Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore


Well-Known Member
You probably watch tv you hypocrite. You probably even bought a tv you hypocrite. Towlie, you see the southpark spoofing global warming and algore? If so, spend your time more productively and sit in the dark and think about not breathing.
What are you so ashamed of ? are you afraid that if global warming is actually a reality you might have to feel something like possibly a slight bit of guilt for helping contribute towards it

...or are you afraid they might force you to convert your 4 x 4 (s) and corvette (s) to something a little more 'green' ?

You seem on edge about this whole topic as if youre fighting to prove global warming is a farce based on reasons far beyond this harmless forums opinions.

So whats the deal dude? why the "its total bullshit you fag!" approach?

Is this topic worth calling people faggots and dick suckers over? among other things...who are you Bush JRs right hand man or what?

Calm down cochise take a breath and start bringing us some 'valid' arguements as to why you believe global warming is a farce.


New Member
"Calm down cochise take a breath and start bringing us some 'valid' arguements as to why you believe global warming is a farce."

Right after you get on all fours and bark like a dog.

OK..........I guess I have to live up to my end of the bargain.

The sun is the, the, the determining factor of our current world temperature. Many less significant, but much more significant than the role humans play, factors affect daily temperatures, but all are easily nullified by the effect of the suns heating and cooling phases. To think that humans play a role in global cooling, which seems to be now occurring, is both naive and omnipotent in nature.

And, who is to say that the current temperature is the perfect "garden of eden" temperature on Earth. It has been proven by historical records that a few degrees warmer would be "just right".

Get over yourself, lyin~:mrgreen:~zealot.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I thought the libs had moved past the global warming hoopla? The shit is old, find something new already would ya? Let's give "acid rain" another go round, at least it has a cool name.


New Member
Wow, I thought the libs had moved past the global warming hoopla? The shit is old, find something new already would ya? Let's give "acid rain" another go round, at least it has a cool name.

Don't get 'em started.......:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I thought the libs had moved past the global warming hoopla? The shit is old, find something new already would ya? Let's give "acid rain" another go round, at least it has a cool name.
Lol. You mean like the liberals in the Bush White House? The military strategists in the Pentagon and the US Army War College? Those liberals???

Why is it that everyone pushing this theory is so completely and totally ignorant?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The sun is the, the, the determining factor of our current world temperature. .

wtf ???


you are killing me...

The determining factor huh?

How about the proximity of the sun to the earth?

Or how about the earths existence being the determining factor?

If you are sleeping comfortably and I take a screw driver and shove it in your arse.. and you were so bold to complain... would you except my argument that the determining factor of your comfort is the bed you are sleeping on?

If you came home and saw your wife smiling and this made you happy and then you noticed it was because I had 10 inches of KAK in her arse would you accept that the majority of your happiness is seeing your wifes smile?

Just be honest with yourself..

just because the sun is the determing factor that everything gets light and heat does not mean SHIT!

get it?


You say that you just wat your loved ones to be happy.. well that is not true. cause if they are happy with my dick in their ass. then that would upset you...

and you say that small things can not play a big role and yet you don;t like a screw driver in your bung..



New Member
Let me make this easy for you. No, it probably still won't be easy for you.......:mrgreen: When the sun "sets" at night, (I know, the earths rotation causes this. Very good.), it gets col-der, colder. When the sun rises in the morning, it gets war-mer, warmer. Sum-mer, summer, is caused by the tilt of the Earth. The tilt of the Earth, towards the sun. Win-ter, winter, is caused by the tilt of the Earth, but this time, away from the sun. Chew on this, and when you can come to the conclusion that night and day, summer and winter, the two "biggest" temperature cycles to regularly occur on this planet, are caused by the sun, and yes, very good, our proximity to it, we'll talk. Until then........

If you come in the bedroom, and, I got my cock in your mothers ass, don't call me daddy. I'm not. I'm just ass fucking your mother. Son.

And. If you walk in my house, carrying a screwdriver, it bet it has very little vodka in it, so you must be drunk, having overly indulged.

And. Boom. (Thats me legally blowing your drunk ass head off for breaking and entering) I don't sleep.:mrgreen:

And. Ipityyou. It has to be hard to interject, on any subject, with such little mental capacity available to you, garden-no-man. Better stick with the fiction, you can write any old shit and just look weird, as opposed to idiotic.:mrgreen:


New Member
"Or how about the earths existence being the determining factor?"


Garden-no-man, on global warming.

I wish he, no-man, didn't exist. Then this foolishness might stop.

Until then..........get a dictionary and settle in, no-man. This should be as good as an episode of "Buffy".

Most of the mass concentrated in the middle and began to heat up, but small perturbations due to collisions and the angular momentum of other large debris created the means by which protoplanets began to form. The infall of material, increase in rotational speed and the crush of gravity created an enormous amount of kinetic heat at the center. Its inability to transfer that energy away through any other process at a rate capable of relieving the build-up resulted in the disk's center heating up. Ultimately, nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium began, and eventually, after contraction, a T Tauri star, ignited to create the OpenDNS. Meanwhile, as gravity caused matter to condense around the previously perturbed objects outside of the new sun's gravity grasp, dust particles and the rest of the protoplanetary disk began separating into rings. Successively larger fragments collided with one another and became larger objects, ultimately destined to become protoplanets.[1] These included one collection approximately 150 million kilometers from the center: Earth. The solar wind of the newly formed T Tauri star cleared out most of the material in the disk that had not already condensed into larger bodies.

Yeah, I'm trying to say that the Earth exists only because of the Sun. As goes the Sun, goes the Earth. Doofus.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Let me make this easy for you. No, it probably still won't be easy for you.......:mrgreen: When the sun "sets" at night, (I know, the earths rotation causes this. Very good.), it gets col-der, colder. When the sun rises in the morning, it gets war-mer, warmer. Sum-mer, summer, is caused by the tilt of the Earth. The tilt of the Earth, towards the sun. Win-ter, winter, is caused by the tilt of the Earth, but this time, away from the sun. Chew on this, and when you can come to the conclusion that night and day, summer and winter, the two "biggest" temperature cycles to regularly occur on this planet, are caused by the sun, and yes, very good, our proximity to it, we'll talk. Until then........

If you come in the bedroom, and, I got my cock in your mothers ass, don't call me daddy. I'm not. I'm just ass fucking your mother. Son.

And. If you walk in my house, carrying a screwdriver, it bet it has very little vodka in it, so you must be drunk, having overly indulged.

And. Boom. (Thats me legally blowing your drunk ass head off for breaking and entering) I don't sleep.:mrgreen:

And. Ipityyou. It has to be hard to interject, on any subject, with such little mental capacity available to you, garden-no-man. Better stick with the fiction, you can write any old shit and just look weird, as opposed to idiotic.:mrgreen:
thanks for clarifying your position.



New Member
CCunt, you are an asshole of the tenth degree. I'd like to meet you face to face. the invitation stands, name the place. Oh thats right you are a spinless coward that is a big man when hidden behind a computer. I'll bet I could take you with one hand tied behind my back. Pony up big man. I live in Vegas, come get some or shut the fuck up!


New Member
me too! lol

I'd love to meet up in a field... or on a beach... a desolate location...

both of us nude (me and ccunt).... and then I'd like to continue the conversation.. :)

You are my hero. I'm pretty sure if you're knowledgeable in eastern meditation and martial arts you'd have little trouble wasting that asshole. Me, I'm just an old barfighter. I've taken a few beatings and given more. Now that I don't drink, I can focus better. I'd sure love to get ahold of this clown, I'm not a violent man, but when provoked, I can do a pretty decent job of fucking someone up, and this clown has provoked me, CCunt, come get some.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I seriously doubt it would come to blows... between me and him.. man to man...

It's funny how loving and smart people become when the field gets totally leveled and even.


New Member
CCunt, you are an asshole of the tenth degree. I'd like to meet you face to face. the invitation stands, name the place. Oh thats right you are a spinless coward that is a big man when hidden behind a computer. I'll bet I could take you with one hand tied behind my back. Pony up big man. I live in Vegas, come get some or shut the fuck up!
One hand, huh. You better have a big hand.........:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
You are my hero. I'm pretty sure if you're knowledgeable in eastern meditation and martial arts you'd have little trouble wasting that asshole. Me, I'm just an old barfighter. I've taken a few beatings and given more. Now that I don't drink, I can focus better. I'd sure love to get ahold of this clown, I'm not a violent man, but when provoked, I can do a pretty decent job of fucking someone up, and this clown has provoked me, CCunt, come get some.
Seeing how I've intellectually destroyed your ability to argue, what makes you think you'll fare any better physically? Not that I care, but you should think before you speak, and, pretend like your going to act.:mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
I seriously doubt it would come to blows... between me and him.. man to man...

It's funny how loving and smart people become when the field gets totally leveled and even.
Yeah and how big they talk behind a computer screen. I know I get a little coarse sometimes, but that was my upbringing. When the arguement got to a certain point, out came the fists. Now in my day, we didn't do knives or guns just fists and when someone went down, we didn't kick their heads in, although in CCunts case, I might make an exception. The days of the fair fight are long gone. Kids killing kids with handguns, it's crazy. Real men step up and duke it out, or come to an understanding without violence. I'm still working on that one.


New Member
I seriously doubt it would come to blows... between me and him.. man to man...

It's funny how loving and smart people become when the field gets totally leveled and even.
I would get in your face, tell you your naive, and see where it went. Argue, fight, or smoke, I'd have a blast.