home, until I get there and realise I miss my other home. The worst thing about NL is that it is just so bloody flat. It really gets to me that does. Nothing like looking across at the horizon and seeing mountains.

Peace, DST
they do an even stronger one where they mature it in the barrels from last seasons whiskey, rocket fuel my man, i'll bring one if i ever manage to make that trip lol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Good morning my friend Mr DST, or afternoon now for you. Up early watching the sun come up, getting some coffee in me and watching the cats get to know each other out here on the porch lol. Hey Just wanted to let you know the third generation of DOG cuttings just hit the dirt yesterday,,,14 with a couple more that need a few more days. Looks like there will be an entire run of pups soon! I have 5 in flower now but still over a month away on those.

Have a good weekend my man in the Dam : !)


Well-Known Member
I'll hold you to that lad!!!!! I expect rocket fuel when you arrive! The Beer Temple in Amsterdam is a great place, they do all the mad ales, Sink The Bismakr, Nuclear Atomic Pengiun, Double DOG (11+%;), Titan, and hundreds more.
they do an even stronger one where they mature it in the barrels from last seasons whiskey, rocket fuel my man, i'll bring one if i ever manage to make that trip lol.
Good morning my friend Mr DST, or afternoon now for you. Up early watching the sun come up, getting some coffee in me and watching the cats get to know each other out here on the porch lol. Hey Just wanted to let you know the third generation of DOG cuttings just hit the dirt yesterday,,,14 with a couple more that need a few more days. Looks like there will be an entire run of pups soon! I have 5 in flower now but still over a month away on those.

Have a good weekend my man in the Dam : !)
Sounds like a right DOG pound you got going there bru. Hope the moggies are getting on better now.

Was a right lazy twat today, no pic update as I was cleaning out my greenhouse and generaly wandering around clearing my head of the 10gram joint fog that crept into my head last night (my first joint of the day was a 10gram OG18) I went for dinner with the wife last night, the restaraunt is right on the IJ and huge barges and ships float by as you munch away. Had an amazing dinner but was sitting there feeling like I was going to take off at any minute, lol. Was proper stoned to the bone.

Take it easy, DST


Well-Known Member
ah don't worry DST, i won't be coming empty handed!, though compared to the ale you are talking about it can't be called rocket fuel, haha.

i like the og 18 smily face with sunglasses, cool mistake.
that stuff is potent too, not "take the missus out for a meal" stuff anyway.

got to take my lady to her friends wedding party tonight, luckily i managed to talk her out of the church and daytime do so i could do a bit of gardening. all her mates are very straight laced so it looks like i'll be the only one out in the carpark stinking the place up. hopefully i'll get to do my party trick and get some pissed up reveller to have a go of my hash laced cheese joint and take a whitey.


Well-Known Member
I shared with my mate, T and a couple of others had the odd lug, but it was mainly just me and him, he donated the weed as well which I thought was super nice It took about an hour to smoke, then about another 30 minutes for me to fill the bong and take my next hit. He's one of the few dudes I actually smoke with, I am not much of a social smoker, and I am like ghb, the guy at the wedding that always sends some poor unsuspecting fool into a whitey extravaganza, haha. There are actually 2 couples now that pretty much avoid my wife and I, my wife has told me to stop ruining all our friendships, hahaha. Whatever.

Believe me Billy, ma eyes were mare than nipping. I actually went to the pub to down a pint just to get me feeling a bit normal:shock:

And fukking slick move ghb, avoid church ceremonies like the plague, absolutely bore off!

Back tae ma jeg.



Well-Known Member
Bastards the 2 of uz.lol After a few drinks, I think I can handle anything one could roll. 9 times out of 10 Im talking to Hughy and Ralph down the big white telephone. Funny as fuck when it happens to someone else though. I'll never grow out of that giggle.lol

Some guy in the 12/12 thread asked if you get "hermit issues" if you clone 2 weeks into flower. Ive been sniggering at that all day.lol