Clone from clone???????


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure, but I would think you could. Reason is because she is her own plant, and you can control how she grows and etc. Plus she is just another plant.


Well-Known Member
yeahhhhhhhh you can
i was just thinkin about this too
just everytime you take clones like 5-6 off each plant, just use one of them to grow more clones while the rest you flower:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
YES you can FOREVER just get rid of your moms that you clone off every 3 or 4 clonings and replace with the most desirable clones from it. then do the same every so often for the rest of your life. as long as you update your mothers every so often they will keep their vigor and be the EXACT SAME DNA forever


Well-Known Member
I know everyone has awnsered the q. And though some may not care for my input I feel compelled to give it anyway.

Whenever you buy any kind of citrus tree, it is a clone of a producing tree, grafted onto the trunk of a young tree. The reason is oranges, from a seed, take 12 years to produce.
Also whenever you buy an apple in the market, that apple is a clone from one tree since 1914. An apple tree from a seed is NEVER like the one from the parent. Some contend that MJ is just the same.

Active Member
My uncertainty is whether the small plant 7" (clone) still under fluorescent can survive having the top 3" cut off - leaving about 4" and 6 leaves. This will be for my second grow. I want my few plants to be the same height so that raising the light for the tallest does not have much of a detrimental effect.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about the height. You can take care of that easy enough with LST'ing the tall ones. Just get the clones rooted and dont worry about it so much. Even clones taken at the same time can end up at different heights. Good Luck

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
somewhat off subject but there are anenome colonies that reproduce through division which means like clones they contain the exact same d.n.a. they are believed to be around 6000 years old crazy.