In my dafter times I was on this bendy road with a friend in my old bmw wearing no seatbelts, just a small ride to show off the car and all that jazz
It was a rear wheel drive and after speeding it up and doing some half donuts on the side of the road we started driving back.
As I was approaching the last big bend at around 100km I thought it was a great idea to turn the steering wheel late on purpose so we have some ass wobbling going on with the car. I said "look what I`m gonna do now"... "go on dude"<--- Fucking idiots lol
I wasn`t really thinking, I just did it. I turned the wheel right hard and as soon as I did the car swung across the road and we almost hit a van coming the next way at around 100 himself. As you can imagine I was jerking the wheel left for dear life at this point and almost went off the road on the other side and hit the trees! Jerking it right again made it to the center of the road and just looking forward holding onto the steering now, no acceleration, car slowing down.... Realisation....
"You controlled it well"
"Yeah that was fucking scary"
And we just drove back laughing.... This made me really feel for everybody who suffered a car crash in their irresponsible drivind days it just shows how easy it can happen....
Lesson well learnt