1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^


Well-Known Member
Pics of the sexy new growth that came up over night....... made me happy to see:)

All in all im pretty happy today, soil is wet and good, and its the last day of the 1st week, and looking back i can see some definite growth.

edit: minh is the one with the Gangsta lean...she was actually my first cat i ever owned, i found her in a parking lot all bloody and beat up. I took her home and cleaned her up and after the vet got done she walked with a gangsta limp. She was meaner than any pitbull or tiger ever. only semi sweet thing she ever did was, She would sleep on my chest, and only at night when i was already sleeping, and if i would move she would hiss like a banshee and bite my face....... but i loved her. She beat up a dog because it barked at her, when she was cleaning herself on the patio. she was a true thug cat.....She ran away one day and never came back ...i searched and searched....no avail:(



Well-Known Member
7-27-11 011.jpg7-27-11 012.jpg7-27-11 010.jpg7-27-11 013.jpg7-27-11 015.jpg7-27-11 014.jpg

here are the pics of the over all set up, they are both about an inch from poking through the screen, looking from the 1st days pic to now i can tell def growth...makes me happy.:)


Well-Known Member
Eyedea died though :[

and yea I have every single thing aesop has done on my computer, I went to his show in LA at the wiltern on my 18th birthday years ago, was nuts.

girls are lookin fresh my man, good to see someone do a scrog so I can do it myself, really interested in it just because you can control the way the plants grow.
sad to hear about the cat, its funny how even the meanest of things you can become attached to.
its also great when animals act like they dont love you, but then when you're gone for three days it's like the world ended. lol.


Well-Known Member
IM wondering, is 1000w to much for just the 2 plants? im going today to get my Medical card, so im thinking of doing the full 12 plants just to get the full effect from my 1000w......just have to decide soon>< what think RIU?


Well-Known Member
You can never have too much light! I have 12 plants under two 1000w. Some said that was over kill but I'm loving the progress. Besides, if you do get your medical card then you're already prepared for the future.


Well-Known Member
Just woke up smoked my last half a blunt from last night and checked the plants....... TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS of new growth !!!! little green-lets sprouting up everywhere, plants are now sticking there heads up out of the screen...JUUUST barely, but still a big day for me^^

Saw "Get him to the GReek" AND got my medical weed card yeserday:P big day for me:P

Wil get pics when my wifey gets up, the flash and snaping sounds wake her up...cheers^^


Well-Known Member
Day 9 of vegging.

Worried about the yellowing tiger-stripish marks on the upper leaves.
Is it a cal/mag def? They are growing like crazy in size, they are both peaking out the top of the screen now. Just those colors worry me^^
have a great day all......



Well-Known Member
I have a question, Does your top leaves feel rough and dry? IMO it looks like (based on pics 4-8 in post #21) the plants are showing signs of heat stress, the top leaves fade and get a crispy feel to them you think it's drying out then add more water that can lead to overwatering, the young roots can keep the plant hydrated. None of the pics in this thread show me a happy plant. Also, what type of soil and what nutes are you using? How's your venting and airflow?, how close are the plants to the lamp?


Well-Known Member
And if you didn't do the clones yourself did you treat them for pest and disease. I can't really tell but I think I see little spots on the the bottom leaves. Always treat plants that you get before putting them in your grow, that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a grower.


Well-Known Member
they dont feel dry, but they do feel rough to the touch. I am using the vent in my bathroon to vent the air out of the cool air 1000w hood i have. there are pics further back that show the height of the lights. im not home so i cant go measure atm.
i am using Ocean Forest, no nutes yet, they are only 1 week into veging.

I am trying to find a good price on a stronger CFM fan, and was thinking of Vegging using t5-t8 lights... i just dont wanna kill them^^


Well-Known Member
how do i verify spider mites? i moved the hood up a few inches so if its temp, that might help.
But mites....that stumps me. googling now>.<


Well-Known Member
To me it doesn't look like a pest problem but then again I've never seen spider mites in person. I've never used anything to combat pests or disease and my ladies seem to be ok. Look underneath your bottom leaves. If there is a bunch of tiny brown spots, you might have mites.

What is the rH in your room? Is it dusty in there?


Well-Known Member
WOW!! 1000 watts on 2 clones is a bit much IMHO but if you gonna use it place it atleast 3 ft over the plants! To check for mites get a 20 -30x magnifier and check the underside of the leaves; look for eggs too!


Well-Known Member
its not dusty, i go in and wipe everything down with computer cleaner sheets, to get dust and cat hair out.

I got my 30x Bomb goggles and didnt find ANY brown spider looking things......only things stuck to the plants is bits of sol and a few random cat hairs.

i picked the hood up about a foot, shortened the ducting from the hood to remove all the bends and extra length to help exhaust hot air from the coolair hood.
I am hoping that will fix it, it just seems like there are some yellow spots.....

another thought....... could it be from water drops sitting on the leafs and frying in the light???

I just watered them again to today, its been three days and the soil was dry4 inches down, put a 3/4 gallon each.

Hope its not mites>.<


Well-Known Member
WOW!! 1000 watts on 2 clones is a bit much IMHO but if you gonna use it place it atleast 3 ft over the plants! To check for mites get a 20 -30x magnifier and check the underside of the leaves; look for eggs too!
Ya i got a great deal on the light and only got two clones at first.....im got my medical card so i can grow 10 more plants, so ill make use of it, just wanted to learn on two plants so i didnt get overwhelmed

I picked the hood up ALOT, like another foot, im pretty sure i had it WAY to close......ill take pics.
Wifey is on the way home for lunch........gonna try to get a little afternoon delight...so ill do it after.....ya heard???

<3 RIU