My babies are curling


Well-Known Member
Last pic looks like overwatering the other
ones could be heat or maybe ph issues:lol:
What kind of dirt is that? How close is
the light, type and wattage?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 100watt cfls about a foot from the plants temps are between 72 83
some strains do not like 83. Sometimes even among siblings there are some that are more resistant to heat stress. See if you can keep the temps 80 or lower and it may help.


Thanks for the info useing jungle grow soil..i keep my sterilized water in a milk gallon jug.


Well-Known Member
Mg deficiency, feed some calmag.
Are you using R/O or bottled water? What soil are you using?
how do you get magnesium deficiency from that? There's no discoloring at all. I would say heat stress, but 83 isn't all that hot. I don't even check my temps anymore. put your hand between the light and plant, palm side down. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for them.