Help needed please!! Ak 47

Hello people!! Really need some help!! Yesterday i changed my light over from the blue 24hour light too the red spectrum 12hour light! An now the ak47 all
Seem to have willted down! All thw leaves an plants look lifeless what can i do???


Well-Known Member
I've never had lights make'em droop~
Some lights may make'em more perty than others!
Did you just feed or water, change the nutes?
These are more likely to make'em droop!
Hello! I havnt chane the nutes or anything still watering them the same as i have been! Now i seem to have a few of te main leafs turning upside down??


Well in the future dont change two huge environmental factors at once. Not only did you just jump-start the plant into thinking its winter but you really confused it by totally swapping the light over from what it got used to, to something completely totally different.

Take a week next time, wean your plants into 12/12. Keep them on the flouros for the first week or two in 12/12. Then you can go to the HPS if you are that eager... but keep in mind your trying to emulate nature, and nature doesnt just change the suns output one day or earths daytime cycle. Its a gradual cycle, with adjustments happening every day to a real plants grow cycle and light cycle. If it just suddenly changed in nature they would probably be a little shocked out there too.

what do you mean leaves turning upside down? Curling over? Literally rotating themselves 180 degrees so their undersides face up? Assuming the plants were healthy now all you can do is wait it out... pictures would help
Helllo thankyou for your fast reply!! Im
A first time grower so i just assumed you can change the light straight over!but now i no to start to change the blue light cycle down bit by bit until i swap the lights over to hps!i will try and get a photo but yeah the leafs turning right around like 180 degrees! Thw plants were healthy before! Do you think there just shocked any more ideas??


Lots of growers do switch the light right over - most smart growers dont.

If the bottom of the leaves are literally rolling over/turning around and facing the light... Idk what to say, get them back under the CFL fixture. What spectrum is the HPS? Need more details and pics if possible


Well-Known Member
What you really need to do is put up some PIC'S!
I change my lights all at once didn't know there was
another way of doing it?


Well-Known Member
Plant dont like the stronger light probably, nute deficiency or overwatering, increased growth and plant needs not being met by shortage of nutes. Just my opinion. Peace


Active Member
What does blue to red mean exactly. We need to know what kind of blue light were you using, a floro or a MH? If you went from floro to HPS, you shocked it with too much light, not the color. It isn't really necessary to switch light either, HPS does fine to veg. Acclimate plants that were under floros to HPS 3 feet away and slowly lower them. The light is extremely strong in comparison. You'd get the same results by putting a plant that was under floros outside in direct sun, the sun is so much stronger, it'll just kill them. Get the light up as high as you can and it should perk up in a day, or better yet,go back to the floros till it perks and then start 3 feet up with the hps when it looks healthy. If you were by chance using a MH already and it did this when you switched to HPS, don't know what to tell you, people switch spectrums all the time. There's no way to half change a bulb. If this is the case, your looking at a different issue than light.
In the future, just veg under the HPS, it'll go faster than the blue floros...unless your trying to save power.
Thanks for the response!!we started the plants on a cfl 250 light! Then changed it over to a 600watt multi spectrum light the nutes im using are called biobizz nutes grow an bloom im following the chart that came with them! as too what strengths to use and we are using biobizz all mix soil! The plants seem to be picking back up! But for the future to avoid this should i do something different? Any tips to get a big yeild from
Ak47?would be very helpfull!


Active Member
don't stress it would be the first thing (like too close under the HPS too fast), longer veg time and bigger root mass= higher yield. Roots will grow bigger by keeping the nutrients at a med range the first several weeks of veg and then you turn them up and the plant itself will pop weeks 3-4. Also, you should veg under the 600, it gets bigger faster. You can always use both too so they are getting blue spectrum as well. Most of the other techniques you could use are done in the veg stage...... topping, FIM, LST, SCROG, typing branches down, etc....all training techniques to spread the plant out creating a larger canopy to allow more light to hit the tops of the plants. Its fairly specific to the individual system so I would have to see pics and its an art developed over time so theres really no easy answer....its what sets a professional apart from the novice. Aim for a 1/4 to 1/2 gram a watt as a beginner. Then try to tweak techniques to get that to a gram a watt. (and you're not allowed to count the garbage) If this is your first grow, I would be focusing on putting out top quality and growing a healthy, disease free crop.
Some people add bloom boosters but I think they do more harm than good. Two schools of a healthy plant with a good 1200-1500 ppm nute regimen of a 1-3-2 ratio will produce more......two...adding a bloom booster of 10-50-20 (for example) in weeks 6-7-8 will stress the plant causing it to grow faster..yet you get side effects of yellowing fan leaves which are your plants food source. I go with the first healthy plant way. Different posters will have different opinions. Do a side by side and come to your own conclusion. Note...if you do use them, it is very easy to burn your plants with them so start with 1/2.


Active Member
Plants droop when the light is off, don't worry about it. Especially indica heavy plants with wide leaves. Thats normal. They look really healthy.
Btw, how long did it take those to get that big under the cfl? and did you go from clone or seed? Just curious.


Active Member
Give it a few days to recover from the light issue before you start contimplating adding anything to your plant. Your nutes should be full spectrum and you shouldn't need to add anything at this point. Just remember, if you add something you can't take it out.


Well-Known Member
Give it a few days to recover from the light issue before you start contimplating adding anything to your plant. Your nutes should be full spectrum and you shouldn't need to add anything at this point. Just remember, if you add something you can't take it out.
Fullspectrum nutes! Depends where you got them from and the amount of cal/mag in your water. Most ferts i know arent 'full spectrum' like biobizz range or canna who require and state on their nutes to ppm water to 200ppm before adding ferts to allow for the extra cal/mag the water provides as even they are not 'Fullspectrum' so to say.

Often its the little things which really screw your grow up. Peace
They were under the cfl for 8 weeks and theyvwere grown from seed i ahve grown a few of out door strains feom cutting before but these seem alot better and alot more reactable to changr henxr y my other grows have never shocked they were always perked up it didnt matter wt i did but now with these ak47 its all gettin abit complicated ive follwed the biobizz chart and alll seemed well until i swapped the light!! I dont no what too doo soo confused what is ak47 like to grow?


Active Member
Sounds like you shocked it. Put the plant in a greenhouse type environment ( you can make a greenhouse from clear plastic--poke small holes in the plastic so it has air circulation--and total dark overnight to help it to recover from shock.


Active Member
I just meant since he just shocked the plant with lights most likely, he probably shouldn't be trying to fix that by adding nutrients. I would assume anybody feeding their plants something would've already checked NPK/Mg concentrations.