2 weeks flowering... getting some excessively yellow leaves, daily


Well-Known Member
it definatly nitrogen def.it could have been caused by wrong ph which caused lock out,or because you were not giving them enough nitrogen in the first place.should be easy to fix either way.good luck.


Well-Known Member
it definatly nitrogen def.it could have been caused by wrong ph which caused lock out,or because you were not giving them enough nitrogen in the first place.should be easy to fix either way.good luck.
possibly, yes. but my ph is right at or a little below 7.0. the water going in is set at 6.5. the lime buffers the soil to or alittle below 7.0. i dont believe its a lockout because the buds are developing very quickly and growing tight


Well-Known Member
Don't think its a lockout just lacking N, what kind of food are you using again and at what rate? This is my schedule, pretty simple.. After i replant my cutting into their final pots, i feed 1 ts grow big every watering until I put them into a flowering room, then I just continue with the grow big until I see that all the smaller leaves have formed and the actual buds start to fill out then I switch to my advanced nutes but when I did use ff line up it was 2 tablespoons big bloom and 2 teaspoons per gallon every other waterings. Didn't use the bloom boosters but I know that wasn't the problem, I ran into the typical yellowing 3rd-4th week of flowering and by time ff tells you to add grow big again the damage has already set it.. I would advice instead of the tiger bloom at first to replace it with grow big instead and then when they tell you to start using the growbig again is when I would start using the tiger bloom.. sorry if my blabbering sounded a little confusing. But the foliar feeding I mentioned works great and will clear up a def alot quicker


Well-Known Member
You can also supplement your soil with a slow release N food to keep them nice and green, I haven't tried it yet but was doing some reading on slow release N so when I get time i'm gonna do a few test plants


Active Member
Whenever im nitrogen def, i usually use Green Stay, its a foliar feed, and my plants just jump right back. Foliar feeding in the fastest way to get nutrients to your plant. But if you use it, make sure you only spray the leaves not the buds.


Well-Known Member
i usually go alittle light on the additives... when you see the burn does it start at the tips of the leaves? or random blotches on the leaves? im currently not seeing ANY tips burnt on leaves... maybe lower leaves near the top of the soil only


New Member
flushing is always good....best way i can put it is....your plants emit a byproduct after feeding(just like you)...that byproduct is acidic water ond oxygen, you need to flush it out(thats just a nutshell, but you get the idea) also salt build ups from nutes... flushing is just a good habbit to get into, EXPECIALLY in soil

EDIT: oh yea, your plants are hungry!
The best way you can put it? The same roots that need oxygen emit oxygen that needs to be flushed? Roots emits acidic water? Ya your a prodigy alright........


Well-Known Member
The best way you can put it? The same roots that need oxygen emit oxygen that needs to be flushed? Roots emits acidic water? Ya your a prodigy alright........
pants very from species to species...why dont you stop reading other people shit from years ago, and start figuring shit out yourself, there hasnt been ALOT of studies done on MJ... and obviously they dont emit a shit load of water, very little, but overtime can build up....but there is some that is emited after the process off taking it up, it SEEMED TO BE acidic TO ME, and i noticed this when i was experimenting with hydro... the oxygen was a stoned mistype...alltho plants do emit oxygen as a by product, so stfu


Well-Known Member
i decided im going to make a tea of purvian seabird guano 10-10-2 and give them some inbetween nutes while flowering


New Member
pants very from species to species...why dont you stop reading other people shit from years ago, and start figuring shit out yourself, there hasnt been ALOT of studies done on MJ... and obviously they dont emit a shit load of water, very little, but overtime can build up....but there is some that is emited after the process off taking it up, it SEEMED TO BE acidic TO ME, and i noticed this when i was experimenting with hydro... the oxygen was a stoned mistype...alltho plants do emit oxygen as a by product, so stfu
Nice job of back pedaling rookie.......


Well-Known Member
Nice job of back pedaling rookie.......
whats with you kid? get off my dick...if you want, send me your cell #, i text you a pic of my balls to keep you comfy, lol, your a joke man, and your weed is prolly trash
EDIT: was no back pedaling, just a unwillingness to argue with a newb prolly growin under CFLs, one day you MIGHT get on my level....but after readin you journal, it seems your a old fart, so there is no hope for you, like they say, "cant teach a old dog new tricks"...ahha