Craziest shit you have ever done


Well-Known Member
Ate ten hits of acid and a crystal shard of Molly at a widespread panic show.

Trafficked lbs from Colorado to philly, nerve wracking shit (hypothetically of course)

Skydiving was amazing


Active Member
Ate ten hits of acid and a crystal shard of Molly at a widespread panic show.

Trafficked lbs from Colorado to philly, nerve wracking shit (hypothetically of course)

Skydiving was amazing
You really shouldnt talk about trafficking and illegal shit.... Its against the riu rules, It could get the thread deleted... Plus its really stupid


Well-Known Member
never drinking chest feels like its gonna melt.I need to hit up the store for some pepcid lol.


Well-Known Member
Oxys are fucking gay. Popped 10 within 5hours and diddn't feel shit!
Now morphine, that shit will have you FUCKED UP!
I thought I was sober so I rode my bike to a friends house and got fucked up off of water. Guess I still had a shitload of morphine stuck to my stomach lining. Jacking people for pills gets you green lighted in my town unless they jacked you first.


Well-Known Member

On the New post page i see this thread and your screen name is directly under the title....i'm high an thats funny

What's the craziest thing you've done



Well-Known Member
Now that I think about it, 6pills of morphine had me fucked up every time I drank some water for about 3 days. I think they were 15mgs too. If I drank too much water I would feel like puking just like downing quarter bottles of whiskey. This shit had me spinning when I looked down thinking I would puke. Not good times, I don't reccomend morphine to anyone.

Edit- It was probably the codine in that shit.


Glassblowing Moderator
when U first started driving i had a mushroom pendant hanging from my mirror, I used to swerve back and fourth to make it hit my mirror. called it "mushroom in the mirror" one time in the winter robotrippin i played it and ended up in a ditch between two tree. just for that stupid ass reason. young dumb and full of drugs... made me and the passanger end up in the smooshed together on top of the console waiting for the jaws of life. then after they cut the roof off we somehow were allright. I have not drank robotussin since..... god I was stoopid... It was also in a subdivision that my friends parents lived in. they were backing out of there driveway when I skidded by and hit there neighbors trees. they thought we were both dead....


Well-Known Member
You really shouldnt talk about trafficking and illegal shit.... Its against the riu rules, It could get the thread deleted... Plus its really stupid
It's hypothetical nothing I say on here is true

Btw I hate people like you, I never do pills but anyone who robs people then brags about it deserves to get their teeth kicked in and left in a ditch


Well-Known Member
i've done a lot of shit that i wouldn't even tell my closest friends..

but there have been many times that i've been raided and got away with it (not for weed/ and a few of the times for reasons worse than drugs)


Active Member
Walked through a Moroccan marketplace at 3 am in the morning, on the way back from a club with a friend drunk as hell, got tailed by a few suspicious looking characters and we were offered every drug under the sun = from one guy. Coke, ampthetamines, exstasy, shrooms, etc. then went to a restrauraunt before going back to the hostel and 3 guys come in and up the stairs, we're sitting smoking cigarettes and the guy askes us what we're smoking and if we smoke hashish, the drops a chunk on the table that was at least an ounce of the best looking hash i've ever seen in my life. this was durning a school trip when I was 15. it was a good night. if you like drugs visit essaouria in morocco


Well-Known Member
Pretended I was Muslim, drew a derogatory cartoon about Jesus, sent it around to newpapers and media, got it published in a small inner city magazine, got no feedback, no death threats, caused no riots except in the printing room when they caught a word mistake.
Crazy ass shit or what


Active Member
It's hypothetical nothing I say on here is true

Btw I hate people like you, I never do pills but anyone who robs people then brags about it deserves to get their teeth kicked in and left in a ditch
Im the idiot for saying i robbed someone.... youre the fucking moron bragging to the whole site that you trafficked pounds.... whos really the idiot??