kevin murphy;
The now ID'd syrup was grown under 18/6 until it started flowering. Then I said fuckit and just moved it into my flower chamber. I did have a White Dwarl autofem that went from germination to harvest in 70 days. It was short, sticky and yielded approx. 1/2 oz dried.
The sleestack x skunk has been drinking molasses every day. It can't get enough nutrients, I just put worm castings in its pot last week for a little Nitrogen. It should be ready to harvest this week or next. The trichs which I can see clearly with a 30x loupe are still clear and the red hairs haven't begun to recede.
The SLH is only growing buds now. All the fan leaves not in a nugget have browned and fallen off. Her trichs are still pretty clear. Plus being mostly a sativa it should flower longer before harvest.