Does rollitup use forum app for smart phones?


Active Member
I've noticed some forums use apps that help. I think one is called tapatalk. Anyone know if rollitup supports anything like this?


New Member
There's probably something for iPhones even if its not produced or approved by RIU - some kinds of general app but I'm positive there's nothing for Blackberry's


Well-Known Member
Lol, 'holy spliff'. I always thought that when I saw it, I don't know why no one else did X3

But yeah, I rarely have a reliable wireless internet signal on my Mac, so most of the time I use Safari or Opera Mini on my iphone for RIU.


Well-Known Member
I can access these forums on my Android just fine. Only drawback is posting is a pain and I have to enlarge the screen/text to read

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't see what the issue is. I double tap my screen and it zooms in to the correct zoom, from there on it's just a perfectly ordinary web forum which i use as i would any web forum except i'm using touch input instead of a mouse. The only issues come in the form of typing, but that's the same shit for anything the phone requires typing for. Only 2 months left on my contract though, then i can ditch this POS

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Probably ditch mobiles altogether or just grab a sony w850i from ebay or something. Either way i'd rather a phone that actually works and that isn't a brick after a few hours use. Smartphones should come with a bandoleer of spare batteries. I'm not normal though, my life doesn't revolve or even include twitter and facebook, so as such Internet on a phone isn't really of much use :D


Active Member
The "holy spliff", thats hilarious

I was just asking cause I can't upload pics on here from my iphone for some reason, might be cause I'm slightly tarded.


Well-Known Member
No he is not retarded. Clicking the button for adding attachments/pasting the url for a picture doesn't work on the iphone.

I have to use photobucket mobile.


Active Member
Yeah i mean I know I can upload pics just not on my phone. So I guess I'm excepted into admittance on my pc just not my phone lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was stoned and trying to be humoruous. Here was me complaining about my phone being crap. seems the only issues are with iphones :D although I guess that shouldn't be a surprise :p


i have the experia x8 not tried it on here yet but never had a prob with the internet on it just google then use as if was on the lappy