What factors are related to yield??


Well-Known Member
I was curious what are the factors that give you a higher yield??? How bout quality???? I already know more light, but other than light.


bud bootlegger
bigger sized containers will also net you more yield in the end of the day as will longer veg times.. the bigger the plant is before you flip the lights, the more bud you'll get at the end of the day..


Well-Known Member
i heard hydroponics has a higher yield than soil is this true??? My goal is to produce as much high quality marijuana as fast as i can perpetually


Well-Known Member
no dopeyG its quite the opposite, soil in the end will get you more yeild, but hydro is a little faster. maybe by 2-3 weeks. to getting more yeild in the end is all about training your plant, (supercropping, fiming, LST). also, how your envirment is, CO2 and tempertures reflect your yeild. nutrients, sugars, and of course light. tons of things has an impact on your end product, and of course your strain


Well-Known Member
i heard hydroponics has a higher yield than soil is this true??? My goal is to produce as much high quality marijuana as fast as i can perpetually
yes this is probably true. plants grown in hydro, even coco, are much better yielding, from my modest experience. other than that - everything. most everything. above all I think, root health - healthy roots are a key factor in yield. then of course there's the food - but I really don't know much about how to determine food for yield. Giving a plant the food it needs to stay green and healthy is one thing I can do - but I wouldn't say the same about giving a plant extra food that will make it yield more than it would in natural conditions. dunno nothing about that, but they say good things about p/k boosters.

then of course there's the light - the light is actually so important that it is used as a calculation basis for yield - your yield is calculated divided by your light, in a unit called gram per watt - gpw. So if you used a 400w hps and yielded 200 grams, your yield is parallel to another grower who grew 500g in 1000w. this is an important measuring, but it must not allow forgetting the overall grammage. in the end - this is what you go to jail for :)


Well-Known Member
no dopeyG its quite the opposite, soil in the end will get you more yeild, but hydro is a little faster. maybe by 2-3 weeks. to getting more yeild in the end is all about training your plant, (supercropping, fiming, LST). also, how your envirment is, CO2 and tempertures reflect your yeild. nutrients, sugars, and of course light. tons of things has an impact on your end product, and of course your strain
eh hydro will get u a better yield. Proven fact. As for being quicker, the will grow faster in veg but if a strain has a 10 week flowering cycle it will take same amount of time, if in soil or hydro


Well-Known Member
well of course the flowering time stays the same. I have done hydro and soil, and right now im back to soil because of my product has a lot more yeild and the taste seems to be better. also, my customers (I work at a hydroponic store) seem to think the same that have done both. however, everyone will have a diffrerent opinion when it comes to soil vs. hydro. either way whatever your more comfortable with just go that route


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure hydro will out yield soil. Im sure its been proven. I know soil gives a better taste but I would rather have more.lol


Well-Known Member
a better question would be what factors arent related to yield??? the answers would be alot shorter:-P
in short, everything is related to your yield


Well-Known Member
i understand that all these factors are related. i kinda knew most of this already. it really was a dumb question. I cant decide to go hydro or soil. i cant decide which strain i cant decide how many to grow. If i was growing for myself i wouldnt give so much of a shit but when your growing for other ppl i dont want to have problems such as not having enough or having poor quality. I mean we all know if you dont got the shit our patients are going to go elsewhere right?? there gonna do what they gotta do to get their medication right?? i cant risk that.


Well-Known Member
i already do grow for myself as it is but im not so worried about fucking up or having any of these problems

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd love to see actual empirical test results that prove hydro yeilds better than soil. I just don't see that happening unless you have a newbie grower in soil and an expert in hydro. Also, the largest bud I ever grew (about 45 grams dry wieght) came from a 20 oz dixie cup under a 1K light. That shot the whole rootball/pot size thing for me.

Your biggest factor in yield is, of course, genetics. Then, the more light you have, the bigger the buds are gonna be. The proper nutrient regimen is crucial. It's gonna boil down to your genetics, your abilities, and growing techniques, are all gonna play a part.

My yeilds increased once when I switched to 1K lights, and they got better when I switched to organics. (In soil)


Well-Known Member
Here's the skinny on that, "GENETICS" determine the yield more than any other factor, you could give a lower yielding strain the best treatment and it still probably won't outproduce a higher yielding one in poorer conditions. As far as the organics vs hydro debate, there's this old saying that comes to mind "they don't make it like they used to" IMHO modern day hydroponics only exist to $$$$$$$$$$ the industry, how much did it cost you to get started up over a soil guy? how much you have to spend in maintenance over me? WTF? will happen if your power goes out for more than a couple hours/days? I'll find me a couple laterns or even take them in and out if I have to. Soil is much more forgiving......it has it's cons too, but the key to BIG YIELDS with it is patience, lots of patience.

hydro = fast food / organics = homecooked meals


Well-Known Member
i understand that all these factors are related. i kinda knew most of this already. it really was a dumb question. I cant decide to go hydro or soil. i cant decide which strain i cant decide how many to grow. If i was growing for myself i wouldnt give so much of a shit but when your growing for other ppl i dont want to have problems such as not having enough or having poor quality. I mean we all know if you dont got the shit our patients are going to go elsewhere right?? there gonna do what they gotta do to get their medication right?? i cant risk that.
plant 10 regular seeds (or 5 feminized) of some Kush. Grow them for 45 days in at least 3gl pots. Use coco - it gives you the best of both worlds, and yields like hydro (it's actually hydro, but it feels like soil). Grow them well and you will be happy.


Well-Known Member
it sure is
but the nutrients used with it sometimes aren't.

i don't really believe in organics anyway. it's all chemicals in the end.
I love when hydro people say this to justify their beliefs but I have to say: If that statement is true, then go live off just vitamins and protein shakes for a year, they enter into your bloodsream faster than real food does, fuck it bypass all the internal processes it shouldn't have no adverse side effects, like steriods.


Well-Known Member
So you are comparing plants to humans. Deary me. Ill bet my house that if we get 2 cuts and do one soil, one hydro the hydro will produce more


New Member
Many factors, each and every factor connected to the grow. Genetics though are the final determining factor if everything else is perfect. And yes hydro out yields soil. Side by side grows, soil vs. hydro. Same veg time. And we know which method has the fastest growth rates here, hydro. Flip both grows to 12/12 at the same time, remember the hydro plants will most likey be larger at this point. Now common sense tells us the larger plant going into flower will yield the most. Hydro out yields soil.....