There is no optimal size container or if there is... optimal for what?
Giving them as much soil as possible is always guaranteeing maximal harvests here at my place.
I would not want to settle for anything less then 1 cubic meter of soil.
To whatever soil mix you use, I would want to mix it with 50% home made organic compost/wormcastings.
This shut is no auto flower plant if so take it inside and flower under 24 hours light!!!
fellas, please don't feed the greenthumb hater troll, just ignore him, he's trying to get his ass baned like bricktop.So y r u comparing it to other autos????
Optimal for yield. Early/Auto flowering plants usually benefit being placed in a container to limit root growth and focus on leaf/bud growth.
It is mainly an outdoor plant and acts like an auto outdoors except it apparently has high yields and apparently is good smoke, unlike other 'autos'.
Limiting root growth is never beneficial? I personally have little experience with auto's however, the Il Diavolo I have growing now is doing great in a 12 liter pot, limiting root growth. All the people who are specialists on autos use containers to limit root growth. I guess you have more experience than all these growers.What?
Early flowering plants and auto's are 2 different things and limiting root growth is never beneficial to a plant and does not focus the plant to produce leaves and buds.
Probably because it's not an auto-flowering plant. Auto's are triggered by age and the iranians are still photo-period sensitive.
I don't care if it's 'true' Ruderalis or not. If it has all the traits of Ruderalis but it isn't truly Ruderalis does not matter two shits to me. I realize it's a very photo sensitive plant (so not true Ruderalis), good for it.Exactly still don't get y he doesn't care of it's a auto but yet compare it to a auto!!
So let me get this right u have to shorten the lighting schedule indoors for a so called auto flower to flower when auto flower CLEARLY performs better with more than 12/12 lighting.It does autoflower outdoors. It autoflowers indoors too but the flowering is weak, therefore to get best yield, flower it at 12?12 or 14/10