Lansing Sept 7th

5 hours south for something that will probably just be a huge pot fest, no thanks. Ill keep writing my senators and reps. hoping they see the light.


Well-Known Member
5 hours south for something that will probably just be a huge pot fest, no thanks. Ill keep writing my senators and reps. hoping they see the light.
It's not going to be a pot fest. WTF man, why are you such a negatron? People know that if we all go there and start firing up it will make us look bad. Leave your shit in the car for the ride and bring a dd...

I think the real reason you are shunning it is because of who rallied the thing... Who fucking cares man it is only in your best interests, unless you just like having an illegal grow and your name on a list at the sheriff's office?
It's not going to be a pot fest. WTF man, why are you such a negatron? People know that if we all go there and start firing up it will make us look bad. Leave your shit in the car for the ride and bring a dd...

I think the real reason you are shunning it is because of who rallied the thing... Who fucking cares man it is only in your best interests, unless you just like having an illegal grow and your name on a list at the sheriff's office?
negatron? stop watching the transformers, this is real life here kid and i am looking at things with a common sense approach and not the rose colored glasses you wear.
NOONE is looking out for you but yourself, not the MMMA, not medz, NOONE.
If it wasnt making some kind of money the MMMA wouldnt be into it.
wake up.


Well-Known Member
negatron? stop watching the transformers, this is real life here kid and i am looking at things with a common sense approach and not the rose colored glasses you wear.
NOONE is looking out for you but yourself, not the MMMA, not medz, NOONE.
If it wasnt making some kind of money the MMMA wouldnt be into it.
wake up.
Sorry, I like words like "negatron" I thought it was funny and a way to say it without sounding like I was trying to insult you... I'm not a kid man, I'm almost 40... I don't wear Lennon glasses either.

You are wrong. There are a few people looking out for me. I'm looking out for everybody here. When I go to Lansing Sept 7th I'm not doing it for myself. I'm doing it for everybody that benefits from MMJ. Strengh in numbers man.. you've heard that before right?

If all the people with your type of attitude would come out of their shell and be heard then the fucking state would think twice about fucking with our law. But no, there was about 300 people at the last protest standing up for the over 80,000 cardholders in the state. You say that people aren't looking out for us but it's the majority that sit back and do nothing that hinder the effort of the people who are actually trying.


Well-Known Member

40,000 pissed people on the lawn yelling "we're not gonna take it" would be quite a message. if these laws pass we're fucked.


Well-Known Member

40,000 pissed people on the lawn yelling "we're not gonna take it" would be quite a message. if these laws pass we're fucked.
Exactly, and when we're all fucked it will be nobody's fault except for the people that kicked back and done nothing.

this is the MMMA and their defense. read a few of these stories and tell me what you think.
They all can be boiled down to one common cause, They were selling/growing illegally.
One was growing too many plants and inside a school zone and another was growing outside in the open.
Blatant and clear violations of the law, but also notice how soon that is forgotten and everyone is jumping on the cops and judicial system for doing their jobs.

any good done by the 9/7 rally will be quickly forgotten when these stories hit the local papers.
Good luck with your rally I truly hope you get what you expect down there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, but this is about the voting of ammendments that will make us all illegal. Nothing to do with those stories. I'm not going to protest about someone that got busted, neither is anyone else. Why are you trying to spin it that way? We all know you don't like MMMA, this isn't a support MMMA rally...
but it is a MMMA sponsored event.

Just because you like Hooters wings dosent mean you like big titties.

But if you go there, people might get confused as to which is true, is it the wings or the titties?

If you go to a MMMA supported rally you are in fact supporting the MMMA as well as your cause.
My .02 and I am through with this thread.
again good luck and be safe and stay legal


Well-Known Member
That's fine JoC, but MMMA aren't the only organizations supporting the event! For gods sake man! lol It's fine, I wont think any less of you if you go or don't go. (and I know you don't give a fuck what I think anyways)


Well-Known Member
go to the thing-

and bring a sign. with your reps name on it in big letters.
nothing else.
it has nothing to do with a bullshit court case. 99% of which fall under the affirmative defense portion of the law, and ARE legal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hate crowds too.. But I'm still going. I'll be the guy in the back with anxiety lol.

Do you know what "word salad" is? Anxiety? fuck I lose my peripheral vision and cannot think and could get to the point of not being able to move. You never wanna put me in a situation were I lose the ability to is

I really wish I could go! you have no idea how many things I wish I could do. Especially something like this!. I will stay in my garden and wait for your return. Do me right boys, do us all right and rep MI when you are there.

2 is company 3 is hell, see ya stumpjumper

I am so much for you boys going I will mail the guy that is driving the carpool 25 bucks for gas.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what "word salad" is? Anxiety? fuck I lose my peripheral vision and cannot think and could get to the point of not being able to move. You never wanna put me in a situation were I lose the ability to is

I really wish I could go! you have no idea how many things I wish I could do. Especially something like this!. I will stay in my garden and wait for your return. Do me right boys, do us all right and rep MI when you are there.

2 is company 3 is hell, see ya stumpjumper

I am so much for you boys going I will mail the guy that is driving the carpool 25 bucks for gas.
That bad huh? You better stay in the garden lol....


Well-Known Member
Ahh it is not all bad. I do not have many of your fears. As a matter of fact crowds, spiders, snakes, and salamandors are all that can scare me. You see?

Although this thread does sadden me as to it reminds me of my reality. I do wanna go and make damn sure one of them senators knows who I am and what I want. The 25 bucks for gas is how I can help. Truth be known if I knew any of you I would pay for the whole trip.

You see we all have tools to use to help each other if we just take time look at the whole machine in front of our faces.


New Member

this is the MMMA and their defense. read a few of these stories and tell me what you think.
They all can be boiled down to one common cause, They were selling/growing illegally.
One was growing too many plants and inside a school zone and another was growing outside in the open.
Blatant and clear violations of the law, but also notice how soon that is forgotten and everyone is jumping on the cops and judicial system for doing their jobs.

any good done by the 9/7 rally will be quickly forgotten when these stories hit the local papers.
Good luck with your rally I truly hope you get what you expect down there.
Exactly. The laws will always be under scrutiny and change when the majority are breaking it. Then they cry "Oh it's a grey area... It's not well worded... blah blah" STFU quit trying to bend, contort and make the laws into your personal drug venture. There are real people who need this, and the idiots, morons and wankers are going to pretty much make it end or become useless to get anymore.

I highly doubt there will be as many people in Lansing as there are idiots and criminals (which is what they are) that are breaking them and pumping their firsts that they are doing no wrong.

I will be at home, taking care of my girls waiting for the shake out as these things will never make any difference with the numbers you show up with. Let's face it its like a weed growers farmers market that will be there. No doubt some of them will be discussing "illegal" operations they have going now, yet fighting for laws. Hypocritical? Maybe.